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Posts posted by shawna

  1. Hey Cindy, I'm sending folks from my job to you. They are losing weight and don't want to spend a lot of money on sizes they don't intend to be wearing for long. I hope they come and buy bunches!!


    *Might be a good idea if I had a flyer or card to give them since it is a little hard to find your location.*

  2. I agree that we don't need to know more information about the attempt. He has already made a statement admitting that the reports are true. However, I think that the delay of the incident report will do nothing but shroud the event and make people wonder if there is more to the story than what as already been openly spoken about.


    It does make me sad that a man of such power would seek to kill himself.

  3. I am pretty sure I can get one, but not this same design. This particular one is only available in: Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Florida State, Texas, Auburn, LSU, Virginia Tech, Ohio, Tennesse, Clemson and USC.


    I currently have FSU and TN on back order for pre-orders for p.commers. Hoping they will come in real SOON!!


    I will do some research and see what I can find for ya in Oklahoma. K??



    Okie dokie. (pun intended) Shannon would love to have one! And so would I.

  4. I've got some coming that are the REAL jersey's - all stitched - that retail for $250!! Of course, my price won't be no where near that. I didn't know you were wanting a Ryan hersey I can get ya one - cheaper than retail, ya know. But, don't expect the retail price to come down any time soon!!



    I have a VICK jersey someone can have pretty cheap. :lol: :lol: :lol:

  5. how do i post in "got the goods"?? it says i am not authorized to post in that forum.



    That is just because you are not a paid member. If you are trying to 'give' stuff away I think you can post that here.


    The "got the goods" forum is for selling things. You can post things in "got the goods" if you are not a paid member, but only in in the section that is the grab bag and you will not be able to see the post after you post it. Only paid members will be able to see it.


    Good luck!

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