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Posts posted by 2Hot50

  1. Funny thing...Year before last, as a senior prank, students at Paulding County High School brought in an Armadillo into the GYM during senior assembly. It was side splitting. I didnt even know that Armadillos were in Georgia, but the student who brought it in said that he caught it some where around Lucas Lane.

  2. My GSD did go to the vet. (Thanks Dr. Johnson), and there were no injuries. He is caught up on his shots so I'm not concerned with that. He is in training for "Patrol" work so he is a little more than a "pet", so I tend to go way above caution with him.

    I dont think the coyote was coming after him, he was inside prior. I believe that they were after the food which I keep in a large container near the kennel or the litter of puppies my female just had.

    I dont really want to shoot them if I dont have too, but if they get bold again I will. I did shoot the male coyote that my GSD fought but that was to put it down more than anything ( he was about dead).

    I callled a trapper that a Pcom member had given me the number for, but it will be too costly so I will be on the look out.

  3. On 6-10-08 I had come home from work at or around 05:45 am. As allways I let my 13 month old German Shepherd out. Well, he started raising sand and ran to the back of my property. I heard a loud yelp and thought my GSD was hurt, I got my firearm and a flashlight and saw my GSD standing over a nearly dead male coyote. At a distance I saw four (4) more running off into the woods.

    I called animal control and they dont deal with wild life, I called DNR and they dont trap, but gave me a number of a wild life trapper. I called him and he wants $100.00 just to come out.

    Any suggestions?


    Oh, by the way my GSD was not hurt.

  4. 13 is the legal age, but there are some factors we include:

    Is the child capable of caring for him/her self and others. Are good decisions being made (prank 911 calls is a small example of minor poor decisions). The conditions in which the child is being left. and so forth.

  5. I was directing traffic around a minor traffic accident at dusk. I was dressed in full uniform and wearing an orange "Police" traffic vest, and I'm 6'04" 250lbs. The speeding vehicle hit me so hard that is sent me flying into a field 30 feet away. I say that, to say this. Some times we are forced to be in traffic to stop cars either to avoid another accident, to stop oncoming traffic, or to stop traffic so that EMS can work. So, regardless of the reason for us being there it is the responsibility of the motorist to "Obey Authorized Person Directing Traffic", and use "Due Regard" while operating the motorvehicle.

    The artical didn't go into all of the facts of the case, and while it is obvious "Oldgoat99" don't like law enforcement, and has repeatidly expressed his contempt for us, his remarks are way off base.

  6. I would definitely take your dog to the vet. Regardless of the other dogs shot records. If the skin is broken you leave your dog open to all kinds of infections. Also I would call Animal Control. You don't know if the other dog has done this before, or if it has become aggressive toward people.

    Something else you need to consider. Your dog could now have a fear of other dogs and become "Defensive Aggressive" meaning that your dog would become aggressive anticipating being assaulted. If you don't socialize your dog to let him know that "all is well in the world" you leave yourself open to all kinds of future problems.


    Just my two cents

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