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Posts posted by Cristalw359

  1. Creekstone behind Arbys are incomed based. And they are very nice and a very safe area. Two bedrooms are 434 and that has one bathroom. I wanna say 3 bedrooms are 525. Very nice community. There are alot of nice people there.

  2. Dd fights with an 'invisible' two year old boy also. I mean all day every day. Her doctor summed it up to imaginary friend because she's alone all day. Hubby flips out because every time she describes him, she describes the little boy he killed. Right down to the diaper. It's just odd. When you said that there was a 'guy' in her room I immediately thought of somebody high school aged or older.


    No, the thing it used to be blue kids chasing her and stabbing her in the back. I just didnt know what to expect. There is just so much that I have to learn. I mean she just turned two in March and I dont expect her to know everything. But I do know now that her following me non stop is normal. Thanks guys.

  3. :o :o :o :o I'm going to pretend that I'm not related to anyone on here and hope they keep this to themselves, but I did that when I was younger. And, to put it simply, I just got out of a 12 week abuse group. My mom had NO idea what was going on...and when I got old enough to tell her I was to scared to. I'm not saying that this IS happening, but I've been certified in child abuse and this is a warning sign.

    With time-out, it's best to keep it out of their bedroom. Try a corner in the living room, a 'time-out' stool, or even 'quiet, hand-in-lap time' on the couch with no tv.


    You know I really hope this is not the case, but when she tells me these dreams she says a guy is in her room and she will point to a corner, well mommy says there is nobody there, well then she says "he will be". I ask her his name she says she doesnt know and i ask how old she says two. She says that the guy stabs her in her back at night. Now is this not strange? Well I got worried and asked her doctor. The doctor says she is way over her level and has a hugh imagination, and she is not haveing night terrors but night mares. And thats pretty much it.

  4. Thanks penguin. That really helps. And I really dont think she is afraid, but one thing was that she wont play in her room. She is scared, she spends lot of time in time out in there. And I know this is totally off subject but she has been having night mares and she has been talking about a guy in here room. So when he tells her to go to time out she crys and then i feel bad and dont make her, and then it causes a fight.

  5. He does get down to play with her, but she doesn't really like it. She would rather have me. If I am around she wants her mommy, but he says when mommy is not in sight she plays and plays with him. So I dont know. And I wouldnt say he is mean but he is definity strict. He thinks alot different then I do.

  6. Sounds normal for my 3 kids........... they were all like that. ........and to some extent can still be like that, and I usually love the company. Maybe boyfriend is jealous? How many 2 year olds does he know?Does he get down and play with her?


    You know I wondered the same thing. Well see he doesn't. He has a four year old brother and a four year old niece. Thats it.

  7. Well my problem is my boyfriend thinks its not normal. He says no kid he knows is not like that. They want to play and stuff. I was just wanting to see with others. I mean she is two and I expected that.

  8. Alright guys I have a two year old that loves her mommy to much I guess you can say. Well she follows me around non-stop when we are home and everywhere. I am just wondering if this is normal? She doesnt play in her room when I am around she sits right beside me ALL THE TIME. So I am just curious for the other million parents that are out there. Is this normal?

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