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Posts posted by Squister3

  1. If your still looking for moonwalks... try this place...


    Carnival Promotions... http://www.carnivalpromotions.net/index.htm

    They are in Hiram and I have been renting from them for a couple of years with each of my 3 kids birthday parties...


    We always pick it up ourselves and it saves us the $50 delivery charge .... the small moonwalk was right at $100....







    Forgot to mention that we would pick it up on Friday and it not have to be back until Monday, which is a great deal of extra fun for the kids...

  2. GOOD LORD.... i didnt mean the gas leak by itsself ... I MEAN THE FACT THEY DIDNT NOTIFY the parents... that is Bull...


    I stand by what I say and feel... it should have been my choice to pick up my children... if I had been notified ... Thank goodness for my friends that did call.... or else I wouldnt have known anything at all until the kids got home...


    AGAIN, why have an emergency service if they dont use it for emergencies (but yet they didnt mind letting us know about can food drive) ????????????????


    Always got to be someone who thinks they have an answer to it all ... <_<

    Merry Christmas P-Scroogers



  3. I agree with what GADawg said... They need to make sure things like this do not happen again...


    And yes I still feel that the emergency notice should have went out to us parents... I mean why even have it if they arent going to use it.


    Yes I was pissed, now i'm peeved ... had to take me a time-out... LOL I have called the BOE and am going to speak with them again and again so that things of this nature do not happen again...



  4. Yes he did have on a coat with a hat (along with his siblings) but as to if he actually kept it on, well that is another story...


    DON'T GIVE ME A LECTURE AS TO HOW COLD STARTS... I know about the whole virus thing, BUT if he is out in the cold and does have one of his RSV colds coming on then YES IT WILL GET WORSE... I have been dealing with for 6 years now, every year, we have to be extra careful.


    I didnt say the ones at the school did anything wrong, but think the board and those in charge of emergency matters did. It doesnt give me a whole lot of faith in them to know that if something ever does go wrong that my children and well as all of the kids will be protected.


    This is MY OPINON, and if you don't like it... well I dont really give a hoot... I see others stating their opinion (and at least I respect them enough to let them make it) ... So they are allowed and i'm not... thats a bunch of bull


    Some people want to brush things off, blah blah blah... not going to get hurt.... blah blah blah ...but I wonder how you would feel if you were in the same situation...



  5. Well since we werent notified as to how bad this "leak" was or even that there was a leak, one has to assume that it could have possibly been bad ... Where the kids were standing (the ones off the bus) which was under the canopy, right near the entrances into the building... What if it was bad enough that something did blow up? Would these kids have been safe right where they were???


    I am thankful that it wasnt any worse... I just wish they would get their act together in case there ever is real bad emergency . :(


    And while being cold may not seem like much to some kids, my youngest was an RSV baby at birth and every year he gets at least one bad cold, and if not monitored it can turn into something worse... like pneumonia... Now I dont know about any of you, but the thought of spending Christmas in the PICU isnt not my idea of fun... We already had to spend New Years Eve in the hospital because of this one year. :(


    I stated that the fact that even tho there are parents that "signed up" for emergency notifications, some of which we have to pay for ... that NO message was sent out to any parent that I know of and that these kids were left out in the cold for 45 mins. Why not have other buses run the routes or have them buses go to Nebo and the children could have sat inside them while their buses went on to run the routes...







  6. Well I called the school board, lot of good it will do...


    Left a message for a John O'Tool... friend told me she thinks he is the assistant school super... I think they need to rethink this "emergency" thing... IMO they are not ready to handle an emergency... of any kind :(


    Did ya know that today was PJ day for the 1st graders? So they had almost all of them out there, in the cold in their PJ's....Poor kids... Plus my youngest is a RSV baby, and I have to be very careful he doesnt get a cold and then it turn into something worse...


    The kids should have been KEPT on the buses... I know there were other routes that needed to be drove but they could have waited, those kids were going to be late anyway... and if they were so concerned of gas in the school and wouldnt put them in the gym... then they SHOULD HAVE stayed on the bus.


    Can ya tell i'm still pissed? :angry2:



  7. :angry2: I have 3 kids at Nebo and just went to go pick them up a few minutes ago. One of the teachers told me they had just let the kids in, this was at approx 8:20


    My kids all ride the bus and at 7:35 they had to get off the bus and stand outside. I had several of my friends call to tell me about the leak and that the kids were out in the cold.


    What pisses me off is that you have parents sign up for the emergency notifcation and yet they DO NOT notify us parents. But yet last week they made dang sure to notify us about a can food drive... Am I missing something here??? :angry:



  8. I agree... We can not let this happen, we need to do everything we can to show them we love our park... and do not want it changed!


    My oldest has been playing there for several years, and now my youngest plays there... Don't want to think of them playing anywhere else... Dallas is our 2ND HOME.


    Is there still going to be a Ralley? I think Saturday would be great esp. with the city doing its Celebration... And if so you can count this family in!!!


    Help us save our Baseball Park!!!




  9. I just went out, I live the closest to the entrance of the school... and went by the scene 2 times, on the way up and back to Kroger and yes there was some blood, but not that much and some orange markings.. but not like it was running all over the road or anything... The lady at Kroger said both the bus and the motorcycle were brought there afterwards and that the motorcycle was indeed in peices... Just letting ya's know...


    Also, anyone heard that the motorcycle was weaving in and out of traffic? Had some up at another school say that it was and they saw it.


    I do hope all involved will be ok and my thoughts & prayers are with each of them...



  10. That's what the lady at Dugan told me, that is was 4-98. I didnt want to repeat it cause I didnt know if it was accurate or not.


    Thanks for the clarification.



    You are most welcome... I didnt see any bus driver on the bus when I was turning into my driveway.

    Traffic seems to be moving but slow, can't tell if bus and motorcycle have been moved.




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