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Posts posted by Memorial242

  1. Who is in charge of the memorial for the plane crash? I came across some important papers concerning it and would like to give a copy to them. I was looking for some legal documents this weekend and found correspondence from the FAA to my father, Dr. Worthy, concerning what happened. It was quite interesting to read. I'd be happy to make copies.


    Hi Lovemuppet,


    I am one of the passenger survivors from the accident. I attended the memorial in New Hope this past weekend. Over the years I have collected a small archive of reports and information about the accident. I have used the information to answer questions from the relatives of those who were killed. I would be very interested in a copy of the papers you mentioned. Please contact me if you would be willing to share them.



    Frederick Clemens



  2. I think we all need to remember one thing that could have made is soooo much worse:


    I appreciate your comments about the accident, it is only human to speculate on different scenarios - and Hollywood encourages that, however for those of who were there that day it was bad enough.


    Please keep that in mind when posting or talking to others about the accident. In other words, consider whether you really want to say to someone that lost a loved one that it could have been worse?

  3. I know that the surviving stewardess wrote a book about it. Please look that book up. It may have information in it you could use.


    The book you are describing is "Am I Alive?" by Sandy Purl (named Sandy Ward at the time of the accident). I was one of Sandy's passengers in the back of the plane and was a witness to the great job she did that day. Cathy, the senior stewardess in the front of the plane should also be recognized for the job she did in leading a number of the victims to the hospital.

  4. Since I cannot edit the previous version of the victim list that I posted a while back, I will post an updated version with corrections so that the memory of the victims is not slighted.


    Southern 242 Victims List

    [including full birth names, nicknames or used names (marked with "."), and pronounciation guide when known for all 72 people]


    1 Howard Wayne Abercrombie - passenger

    2 Walter H Amick - passenger

    3 Marvin Oscar Berglin - passenger

    4 Glenn F Bradley - passenger

    5 Bobby Cameron - passenger

    6 Jeffery R Carter - local resident

    7 Kathy Ann Carter - local resident

    8 Edwin N Cobb - passenger

    9 Tommy Coe - passenger (died 2 months after accident)

    10 Gordon Burnett Coley - passenger

    11 Wesley R Corrick - passenger

    12 Berlie Mae Craton - local resident

    13 Robert Cummer - passenger

    14 Boyden E Davis Jr - passenger

    15 Franklin (Francis) Joseph "Frank" Dawson - passenger [death certificate name is Franklin (Francis) Joseph Dawson, it is unclear why Francis is in parentheses]

    16 Mary Patricia Dawson - passenger

    17 Charles Clifton "Cliff" Durham - passenger

    18 James Forte - passenger

    19 Robert M Furniss Jr - passenger

    20 Courtney Gamel - local resident

    21 Edna Gamel - local resident

    22 John Gamel - local resident

    23 Joseph David Giles III - passenger

    24 Karen Giles - passenger

    25 Harry C Gordon - passenger

    26 William F Goubeaud Jr - passenger [Goubeaud pronounced Goo-boh]

    27 Earle C Griffin Jr - passenger

    28 Edith Fay Griffin - local resident

    29 Emily Griffin - passenger

    30 Larry A Griffin Jr - local resident

    31 Horace Cecil Griffith - passenger

    32 Bruce Groth - passenger [Groth pronounced Growth]

    33 William Victor Gudaitis - passenger [Gudaitis prnounced Goo-dye-tis]

    34 Herman Galey Hamby - passenger

    35 William C Haverkamp Jr - passenger

    36 Charlene Yvonne Havisto - passenger

    37 Horace Kevin Hay - passenger

    38 Joseph Patrick Heckl - passenger

    39 Leo F Horner - passenger

    40 Philip Anthony Inzina - passenger

    41 Earl D Johnson - passenger

    42 Lyman Keele Jr - First Officer

    43 Bevil J "Pete" Killgore - passenger

    44 Homer Kitts - passenger

    45 Thomas Monroe Mazingo - passenger

    46 Herman W "Red" McClure - passenger

    47 William Wade MacKenzie - Captain

    48 Alton V Mobley - passenger

    49 Corinne Morton - passenger

    50 Masaru Ori - passenger

    51 Irwin E Perlin - passenger

    52 William J Perryman II - passenger

    53 Ivan Drexel Potts Jr - passenger

    54 Richard Povinelli - passenger

    55 James A Power - passenger

    56 Ernest Prewett - local resident (died 1 month after accident)

    57 William Michael Reeves - passenger

    58 Kelsie Aubra Rogers - passenger

    59 Edward F Rosler - passenger

    60 Robert Michael "Mike" Sanders - passenger

    61 Phillip Randolph "Randy" Sherrill - passenger

    62 Joseph Smith - passenger

    63 Romie L Smith - passenger

    64 Annetta "Annette" Snell - passenger [used "Annette" in her singing career]

    65 Mary Tarbox - passenger

    66 Milford Duwane Waldrep - passenger

    67 John "Buster" Walker - passenger

    68 Barbara Ann "Babs" Wicksell - passenger

    69 Byron Wicksell - passenger

    70 George Duncan Wilkinson - passenger

    71 Michael Lewis Williams - passenger

    72 James W Williamson - passenger

  5. Preparations for the 31 March memorial service at the New hope Baptist Church are continuing. There will be a rehearsal on Monday, 12 March. Volunteers are still needed. If you would like to volunteer to help with the planning and preparation of the Memorial Service scheduled March 31, 2007 at New Hope First Baptist Church please contact Cherry Bivens Westbrook, 180 Mountain Path, Rockmart, GA 30153; westbrookv@bellsouth.net 770-596-1836.


    For further details on planning, see the message board at 242memorial.informe.com



    Frederick Clemens


  6. I've posted this elsewhere, but I thought I would also post it here to answer those who might question why the people involved in Southern 242 would even want to remember that terrible day. I hope this helps answer that question -


    It was a day with a lot of tragedy and horrible sights, but it was also a day that a lot of people did their best to help others in need. It was truly an "out of the blue" disaster, much like the recent tornado in Florida. Professionals, volunteers, and people who just happened to be there all pitched in within minutes. There were many improvisations like the use of a schoolbus as an ambulance and the use of 4x8 plywood sheets as stretchers.


    Unlike nowadays where there is a swarm of professional counselors helping people for months or even years, back then, after a few days, there was the attitude of "Okay, everybody resume living your normal lives." There was very little in the way of contact between the survivors, the rescuers, and others to share experiences or even thanks. Most people just experienced the aftermath in the form of hospital stays, funerals, and lawsuits. As Cathy, one of the stewardesses said at the 20th anniversary reunion, it was like everyone had their own crash.


    Now at the 30 year mark, we have another opportunity to remember the people we lost, learn more about what others went through, and consider the effect it has had on our own lives. Looking back on that day is not a pain-free thing to do, but most people find it helpful to at least know that others share their feelings.

  7. Seeing all these post today for the first time about the New Hope plane crash makes me wonder just what is being planned. Is there an ongoing planning for a thirty year reunion? If so, I could posssibly be of help. I am John M Covington MD one of the physicians that helped care for the injured.


    Great to hear from you, Dr Covington! I remember you from the 20 anniv.


    You and anyone else who is interested in helping out with the 30th anniversary memorial, please contact the New Hope planning committee through:


    Cherry B. Westbrook

    180 Mountain Path

    Rockmart, GA 30153




    The committee is planning for a memorial service followed by a fellowship starting at 2:00 pm on Saturday, 31 March at New Hope Baptist Church.


    The committee is very interested in finding more volunteers to help out with preparing for the memorial, the sooner the better.


    You can read the planning notes from the committee meetings plus more on the message board I set up at:



    Frederick Clemens

  8. I've been in contact with the guy who runs that site. He is one of the survivors. The PC library had an original Dallas New Era paper about the accident. If you've ever read the story, he was the guy mentioned that stuck his hands outside the window (of a bus?) to try to cool them down. I took digital photos of the newspaper and sent it to him. Not sure if he is transcribing the info to his website. I still have these digital photos (high resolution)...if anyone wants them PM me.


    Thanks again, Oscar. That "guy" is me. The website at http://members.aol.com/Panzerbaer/so242.html was one that I created after the 20th anniversary memorial. I have not updated it since 1998. Instead of using that site, I have created an interactive message board at http://242memorial.informe.com as a planning tool for the 30th anniversary memorial. I am adding new info day-by-day to the new message board. I encourage everyone to visit the new site and post their memories and questions there in the appropriate folders.


    One thing I am aiming for is accuracy in identifying the victims so that we do them justice. On the 242memorial message board I am posting the most accurate list of the victims that I can put together. Please keep in mind that every newspaper list has mistakes of some kind in the names or other info. I have never found an "official" list so the following list is what I put together from various sources, including obituaries and the social security death index. I may still have some mistakes and welcome any corrections with verifiable source.


    As of today, here is the list as I have it. Future corrections will be found on the 242memorial message board.

    Please note that the total number of deaths directly from Southern 242 is 72 despite what any other source might say. I emphasize this so that all the victims get their due recognition.


    1 Howard Wayne Abercrombie - passenger

    2 Walter H Amick - passenger

    3 Marvin Oscar Berglin - passenger

    4 Glenn F Bradley - passenger

    5 Bobby Cameron - passenger

    6 Jeffrey Carter - local resident

    7 Kathy Ann Carter - local resident

    8 Edwin N Cobb - passenger

    9 Tommy Coe - passenger (died 2 months later)

    10 Gordon Burnett Coley - passenger

    11 Wesley R Corrick - passenger

    12 Berlie Mae Craton - local resident

    13 Robert Cummer - passenger

    14 Boyden E Davis Jr - passenger

    15 Frank Dawson - passenger

    16 Patricia Dawson - passenger

    17 Charles Cliffton Durham - passenger

    18 James Forte - passenger

    19 Robert M Furniss Jr - passenger

    20 Courtney Gamel - local resident

    21 Edna Gamel - local resident

    22 John Gamel - local resident

    23 Joe Giles - passenger

    24 Karen Giles - passenger

    25 Harry C Gordon - passenger

    26 William F Goubeaud Jr - passenger

    27 Earle C Griffin Jr - passenger

    28 Edith Fay Griffin - local resident

    29 Emily Griffin - passenger

    30 Larry Griffin - local resident

    31 Cecil Griffith - passenger

    32 Bruce Groth - passenger

    33 William Victor Gudaitis - passenger

    34 Herman Galey Hamby - passenger

    35 William C Haverkamp Jr - passenger

    36 Charlene Yvonne Havisto - passenger

    37 Horace Kevin Hay - passenger

    38 L Joseph Heckl - passenger

    39 Leo F Horner - passenger

    40 Phillip Anthony Inzina - passenger

    41 Earl D Johnson - passenger

    42 Lyman Keele Jr - First Officer (co-pilot who was actually the pilot flying)

    43 Bevil J "Pete" Kilgore - passenger

    44 Homer Kitts - passenger

    45 Thomas Monroe Mazingo - passenger

    46 Herman W "Red" McClure - passenger

    47 William Wade MacKenzie - Captain (the pilot-in-command but not flying that segment)

    48 Alton V Mobley - passenger

    49 Corrine Morton - passenger

    50 Masaru Ori - passenger

    51 Dr Irwin E Perlin - passenger

    52 William J Perryman - passenger

    53 Ivan Drexel Potts Jr - passenger

    54 Richard Povinelli - passenger

    55 James A Power - passenger

    56 Ernest Pruitt - local resident (died 1 month later)

    57 William Michael Reeves - passenger

    58 Kelsie Aubra Rogers - passenger

    59 Edward F Rosler - passenger

    60 Robert Michael "Mike" Sanders - passenger

    61 Phillip Randy Sherrill - passenger

    62 Joseph Smith - passenger

    63 Romie L Smith - passenger

    64 Annette (Annetta) Snell - passenger

    65 Mary Tarbox - passenger

    66 Milford Duwayne Waldrep - passenger

    67 John "Buster" Walker - passenger

    68 Babs Wicksell - passenger

    69 Byron Wicksell - passenger

    70 George Duncan Wilkinson - passenger

    71 Michael Lewis Williams - passenger

    72 James W Williamson - passenger


    Here are specifically the New Hope victims (their names are also in the list above):


    1 Jeffrey Carter, 5 months

    2 Kathy Ann Carter, 18 years

    3 Berlie Mae Craton, 70 years

    4 Courtney Gamel, 11 months

    5 Edna Gamel, 23 years

    6 John Gamel, 5 years

    7 Edith Fay Griffin, 22 years

    8 Larry Griffin, 6 months

    9 Ernest Pruitt, 68 years? (died 1 month later)

  9. As on update on this topic - there is planning going on for the 30th anniversary of the Southern 242 crash. The accident happened on 4 April 1977. The 30th anniversary memorial is scheduled for 31 March 2007 so that it will be on a weekend and not conflict with Easter,


    For more information, see the planning and discussion forum that I have set up at:




    Feel free to register and make posts on the 242 forum according to the guidelines given.



    Frederick Clemens (passenger from 242)


    PS I hope to see all of you I met at the 20th anniversary again this year.

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