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fire dawg 1986

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Everything posted by fire dawg 1986

  1. <div id="change_BottomBar"><span id="change_Powered"><a href="http://www.change.org/" target="_blank">Change.org</a></span><a>|</a><span id="change_Start">The Proven <a href='http://www.change.org/'>Petition Site</a></span></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://e.change.org:80/flash_petitions_widget.js?width=300&petition_id=912960&color=1A3563"></script>
  2. I am just curious why Paulding is one of only a few that implement this. I, personally, do not intend to fight it but am curious what others thought about the subject. A fire department is supposed to be a family affair. Father, son, brother, uncle. That's the way it's been since the start of the fire service. And with the rotating shifts that the fire dept work 2 family members would never cross paths while on duty.
  3. Do you think this will ever change or is there a way to fight it?
  4. Is it true that Paulding County Fire Department will not hire family members and why is this?
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