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Posts posted by SxyBrtchs

  1. I have been sick since yesterday. THrowing up and you know what else. Im not sure what it was but I did eat at Chikfila yesterday on thornton road. Ever since then I had stomach cramps felt tired and was freezing finally about 9:00 I start projectile vomiting-I look like the girl from exorcist. Ive kept a 102 fever. My brain is not functioning enough to know if this is a bug,or food poisioning-but I know its contagious or QED got it from eating there too. I still have it and now poor QED does and she has to go to school:(

    Its awful wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy I been in bed since 9ish last night. Ive only been up I think 3 hours. I dont think I have ever prayed so much in my life. Well, since I went to Checkers about 9-10 yrs ago. I was worse then than now. I never ate there again. I think Im gonna stay away from chikfila too! I cant eat anything except a cup of applesauce and a piece of toast. I had to force myself to do that. PLease stay away from there and anyone that may be sick because this is awful!


    YIKES! My son ended up in the hospital because of it. He is recovering from surgery and we were afraid he had an infection or something, so off to the ER he went. His surgeon happened to be at the hospital, and she admitted him. They kept him until Saturday and did all kinds of stuff tests. They shoulda listened to MOM who said it was a stomach virus. And then we all caught it. It takes DAYS to get over it. Our symptoms were similar. Funny, we all thought it was food poisoning too, but we didn't all go to the same restaurant...or eat peanut butter!

  2. I pay the following for all my services thru AT&T


    Phone $32.00 Caller ID and Call Waiting Only


    Internet $19.95 DSL Lite


    Cell Phone $76.00 850 Minutes Family Talk


    DishNetwork $46.00 Family Choice 200


    Total $175.00


    I hope I don't get in trouble for asking this--I am not sure what a "highjack" is--but is DSL Lite really slow or what? I was going to downgrade but AT&T gave me a special rate for a few months to keep me from leaving.

  3. Do some Internet research on them. I toyed with the idea, but after reading of others' experiences with the company--and most especially their "customer service" and non-existent money-back guarantees, I decided I wouldn't take the chance.



    I would definitely change cell phone service! I cut out all the bells and whistles on my home phone with AT&T since I really only use it because of the computer. It costs $17.55 per month plus all the b.s. taxes and fees. I do not have long-distance on my home phone. Just use the cell... I tried to do wireless internet to do away with the phone, and it still came out cheaper this way.

  4. Thanks to all your calls and support our special is back .





    SPECIAL STARTS 11-11-08 ENDS 11-21-08 .



    What does this special include? What is your phone number?

  5. Send me PM's or post what you will.... we need advise big time!


    My grandma has changed over the past year since my grandad died. She went into a deoression and now she is fading away. literally.

    Her mind is no where near the same. My mom and grandma have never been on bad terms or ever argued. She moved in with my mom a few months back and just up and left last week. (my uncle picked her up) She went home. She has turned against everyone and she says she hates my mom, thinks my mom wants to take her house from her, thinks my mom has stole all her legal documents from her house. and so on. I talked to my grandma yesterday and she went on and on about how mean my mom is to her and evil and she hated her. She was glad my mom finally let her know she hated her before she died. Now she wants to change her WILL that she just revised a few months back.

    How do you deal with family that is lke this? Im just not sure telling her we love her will be taken correctly. I told her I loved her 3 times yesterday and she didn't make a sound :(

    normally she would say becareful going home, I love you too... but nope.


    she just ask me to find her metal box that has all her important papers in it, that my mom "stole"

    she does'nt think she's becoming incompotent, and doe not need my mom to be her power of attorney. but she is not the same. she can't even write her name anymore.


    How do we do it?


  6. My son's birthday is coming up in a month and a half. He'll be turning 13 and I really want it to be special for him. He's crazy about wrestling... does anyone know someone that is a pro- or semi-pro wrestler that might be able to drop in for a reasonable fee?????? Any information would be greatly appreciated!



    Do ncha know STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN's child goes to Nebo? He signed autographs in the cafeteria one day.

  7. Tropical Illusion Tan in the Ridge Rd Kroger shopping center. They just re-opened under new owners. They are also commerce members.


    Unfortunately I went there today and was told that I would be allowed only 2 of the 7 sessions remaining I had previously paid for. I read the full page letter they had on the counter twice and still didn't quite "get it." I'll be back for those 2, but I'm too upset rihjt now to want to go back after that. it's a shame because I've gone to that location for years because it's on my way home from work--not because of who's running it. So I guess they don't mind losing a long-time customer.

  8. back perm on

    I went to Hairazor today at Salon Rouge. She did a base color, three hi and lo light colors, and a cut. I love it and I'm so impressed with her and her work.

    Just wanted to let anyone know that's considering to go to her, she's great!

    Thanks so much Jeanette!


    How much would it be for a piggy back perm on long hair just above the waist? My hairdresser evidently left the profession and so the last perm I got cost me a jaw-dropping fortune.

  9. Just wondering what kind of home remedies you people know of for different things.


    Yesterday an older couple told me that if you heat salt in an iron skillet and put it in a sock and lay your head on the sock it will absorb drainage in the ear.


    They also told me that crushing eggshells and putting them in your coffee grounds is good for you.

    Also that cooking a whole chicken is healthier than can chicken or boneless chicken because something in the chicken bones is supposed to be good for you.

    When I was younger, my mom told me if you peel the little slimy part off the inside of an eggshell and place it on a pimple, it is supposed to dry it up.


    Anyone have any others they know of for various things?


    P.S....I don't know if anything I mentioned is really accurate. Just thought this stuff may be fun to share. :lol:


    Plain white toothpaste (we always used Colgate in our house) for mosquito bites

    Take a bath and use brown soap (Fels Naptha or Octagon) as soon as you come out of the woods to prevent poison

    ivy/oak/sumac or to dry it up

    Milk of Magnesia makes a good facial mask to dry up acne and pull impurities out of the pores. Wash face, put on thick

    layer and leave on until it dries hard and starts to crack on your skin

    Putting lemon juice on your hair and going out in the sun lightens it naturally

    Put olive oil on your hair and put a cap over it. Sleep with it overnight and wash in the morning. Soft, shiny hair


    QUESTION: Has anyone ever heard of using turpentine to worm a dog? I could swear my husband's grandfather said Granny gave all the kids a teaspoom of sugar with turpentine in it and then they gave it to the animals to worm them as well.

  10. So far so good. Pete has been here for 6 hours and so far so good. All of three of the kids are getting along, they are even starting to come around and play with each other. He seems to be getting along with my human kids too. He will not let them out of his sight. He follows them every where they go.

    Now...if we can just get through the territory marking! :o I think I have cleaned up a gallon so far.



    Ash ...we agree...Pete doesn't fit him. Sheri714 says he looks like a Dexter to her...I like that. One kid says Baxter and the othe say Tyko :huh: ( I don't get that one either)


    As far as marking--have you thought about pinning a folded towel around him? You could also put a feminine pad in the towel if he does it a lot. They don't like to feel wet, so they quit.

  11. Can you drive this kind of car?




    Only one used one in 100 miles of Dallas on the Autotrader.




    22K Convertible


    You can put 4of these in a 2 car garage... :rofl: :rofl:


    Local HWY gas mileage

    33 41





    Well what about the new VW that is supposed to get 245 mpg??? Unless I read it wrong, 245 mpg! It looks like my New Beetle except the windows looked like they're smooshed together. Isn't it funny how we have been duped for so many decades? The internal combustion (gas) engine has been obsolete since I think WWII but we go from huge gas guzzlers when gas is cheap to cheap plastic coffins on wheels when gas goes sky high. Now that gas is outrageous, all of a sudden, there's all this new technology. Hybrids, electric cars, cars that run on water, gas from other sources than oil...I am so sick of being considered a stupid pawn in the chess game the politicians and oil companies play for BIG profit.

  12. I am trying to lose 15-20 pounds before i go on vacay on July 4th...i know it seems like a lot! I am trying to cut out all of my sodas and eat veggies during the day and a smaller portion at dinner (i eat alot because i eat fast). I just remembered i have a bottle of hydroxycut that i haven't used. I was wondering 1. Does it work? and 2. Does anyone know of any bad side effects?


    You don't have to do "Atkins" but just follow the principle of NO carbs. Actually, 10 per meal and for your one snack. Eat all the protein you want--meat, bacon, pork rinds, cheese, eggs, real butter, milk, cottage cheese, fish, peanuts/peanut butter (natural is best) and other nuts, jerky, and salads. You have to avoid "sweet" veggies like carrots and fruit/juice is definitely a no no. As is bread, pasta, potatoes, CARBS. Food labels are your friend--just look at the carbs line on the label. Don't worry about fats. After the 3rd day, trust me--you won't crave carbs anymore. And the inches just come off, you have a lot of energy, your skin looks great, and you firm up because all the protein builds muscle. Just don't weigh yourself, because you might be disappointed--you build muscle and it weighs more than fat. Instead, buy something in the size you want to be, hang it up so you see it as a reminder of your goal, and after the first week, try it on every couple of days. You'll be amazed. I went from a 13 to a 7 from Memorial Day to the beginning of September. That was a lot of years ago, and whenever I start feeling "ploofy" it's time to drop the carbs again. There's something to be said for a diet that lets you go to Waffle House and order 3 scrambled eggs with cheese and a chopped steak with cheese and fried onions and a salad with plenty of regular ranch dressing on it. And real cream in the coffee. Just drink plenty of water/liquids, take a good multi-vitamin, and get some potassium pills. You will drop a lot of bloat/water weight as your insulin levels stabilize and you lose potassium. Stable insulin keeps you from binge-ing. Somehow the body adjusts and cholesterol levels actually go down even though you're eating all this meat and cheese and yes, FATS. There is no reason to stay on this diet for a long time since it works quickly, so the stuff they say about it taxing the kidneys I don't see. Especially since you don't have alla that much to lose!























  13. Ok lets find out how were would vote if given the chance!



    I am definitely in favor of uniforms, even though I was one of the "public school kids" amongst many who went to St. Timothy's Catholic School back in the day. The one caution I would want to point out is that the "uniform" of, for example, white shirt and blue skirt or pants would not solve the "competition" amongst the kids around the "labels." Let's face it, you can go to KMart and get the "uniform" or you can go to Neiman-Marcus to get the "uniform." Believe me, the kids would know the difference. If we're going to go to uniforms, then the school system would have to designate a specific uniform shop or retail store as the only place to get the whole thing--and I think this should include socks and shoes as well. It worked out well that way for the St. Timothy's crowd! Every6body had exactly the same thing from head to foot, and everyone knew it so there was no time spent scrutinizing someone to tell whether their uniform was high or low end. The question of how to help out those who couldn't afford the uniforms could be handled much the same way as the reducedfree meals the school provides. Perhaps those who qualify for this would qualify to get the uniforms at cost? Just a thought.

  14. Here is the story about my little dog. First of all, he is a poodle, 5 pounds. I will be the first to admit that yes, he is spoiled. But some of his quirks I am actually questioning if he is OCD :blink: He is 5 years old and basically has always been this way.

    1. He will not jump on the bed, he sleeps with me but I have to pick him up and put him on the bed. He will jump down though.

    2. He will not eat his food out of the bowl. Some has to be put on the floor. (Dry dog food) :D

    3. He will not drink out of his water bowl unless it is filled to the rim. He will try to turn it over if its not full.

    4. His water bowl upstairs has to be sitting in a specific spot on the floor or he will not drink the water. :lol:

    5. He will stand by his paper to use it but will not step on it until you tell him to. :rolleyes:

    6. I :wub: him so much though and wouldn't change him for the world!


    So, is he ditsy or what??


    I drove to Alabama to get a copper colored purebred Poodle out of a rural county pound. Duh--we named him Copper. Let me match this little guy, less than 5 lbs, aginst your Ditsy:

    1. He will not jump on the bed, he sleeps with me but I have to pick him up and put him on the bed. He will jump down though. --Yes, I copied and pasted from you.

    2. My dog will eat his food out of the bowl, but he makes a single yip compulsively for about 5 min before he eats. He is Mr. Magoo until one of my other 3 tiny pound puppies comes near and then he tuirns into Rambo.

    3. My dog will drink out of the water bowl but he acts like it's going to give him an electric shock, so he approaches and jumps back about 10 times before he realizes, once again, the water bowl is not really a taser. He will also drink from the shower floor after we step out, lick the water out of the shower door track, drink rainwater from almost imperceptible depressions in our sidewalk surface, the downspout, etc., etc. He also makes his way to the fishpond in the yard to visit his friends, the Kois, and stand fixated looking at them and the water current from the waterfall until you pick him up and away...

    4. Heh--we just leave the shower open.

    5. My dog has adopted a terry bathmat as his "spot" to pee if he really has to. The moment he gets down the porchsteps he must pee a small exact amount on the concrete in the same spot each time without lifting his leg.

    6. This dog walks as slow as Christmas and will not hurry for anything. Sometimes he just stands there and you have to go get him. Until about 6 months ago, he would walk around in a small circle about 4-5 times before he started going anywhere, and would even stop midroute and repeat this.

    7. You have to convince him that treats are good and he should want to eat them.

    8. There are 4 very expensive dog beds downstairs (one is a cherrywood 4 poster bed) and 4 upstairs. He sleeps STANDING UP in the middle of the room unless I put him in our bed at night.

  15. Michelle at Hair Connection on Hwy 61S- the number is 770-445-3510. She is great and always does a really GREAT job with my cut and my hi-lites.



    I've followed the same hair dresser for 8 years buit she has disappeared to become a teacher! I needj someone who can perm long, long hair and not fry it! Any suggestions?

  16. Greetings all,

    I'm fairly new to Paulding (2+ months now) and I love it here. I just want to know who some of these roads, parks, and lakes are named after.


    I live near Lake Ramona. Who is Ramona, who owns the lake, how was it created, etc? Can we fish on the lake?


    Who is Charles Hardy, Bill Carruth, Virgie Ballentine, Jimmy Lee Smith, Wendy Bagwell, C.W. Sims, etc?


    I would really love to know! I'm sure there are plenty of others I haven't listed.




    Can anyone tell me what "Nebo" is?

  17. My son came home today and told me that his teacher says a cuss word just about every day, so I told him to spell what he says and he spelled p-i-s-s-e-d! We never could say that word when we were kids and I don't let my kids say it.


    What do you all think of that word and should the teacher be allowed to use it in class?


    My son is in 8th grade and I still don't think it is appropriate, but before I say anything to the

    teacher I would like other opinions.


    Thanks! :rolleyes: :lol:


    Where I come from it is a perfectly acceptable expression that means you are upset. In this day and time of political correctness, tolerance of cultural differences, sensitivity and all that, I would think that people would be sensitive to dialectical differences as well. Being "pissed" or "pissed off" is just like Southerners who call a "wrecker" --a word with "er" on the end that means something or someone who...WRECKS when they have ALREADY wrecked their car. Or saying they left their toboggan at home on the table and now their head is cold. Since when is a sled a hat??? Please get over it, people.

  18. Hey y'all...I need help. On the way home this evening I found a black and brown (looks to be lab shepard mix) puppy. He was wet, cold and scared but when I passed he sat in the middle of the road and barked. When I stopped and got out he ran straight to me and licked my face like he was saying "Oh thank God you're saving me." We already have three year old pups (ironically the same mutt breed and he looks just like them). HELP...I have to place him. I can't keep him and my bf is falling in love with him as I'm typing this. If anyone lost one in this area on the Paulding/Polk Co. line please email me at markwillix@gmail.com or call 770-324-6995. If you want him, please call or email as well. He can't be more than 8 weeks old. Here's a pic of him. Please help. I can't keep him but I couldn't leave him to get run over either. He'll go to the first loving home (my determination), vet's office, or placement service that speaks up.


    I know someone will come through.






  19. What American accent do you have?


    Take the accent test....


    Accent test


    My Result: The Inland North


    You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."

    That was dead on seeing as I am from the Great Lakes Region...Buffalo, NY.

    The second closest was Southern.


    Guess I really am a Southernfried Yankee!!!!

    What's yours????

    I took the quiz and it was amazing! My accent is "Philadelphia" and that is exactly where I'm from! And I don't mean Philadelphia, Mississippi...

  20. Friend and I were talking this afternoon....do you think schools should require teachers to be tested for drug use at random times through out the school year?

    Well, hell. Why don't they just put security cameras in every teacher's home and vehicle and microchip them, for that matter. Teachers aren't supposed to engage in "moral torpitude" anyway. But let's not stop with the teachers--let's make sure everyone is equal under the law and scrutinize the hell out of all the administrators and the Board. With some opf the stuff that goes on, somebody's got to be stoned and they're driving everyone else to drink.

  21. I am wanting to have my husbands and his grandfathers Military uniform jacket framed. I want them done separately. I went to Michael's and they quoted me about 700 each! That is nuts since I only want a jacket in a dang box! If anyone knows someone who is reasonable and will make sure it is done right and preserved forever you have my business!Thanks
    I totally agree about taking your jackets to the Art Shop by Little Bear across from Dallas Elementary. Thery've done a lot of work for me and it is all beautiful. I had a very delicate baby dress I wanted in a shadow box frame( my own dress from way back in the day!) and they treated it with kid gloves. The job was on the expensive side, but that was just me--I admit I am high maintenance. I think I picked the most expensive frame, mat, etc. they had.
    I am wanting to have my husbands and his grandfathers Military uniform jacket framed. I want them done separately. I went to Michael's and they quoted me about 700 each! That is nuts since I only want a jacket in a dang box! If anyone knows someone who is reasonable and will make sure it is done right and preserved forever you have my business!Thanks
    Make sure wherever you take the jackets that they use acid-free materials and do request UV protectant glass. That way the jackeet is protected from fading or whatever
  22. I've noticed in a lot of the topics that there are quite a few wives of law enforcement officers on here. Just curious how many and what agencies. My husb is with GSP.


    Met my husband when he was with Smyrna P.D. Then went to Rome P.D. when we moved to Calhoun area in N. Ga. That was a weird place to police, so he went to Marietta. Did just about everything there--S,W.A.T., detectives, admin, and then became the first D.A.R.E. officer there. He had the PT Cruiser that was painted like an old black and white patrol car. He retired last April, stayed retired 3 days, and now works Security at Lockheed and will make more money this coming year than he did after his last year as a cop after 28 years in police work.

  23. I have a sister who lives in Colorado who no longer speaks to me or have any other contact with me or any of my daughters. We have only spoken twice in the last 3 years. I called both times. does this kind of thing happen in your family?


    When my father died when I was 18 my grandmother said my my mother and I were nothing to her since her son had died. I never saw any of that side of the family again. That was 35 years ago. I have emailed and talked to my 2 cousins for the last yhear or so, but still haven't seen them. One is in AZ and the other still in PA. My son, a USMC, hooked up with my deceased husband's brother who talked some trash to him and stirred up something about social security survivor's benefits money over 10 years ago, and he hasn't talked to me in over a year except with undisguised derision whenever it was absolutely necessary.

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