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Posts posted by Mountainmaverick

  1. Yes, I knew this was a law, but I've always practiced this even before I knew it was law. It's just common courtesy and practicing safety to swerve over when there are cars or people on or near the shoulder of the road. If you cannot swerve over, try to at least slow down significantly so that you reduce the chances of causing an accident or making an existing accident worse. If you're on a highway like 278, 120, or the 4-lane portion of 92, you should at least make an effort to get all the way over into the far lane (left hand lane if there's activity on the shoulder, right hand lane if there's activity on the median.) The law is there just as much for your own safety as for the safety of pedestrians and/or motorists parked on the side of the road.

  2. I'm glad there are folks out there who still remember the significance of that generation and the war they fought, which literally changed the world in many, many ways. My grandfather is now dead, he was a survivor of the Bataan Death March, and spent WWII in prison camps in the Philippines and Japan. I'm so thankful for all the thousands of soldiers and sailors who fought and died so that he could get back home safely. I'm also thankful that Truman decided to immediately drop the atomic bombs on Japan to end the war because the Japanese had told all the prisoners that the day that the first American soldiers set foot on Japanese soil to invade the home islands, they were going to behead every single allied POW. He once told me, that in his camp, they weren't even going to wait, he said that they went ahead and scheduled executions and that he could read his name and the date that they were going to kill him posted on a bulletin board. Thank God the bombs were dropped!! Else, I wouldn't be here today.

  3. i believe the difference to be the fact that whites used the n word while enslaving blacks..it was said to refer to a piece of property....the most derogatory thing a person can do to another without (or with if the slaveowner wished) raping or murdering them..ENSLAVING them....EVIL


    it adds extra offence...calling someone a redneck is nothing


    cracker? boo hoo


    if whites had been the slaves and blacks the slaveowners the n word would be nothing and cracker would be called the c word



    Actually blacks enslaved the blacks. The whites merely purchased them from their African masters. By the way, there are no blacks in America alive today that were ever slaves, so you can forget comparing them to their ancestors. There are no whites in America alive today that were ever slave owners. Also, the vast majority of whites' ancestors were non-slave owners anyway.


    Name calling is name calling regardless of circumstance, background, or history. There is no "extra offense." It's right or wrong, period. I've been bounced out of a black club in Atlanta, even though I was just having a good time and dancing Why? Because my skin is white. Racism. Is it less racist to kick me out because I'm white? No, racism is racism, period. It was their club, they had every right to do what they did, I agree. But I think people like you should quit trying to justify anything that a black person does wrong by saying, oh, they were slaves.


    BS..........they were just as free as I was. I've yet to see a slave start up a dance club.



    As far as Waffle House is concerned, if they wanted to bounce them out, they should have done it. They have that right. But, if they do it to the white kids who come in there and run their mouths, they need to do it to everybody that comes in there shooting off at the mouth regardless of color or class.


    It's this BS justification of wrong doing that pushes people to the extremes. Blacks hear one person say the "n" word, and all of a sudden all whites are devils. Whites hear one person say the "h" word and the "c" word, and the next thing you know we're back to where we were before. No progress has been made. This whole, "let's judge or justify" based on color needs to go away completely. Everyone can say it or else nobody can say it. That's the way it needs to be. I think either way is fine.


    If nobody says it, nobody gets offended.

    If everybody says it, we all grow a thick skin and say whoopdy doo, and get on with life.


    But if we just decide, OK, we'll just criticize whites when they mess up, but we'll let blacks get away with it because of their ancestors' suffering, all you do is breed resentment among whites, who turn around and want to act like bigots on a regular basis. What we've done is created a vicious cycle of resentment, suspicion, hatred, and ignorance, that is fed on a regular basis by the media and both oversensitive wimps and insensitive hardhearts. We're never going to be able to move forward like this.

  4. A walk or ride on the Silver Comet Trail is always fun. Picketts Mill State Battlefield Park is interesting. Also, there are so many different areas along the Chattahoochee National Recreation Area. I wouldn't go fishing or swimming there, but hiking around there is always fun. My personal favorite areas are Paces Mill, and the East and West Palisades all in NW Atlanta/Vinnings/Cumberland.

  5. When man first sinned against the Lord in the Garden of Eden, God cursed man by expelling him from the Garden of Eden. Before man rebelled against God, there existed perfect harmony between Adam, Eve, and the Lord. Sin disrupted that harmony. God told Adam and Eve that if they disobeyed Him, that they would surely die. Spiritually, they died immediately, and eventually, they died physically as well. Therefore, Paul writes in Romans, "The wages of sin is death."


    Man attempted to cover his inadequacy (his nakedness) with fig leaves. This is a metaphor for good works. Many believe that we can work our way to heaven through good deeds. This did not do the job however. It failed to cover the sin. Why must sin be covered? Because a holy and perfect God cannot tolerate sin, He will destroy it if it is brought into His holy presence. God, therefore covered Adam and Eve's sin by killing animals and clothing them in their skin.


    Why? Again, "The wages of sin is death." In other words if sin is committed, something must die, and it can't just be any animal. It must be a clean animal, it must be kosher. It must be pure and innocent. Also, the sacrifice must be offered up or presented to the Lord by holy hands. Therefore, in the beginning, the Lord offered the sacrifice for Adam and Eve Himself.


    It is because of these things, it is written, "For without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin." Clean sacrifices offered to the Lord by clean hands routinely covered the sins of those who offered and accepted the sacrifices on a routine basis.


    For an eternal covering of sin, however, there had to be an eternal sacrifice. God Himself would have to provide the ultimate sacrifice by fulfilling the prophesies of the Old Testament and offering up His only son. His son is the clean, pure, and innocent Lamb of God. Jesus offered Himself as the ultimate sacrificial lamb for all the sins of the world, but it didn't stop there. Jesus also demonstrated His power as the sinless Son of the Living God by rising from the dead. Because Jesus did not sin, He was able to conquer death and offer eternal life to all who would accept His sacrifice by believing in Him.


    Many don't believe that He rose from the dead, but He did. There were many witnesses, and they are clearly recorded in the gospels. If He didn't rise again, then why did those disciples, who scattered and ran for their lives after His death, decide to suddenly believe in His resurrection even to the point of martyrdom? And by martrydom, I don't mean like an Islamikaze who blows himself up in a bus full of people, I mean someone who stood by their beliefs and refused to strike back, but rathered presented themselves as clean and credible witnesses to the power of Allmighty God until the bitter end. They believed even though their own families, friends, and people rejected them. They were fed to lions, crucified, crucified upside down, set on fire and used as torches, stoned to death, drawn and quartered, and sent to starve on isolated islands among other punishments all simply because they wanted everyone to know that we serve a risen savior, and there is only one way to eternal life.


    If one honestly thinks that these disciples of Christ endured all of this for a myth, then why were they so scared at first? Why would Peter deny Christ after his crucifiction? Peter was later willing to be crucified upside down which causes the head to explode due to the rushing of blood to the head. Why would they be so scared at first, and then, all of a sudden, willing to endure all of those horrible things? I'll tell you why, because they saw Jesus alive! They didn't hear about Him, they didn't maybe thought they saw Him. They saw Him, ate with Him, touched Him, and talked with Him.


    By the way, He's coming back, very soon.


    As for the Born Again comment: This is a reference to spiritual rebirth. This spiritual rebirth is the result of accepting Jesus as the sacrifice for our sins on an individual basis. One cannot be a Christian unless they are born again. A Christian is a follower of Jesus Christ. Jesus told Nicodemus, "No one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again."

  6. Cain sacrificed to the same God that Abel sacrificed to. Cain's sacrifice was unacceptable to the Lord. Abel's sacrifice was respected by the Lord.


    Beware of Pantheism, it is a false religion that does NOT produce worship acceptable to the Father.


    Remember the First Comandment: The Lord thy God is a jealous God. Thall shalt have no other gods before The Lord.


    Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the light, no man comes to the Father but by me."

  7. I'd go with the dental office. I worked at White Water once, and it's alot of fun until you're stuck in the middle of a thunderstorm and you have to tie down metal chairs so they don't blow all over the park. That part isn't fun at all. Daycare is risky because all it takes is one pissed off person, and the next thing you know you're getting sued for just about anything under the sun.


    Working in a dental office sounds like it could be a foot in the door to a possible good career making decent pay. It's indoors and not seasonal. I guess you could get sued working there, but it's more likely to happen to the dentist than to an assistant.

  8. Bash away, but this is my story.


    The last time I prayed was 9-15-02.


    It was my daughters 7th birthday and the ONLY day I left my son alone at Egleston Children's Hospital. He had some severe problems and his future was precarious.


    I prayed for my son to not continue on if it would make me be a bad parent to my daughters.


    My son beat unbeatable odds and survived. :huh:


    Now I feel guilt because of that prayer I prayed; so I just don't do it anymore.


    Go ahead, let me have it. What do you think?



    I think, in the midst of horrible places, we often pray for things that we eventually feel bad about. Elijah prayed for death... Paul longed for it. I have prayed for death, for life, and all things in between. Each morning I wake up next to my wonderful Bride, I thank God that I have breath enough to whisper good morning to her and sight enough to see her smile... both things that I have prayed He would take away.


    But I don't think it makes me any less precious to God or to my wife that I prayed for such things. He knows, she knows, and one or two others know the lows that I sank to after my first love was killed.


    I'd say you are being too hard on yourself.


    One last note: When I was in high school, I attended a small church over in Cobb county. During our Wed night R.A. service, one of my closest friends was asked to pray... During the midst of his prayer, someone knocked on the door to our room. He ended his prayer by saying, "Oh, and God? Please destroy whoever is knocking on the door." It was the preacher's daughter, and she's still alive today. The point is that God knows the innermost parts of our hearts. Your prayer didn't make you a horrible parent. It made you a parent dependent on a soveriegn God. That is never a bad thing, in my book.


    Edited to add this: When my first love was killed, the very day she died... She asked me to stay home and spend time with her. I had to leave town that Friday for duty with the Navy reserve, so I told her that I had to go... that I'd see her on Monday. In hindsight, that one decision to go has cost me so much grief... but it was still the right decision. My decision didn't end her life any more than your prayer made you a bad parent... though I spent quite a long while feeling otherwise.


    And, of course, there is always the other side... You're son is still here, and you are a good Mom to your daughters as well as your son. :)


    Yes and Jesus Himself prayed to allow the cup to pass from Him, in other words to not go through with the sacrifice on the cross for our sins. His prayer was that He didn't really want to do it if there was another way.


    The Lord Himself has given us the example. Even in the most difficult of times, when you don't really know what to pray for or how, just ask for the Father's will. Unfortunately we don't always get the answer we want or like, but then again, it's not just all about us.

  9. You're absolutely right, rising fuel costs will cause prices of all goods to go up across the board. My point, however, was that the prices are the results of the economic laws of supply and demand, not an individual's retirement package. The oil industry has produced incredible wealth ever since the turn of the century. John D. Rockefeller didn't get rich by overcharging for oil and gasoline, he got rich because oil and gasoline replaced coal as the chief fuel of transportation. The prices are also driven up by the high risks assumed by the companies in the industry.


    As far as the athletes are concerned, I hope you're not watching professional sports either. Television contracts earn far more revenue than ticket sales or concessions. You probably hurt them more by going to the game rather than watching it on TV. Well, I feel sorry for people who are jealous of how much money other people make. The 10th Comandment says that Thou Shalt Not Covet. Because I employ that commandment, I can enjoy a baseball game, and I don't have to go home to a mansion to be happy. I just like watching the sport played by the world's best, and I could care less how much money they make. If I want to be cheap, I'll buy the $1 tickets, if I want a good view, I'll pay more. College ball is cheaper, but the talent level isn't even close to the same. Most of the college ball players are struggling just to pay rent, but that doesn't make me feel any better when I see them blow an easy double play.


    Personally, I'd hate to see athletes saleries drop to teachers' levels..........if you consider the performance of public schools, some of which graduate students who can barely read or write. I'd have to say athletes are earning their pay much more than teachers.


    Think about how much money they earn for their bosses...

    Some teachers are great, and I'd like to teach too............but I'm not going to worry about making as much as Andruw Jones, I don't consider myself as talented, even if I was, people don't want to watch people teach, it's boring, people want to watch people play sports and race, because it's..................FUN!! And if people want to watch it on television, you better believe it'll make alot of money. You ought to know Ken!!! Think about it, what would most people prefer to watch, a teacher movie or a cop movie?? Let's put up Mr Holland's Opus vs. Dirty Harry, which is more popular?? Dirty Harry, why? Because cop movies are more entertaining than teacher movies.


    People say...........they just play a game. BS, it's a career that they train their whole lives for, and most of them don't even make it much less last. They have to work out 365 days per year to keep their bodies in shape, you don't think it's hard work?? I dare you to keep the diet and workout regiment of the average big league professional athlete. I quadruple dog dare you. I'm going to go out on a limb and make the claim that 75% of Americans cannot even keep a steady workout program for longer than one year straight.


    Anyway, that's my rant.......I say, you really want to put a dent into athlete's salaries........then turn the TV off and go out and play sports instead of watching.


    Most athletes don't make $1 million per year anyway...........for every one of those, there are 10 who'll never even make the big leagues. Just another tactic from the people who love class warfare........another myth from those who want to turn our government into some kind of imperial Robin Hood.


    Take from the rich........give to the poor, I'm telling you it's nothing but pure socialism.

  10. This doesn't work because gasoline is kind of a universal product. There's

    not a whole lot of difference in gasoline whether it's bought from Phillips

    or Coastal or Exxon/Mobile, or Kroger, or wherever. So, if a gasoline

    company had lots of excess gas because of a boycott, they would just simply

    earn revenue by selling their excess gasoline to companies that are selling

    it with no problem. Other companies are happy to take it off their hands

    because it's already refined, it just needs to be shipped. The companies

    still earn their money, and the boycott in ineffective.


    Probably the best way to reduce gas prices would be to reduce the cost of

    shipping the gasoline. Not one single oil refinery has been built in this

    country since 1975. I'm not sure how many have been shut down, but I would

    assume at least 3-5 of them. Now, how can we in this country NOT expect

    gasoline prices to steadily increase? We have not done one single thing in

    my lifetime to increase, let alone, maintain domestic refining capacity.

    Results? Population has increased so drivers have increased, yet domestic

    refining capacity has decreased, so in order to keep the economy going,

    more gasoline has to be refined abroad and imported regardless of whether

    the oil was pumped out of Kuwait or the Gulf of Mexico. Therefore, we're

    seeing ever increasing shipping costs for the gas. Cars don't run on crude

    oil!! It has to be refined.


    As for the $1.00 per gallon of gas...those days are gone, probably forever.

    Consider the economies of China and India, the world's two most populous

    countries are both in the boom part of the economic cycle right now. They

    are embracing the capitalist economic model more so than in any other time

    in their respective histories. In some parts of China, like Hong Kong, the

    economy is actually more capitalistic than the United States. Taxes and

    regulations are lower, and it's easier to start a business there. Results?

    Demand for gasoline in those countries has skyrocketed. That plus the fact

    that the US economy is doing great despite what the dinosaur media would

    have you believe means that global demand for oil and gasoline is at an all

    time high, and it's continuing to increase right now. Let's not forget

    that we're a nation at war right now, which means an even higher than

    normal demand for the use of oil and gas. It's an absolute economic law, I

    don't care how much you hate oil companies, that when demand for a product

    increases, the supplier will continue to increase the price so long as he

    sees his profit margins continuing to increase. A local boycott of one

    gasoline company for a couple of weeks/months doesn't mean anything

    compared to the national or global economy. Also, because there's war

    going on in the Middle East, OPEC has to deal with constant uncertainties

    in the market. Will civil war break out in Iraq? Will the US or Israel

    finally bomb those nuclear power plants in Iran? How will this affect

    Saudi Arabia? Will there be more terror attacks in Saudi Arabia itself?

    All these things make the oil business quite risky, at least in the Persian

    Gulf. Increased risk means higher prices. Bottom line, unless we see

    another internal price war within OPEC, we're probably not going to see

    $1.00 per gallon of gas anytime soon, and that's not going to happen unless

    there's another OPEC nation that's stupid enough to challenge Saudi

    leadership of the cartel.


    Oh yeah, I forgot about inflation. I'd like to know what the price per

    gallon is today, but in 1998 dollars, I know it'd probably still be

    significantly more expensive, but it might put things into a little better



    By the way, I think it's funny that people always complain about how much athletes make, but they rarely complain about how much team owners make, which is often astronimically higher. They typically fail to take into account how much athletes earn for their respective teams as well.


    Who should determine how much money people can make anyway? The government? Oh, right, ........that's Socialism.


    Thanks for your observations Comrade Ken!!

  11. Is that the guy that's always out standing by that produce stand at the Shell Station on the corner of 92 and 120? That guy's so friendly, he even waved at me when I used to go by working 3rd shift at 3:00 in the morning. People just aren't friendly like that anymore.

  12. Sometimes dogs just don't like kids for whatever reason. Sometimes it's because a dog may have been abused by children before, or it may be that the kids just make the dog nervous if it's just used to being around adults. I don't think that's any reason to get rid of a dog. Just make it an outside dog and tell the kids not to pet it. You never know, the dog might get used to being around them and get friendlier as they get older.

  13. I just don't get this. I lived in NY all of my life....suburbs of NYC, not middle of nowhere, upstate NY. People DON'T have guns there. You NEVER heard of any robberies or home invasions. How do you explain that?



    Now I can't say for Paulding County, but I've never known of a time when the crime rate in Atlanta wasn't higher than that of New York. In fact I'll check real quick....



    25 Worst Cities for Violent Crime in order...


    Camden, New Jersey (Philly suburb)


    St. Louis

    Flint, Michigan




    New Orleans

    Gary, Indiana (Chicago suburb)


    Richmond, California (Bay Area suburb near Oakland)



    West Palm Beach

    Compton, California



    San Bernardino (LA suburb)

    Springfield, Massachusetts



    Dallas, Texas



    Little Rock


    Perhaps if you lived in the Jersey suburbs you might of heard of lots of crime?? Newark is still much lower on the list than Atlanta. I know Jersey City, which is right next to Newark is also known for high crime.


    25 Most Dangerous Metropolitan Areas



    New Orleans


    Sumter, South Carolina (near Columbia)


    Stockton, California

    Las Vegas

    Florence, South Carolina

    Hot Springs, Arkansas

    Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

    Pine Bluff, Arkansas

    Flint, Michigan

    Saginaw, Michigan

    Little Rock


    Modesto, California


    Jackson, Tennessee



    Wichita Falls, Texas




    Los Angeles


    (Chicago is almost always excluded from these studies because of problems with Chicago and the State of Illinois conforming to uniform FBI guidelines in reporting crime statistics.)


    Regardless, what jumps out at me is the fact that just because you don't live in a big city, that doesn't make you safe.... Look at all those towns in South Carolina that have high crime rates, I would have thought, well if SC is on the list, it'll be towns like Columbia, Greenville, and Charleston, but no, it's much smaller areas that have the worst crime in those cases.


    Then look at Wichita Falls, Texas, out there in the middle of nowhere in a state that prides itself to be tough on crime and even has Chuck Norris at its disposal. So, even if you're counting on the Ranger's eyes being on the criminals, you still need to make provisions for your own self defense. If I were a criminal in Wichita Falls, though, I still might be compelled to look behind me, because a Ranger might be there, and it just might be Walker.

  14. First let me be clear: I do not advocate taking away someone's right to a firearm.


    I am a pro-choice kinda person ~ It is your right to choose to have a gun.


    I just don't understand the logic of having one. I was raised around guns. I have spent many wintery saturday nights cleaning deer and have reaped the benefits of what a gun can do. I have seen all sorts of animals shot (dogs, cats, rats, possom, deer, snakes, beer cans, etc) I have even shot a few guns before. I Respect the power they have. I just don't understand having something in my home that was designed to kill. I am not that afraid of someone breaking in to my home. I believe the media has made us a nation of fear and I don't buy it. I don't fear my neighbors or the society around us. Yes, break-ins happen everyday, but of those situations how many were made "better" because a gun was involved? I wouldn't feel safer with a gun in my house, believe me I grew up in a home where we had a gun in every room (well except the bathroom).


    Please Enlighten me as to the "good" reasons for having one! :)


    Thank you for your respectful responses!



    The problem is that a break in might involve a gun whether you own one or not. If you think you're good enough with a knife to disarm someone else with a gun......bonus, but I think you'd have a much better chance of surviving a struggle if you yourself had a gun at your disposal. Nothing in life is guaranteeed. Sure, it's possible that you don't have time to reach a gun, maybe you're a poor shot, maybe you're fighting a former special forces guy, whatever. Regardless, doesn't it make more sense to have more of the available advantages? Yes, guns are designed to kill, but then again, so are knives, so are you going to remove all knives from your home for that reason? Hammers were used as weapons of war as were axes. How about bows and arrows or a crossbow? Are those weapons/tools less evil because they lack gunpowder? The first murder recorded in history was committed using a rock. So, should those who are so much against killing be sure to remove all rocks from their yard??


    Well, if you honestly think that break ins, armed robberies, and home invasions are all just a bunch of media hype...........well, God bless you. I hope nothing ever happens. Nothing like that has happened to me, but there are plenty in this county alone that can't say that they've been as lucky as we have been. I know family members who have had to deal with burglars the hard way. Trust me, it works.

  15. "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future." --Adolf Hitler, 1935


    I like to hunt. I love the thrill of it and getting outdoors, sitting still and letting nature forget I'm there. It's amazing how much you see if you just sit still in camo for a while! I also enjoy eating meat that's not filled with hormones like what you get at the grocery store. It's much more ethical to shoot something that's lived it's life in nature and do everything you can to make it a quick kill than it is to raise something in an un-natural environment in cramped living conditions only to be killed later. Something non-hunters don't understand is that most hunters don't actually enjoy the killing. I have a deep respect for an animal I take and I don't get kicks out of seeing it die or suffer. I just get kicks out of seeing my freezer filled to the top with tasty, healthy meat that I didn't have to directly pay for.


    Gun control works! Just ask the experts.

    Stalin, Hitler, Mao, etc.....


    During the Middle Ages, when England conquered Wales and controlled much of Scotland, they disallowed Welsh and Scots to train with swords and bows. Gee, I wonder why?


    What prevented the British from crushing the rebel colonists at Lexington and Concord?? What was the battle over? Why were the British determined to kill the colonists at Lexington and Concord?


    Answer: The revolutionaries intended to get to the armory so that they could fight back (the British military had been harassing Massachussetts Colony for years at this point). In other words, had the colonists not had access to guns, there would have been no revolution.


    In fact all of our God-given rights are cornerstoned on an effective right to self defense. Without a right to self defense, the rest of our rights aren't worth the paper they're written on because the common citizen has no way to enforce his rights.


    The Chinese Constitution actually grants Chinese citizens more rights than our Constitution, however, Chinese citizens have no right to self defense, so even the most basic freedoms that we take for granted such as freedom of speech and religion do not exist in China. Oh yeah, they exist in their Constitution, on paper, but when someone dares speak out against the communist regime, guess what, the police come to the door, and unless you're Jet Li, there's nothing you can do about it..............

    Here in the states, on the other hand, one can criticize the government and oh yeah, the police could come to your door if they really wanted to, but they don't, why? Because of the 1st Amendment? No, do you actually think Barney Fife cares about a piece of paper?? Barney won't bust my door down without a warrant because he knows about the 2nd Amendment. He knows I have the right to own a gun and the right to use it in self defense. He also knows that I might be a better shot than he is.

    So you see, the Second Amendment wasn't written into the Bill of Rights for hunting and fishing or for target practice or even to ward off criminals. NO! The Second Amendment was written to ensure a free society. It was written to ensure that the average citizen could have the means to defend himself against an intrusive government. In fact, that's precisely why the Bill of Rights was written at all...........to defend the rights of the individual against the powers that the Constitution granted to the federal government. The original Constitution didn't have a Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was added on in order to appease those who believed that the Constitution gave the federal government too much power. That's why the Bill of Rights is listed as amendments.


    But then again, learning history isn't as sexy as being brainwashed by the popular media.

  16. I am not uninformed! I know a lot about the stuff. I just happen to think its senseless. Some barbarian way of making men feel like men. Go lift some weights or something and then beat your chest.


    People say guns don't kill, people kill. If that is true then how come when I go places like London for example, where indiviuals can't carry guns and the crime rate is soooo much lower? What is your explanation for that?


    I also don't want to hear the old argument that if someone wants to murder someone they will find a way with or without a gun. The truth is carrying a gun makes it all too easy to react.



    The violent crime rates in many European countries have been higher than those of the US for several years now. The last time I checked, Scotland was the most dangerous country in the industrialized world (they broke out Britain into England, Scotland, Wales, Ulster.


    Furthermore, here in the states, the city with the worst violent crime is Chicago, which has a law that bans handguns.

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