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Posts posted by Smokin

  1. Get ready to call each other Comrade


    Unfortunatley, You are hitting the nail on the head! My girlfriend is from the former Soviet Union. I was talking to her tis morning and she had just seen this on the news in Germany. (She's visiting her parents who also fled from mother Russia!) They all said this how it was in Russia under communist rule. The Government owned most of the big business and what they didn't own they heavily regulated. Then they have got you.


    Also, remember Registration leads to confinscation.

  2. There are only 3 movies guys are allowed to cry at....


    Saving Private Ryan




    Your man card should be deposited in the nearest toilet and flushed. :lol:


    You forgot about one of the greatest movies about football and the legendary Gayle Sayers! "Brian's Song!"

  3. Rhode Island Chili weiners!!! Heard about it food network. Guy Fieri! Smells good. Will let you know how it is in a few.

    It was pretty good. Almost like a Cincinati Chili. I kiciked it up a notch add a chopped jalepeno and two chopped serano chili peppers. Served it on a Italian flat bread with some German mustard! Kinda an international dog! It really was the bomb! ^_^

  4. Sorry could not find my old thread related to this. [PUI]...The latest traffic count according to my dispatch and GSP. Total accidents in Ga...2701. Accidents with injuries...715. Fatality accidents...11. Thats 11 to many people. Please be careful going home from the holiday! This count was last updated at 1800hrs today. As Charles Hardy says " We love ya and we need ya!"

  5. excuse me??? I am "con-try" redneck i aint...i dont like nascar, football, or monster trucks.....and i dont drink beer or listen to country music regularly. There is a diff. I CAN see where "yu-huh" could be construed as lazy though....to the yank up at the top of the post though....arent they supposed to say "ya"?



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