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Posts posted by sherri

  1. JP is one of my faves.... I say start with to Kiss the Girls,,,I just finished his latest in the Alex Cross series Mary Mary,,they are great books!!!!

  2. I was shot at Roses Store on Halloween 16 years ago.

    I LIVED thats what God has done for me. With out Him

    guiding the Doctors in their work I wouldnt be here.

    Without the prayers from family and friends, I wouldnt

    be here. Without my precious Mother and her beliefs, my

    Husband and my Children I wouldnt be here.

    Without the determanation that the Lord installed in me at

    birth I would never have walked again. Without the love

    for life that I have I would not be here.

    So what has God done for me??? He gave me life once again.

    Life that I appreciate and give thanks for every single morn-

    ing that I wake up.


  3. I say the kids should walk tall and carry a big stick,

    so they can hit a home run when a bully starts on

    them. To hell with you cant fight back, who says

    the same people that want help protect you from

    the bullies?

    As for not whooping my kids, I tore their butts up

    when they did something wrong,,,my parents did the

    same to me I minded!!!,,,

    The law would just have to be called on me I didnt


    As for the parents of these bullies, if the parents of the

    kids they are picking on would start picking on them

    I bet they would stop their child in a hurry.

    My kids didnt pick on anyone ever, but if someone picked

    on them they knew what to do,,,fight back,,,thats right

    FIGHT BACK!!! I always told them if a person is calling

    them names big deal just ignore them but if someone

    puts their hands on them thats another story altogether.

    I will say again if the school doesnt so anything then go

    after the parents of these kids I bet that will!!!

  4. Guess where these kids learn their behavior from? Thats right

    their parents!!!! :( Sad but true.

    I would try with the teacher first, but if that doesnt work tell

    her to try and ignore them, but if they put their hands on her

    tell her to try her best to knock their head off... I was picked on

    in school when we moved here from marietta, thats been 33 years

    now but when i had had enough I started fighting back and I

    went after the biggest one, needless to say I wasnt picked on any

    more, and I was 15 at the time and I am friends with the ones

    that picked on me.

    I know that things are diff no from then, kids fought with their fists

    then, God only knows what they may use today, so she should

    also watch for weapons!!! Oh My Gosh!!!! isnt that such a scary


    I pray that this can be worked out calmly!!!

  5. I have seen and heard things that others cannot.

    Am I scared of it?, most of the time no, but some-

    times a place I havent been to before will give me

    the creeps, or I will see something that is black, or

    shady and I will get spooked.

    I dont ever remember not seeing or hearing things,

    it is a part of my life.

    I have seen people that I know were christians after

    their death, it is a blessing for me, they let me know

    that everything is ok.

    MY ex-husband thinks I can cause he to harm himself,

    "I wished I really could,,,Id turn him into a toad!!!" I

    Right now there is a house in Cave Springs that is empty

    it is calling my name, it wants me to enter into it, will I?

    no I dont think so, because I fill like there is something

    there that isnt good, and I really dont want to deal with

    it. My Mom says that I should because there may be

    something that I need to know and the house can tell


    I have dreams about things to come, do they come true?

    yes they do, so my family and friends heed what I tell

    them about my dreams.

    I am Christain, some people believe that I am not because

    of the things I see, hear and know. I tell them if the Lord

    did not want me to know, or see the un-known he wouldnt

    have given me the power to do so.

  6. This has been a very interesting topic.

    First let me say I am very sorry for the

    bruttal lose of your pet,,,I pray they find

    the creep.


    this started out to be bad but it has turned

    into a learning topic that I find interesting.


    I believe that people should be able to dress

    as they wish and shouldnt be made fun of

    or picked on. My youngest daughter has

    friends that are gothic, I personally like these

    kids and they have been to my home.

    She wore the black cloths and hair, nails, lips,

    you name it, it was black. :p


    It really makes me mad when I see on here or

    hear people talk bad about these kids!!!! Give

    them a chance and you will see that they arent

    bad, they have dreams and hopes just like

    "normal kids".


    My daughter doesnt dress all in black now all the

    time but her friends are still her freinds.


    So I say to you be proud of who you are, hold your

    head up, and dont let anyone bring you down for

    what or how you believe. This is what I have always

    told my kids, they are excepting of others no matter

    what they look like they give them a chance.


    To those who stare if you dont understand dont stare

    ask questions thats how you learn about things.

    Sometbing else I have always told my kids the shame

    in not in not knowing the shame is in not asking when

    you dont know and make rash judgements.

  7. I have friends that work at Paulding Hospital, and they are loyal!!!!

    I use Paulding most all the time, unless it is something that I know

    that they cant fix. They have always been professional and helpful

    and caring. Alot of the employs have worked there for along time

    as well.

    I was just there friday night with my daughter,,,she is preg. and she

    is very sick, has to keep getting fluids, and she has asthma. She was

    having as asthma attack they were so good with her, they treated her

    like she was a queen,,,even let me take my 2 year old granddaughter

    back with her,,,they want let you do that in a bigger hsop.

    And you dont have to wait hours to be seen either!!!

  8. I really enjoyed reading your thread soapmom,

    I am interested in other religions, and beliefs,

    I believe that we can grow a more understanding

    world if more people would take the time to learn

    and try to understand, the differences in people

    and their beliefs, instead of staying ignorant because

    they think everyone should believe like them.

    Have a blessed Samhain!!!

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