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Posts posted by hipmom

  1. I do know that atvs are not allowed on the streets or power line trails. They have to be riden on private land. My husband was riding our son on our 4 wheeler up the street (slowly and with helmets on) lasy year and there happen to be a police officer riding through and pulled him over. The police officer was very hateful to my husband and told him if he ever saw him again riding in the neighborhood he would give him a ticket and impound the 4 wheeler. It sounds like the teens that are riding on your street are being out of control and I would report them.

  2. Anyone know if Thursday is still an early release day. According to the calendar that I have, they get out 2 hours early.


    Is this the new calendar or old? Are they still getting out early Thursday?


    And are the out all next week for Thanksgiving?


    Just thought I would check and make sure what to expect.


    I received a note from my sons school today. Yes, they do get out 2 hrs early on Thursday and they are out all next week. WooHoo!!

  3. They are GREAT! I took my 3 children last year. I had in mind what I wanted in addition to their special package and they were able to do it. I got three black & white 10 x 13 of each child to go over my mantel, all full body pictures. They turned out so well and you can't beat the prices.

  4. I did hire an attorney to collect back child support and medical expenses owed by my ex husband. 1000.00 later and going to court, I still have not received any money. It is court ordered to come out of his paycheck but this is a VERY slow process and has not happened yet. After going to court I called my attorney to check on the status of things and found out not only is the money suppose to come out of his check but it will be handled by Child Support Recovery from now on. I guess thats good, not really sure yet. I have been told they have more pull than an attorney does--can suspend license, garnish income tax return, jail time. etc.


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