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Proud Independent

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Posts posted by Proud Independent

  1. We will never benefit from the Economic Development department. Either a company wants to move to Paulding because of what we offer or it doesn't. No amount of spineless drool from an overpaid troll will convince them we are any more attractive than we truly are.


    As for not being qualified. I am highly skilled and have a very good job with over 30 years of experience at what I do. You on the other hand are the worst excuse for a 'credible news reporter' that I have ever heard. All of Paulding.com is biased by whoever you can whore into spending money on advertisements with them. People like you are what's wrong with this county and society as a whole.





    Wow!! It's rare someone proves so easily that they are quite an a$$hole but you did it with your little rant. Seems mommy didn't give you enough attention or weened you off a little too quickly. I'm sure you would never say the things you did to LPPT's face, especially if her fromer body building husband was there, and I suspect Jamie Gilbert could take you out as well Mr. Keyboard Super Hero. You really should consider changing your avatar to Ace and Gary, it's so much more appropriate.



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  2. So Billy Jo Heath is going to show us all public records of tax liens..hell, he may even pray over them....how exciting :rolleyes:



    Here's an idea, Billy Jo, how about you extend an invitation to debate the issues that concern voters. Why don't you give Bill Carruth an opportunity to ask you about the dramatic increase in domestic violence and gay marriage since Sunday sales became legal, as you tearfully (literally) claimed would happen? How about you give Carruth an opportunity for you to explain why you blocked a female genital mutilation bill by tacking on an amendment to kill voluntary female genital piercing? Why don't we allow Bill Carruth to ask you why "In God We Trust" should be required on every GA license plate? How about we talk about how important it is to you for Georgia congressmen to not be capped on gifts from lobbyists despite 75% of the population thinking they should?



    This guy is such a sleezebag douche. I mean really, what serious politician thinks that inviting his opponent to discuss whose mud is more true is a better idea than actually debating the issues that affect voters? It's on us, folks, we gotta get this dipcheeze out of office.






    Great points. Heath has never cared about anything that effects Paulding. All he offers is extreme talking points and what can personally benefits him. The immoral senator from Breaman's time is up.

    • Like 1
  3. Zero tax dollars currently being generated on a former county water and sewer department site, 60 new jobs, 10 retained, a $10 million capital investment, a $2.6 million annual payroll, a draw for new businesses to Paulding, the announcement reported nationally and internationally, and a conservative Georgia Tech economic impact model that shows a positive return to Paulding County every year for 20 years when incentives are factored in. An excellent project and one to be celebrated by anyone that doesn't have a political agenda.

  4. Bill Heath is saying these days that he is all about protecting the Hope Scholarship program. He told the GOP women last Saturday morning he would protect Hope forever.


    So, did he say if given a chance, he would vote against the lottery?


    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/vlHQomGj73M?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>





    So I guess that means the immoral Senator from Bremen would have to raise taxes if he wanted to continue to fund the Hope Scholarship.

  5. Killing the Hope would be a terrible mistake. With that said, and coming from a guy who's about as anti-Heath as you can get, the statement he made about poor people buying the educations of wealthier people is rather accurate. Poor folks play the lottery much more regularly than the more affluent. Personally, I see no wrong with that as playing the lottery is a completely voluntary act. His theory is in the right place; his conclusion isn't.






    You have a point but if a poor kid's parents are spending the few extra dollars they have on the lottery than they sure as heck aren't going to have money to pay for their kid to go to college. With that said, some poor people spend money on all sorts of things they shouldn't such as beer, liquor, smokes, etc. One vice doesn't prevent others. At least with HOPE a child from a poor family can have a scholarship waiting for him if he does well in school.

  6. Actually it is not an "assanine suggestion" at all. Please do some investigation and you will discover that Heath made several statements during the Chamber of Commerce debate that were negative toward the HOPE scholarship and insinuated that the HOPE scholarship was taking money from the "poor kids" and giving it to the "rich kids". How absurd is that?


    Want to talk about an assanine statement? Please go back and listen to the debate and you will understand exactly what I am talking about.



    Reread my post. I said that killing the HOPE Scholarship is an assanine suggestion.

  7. At the Republican Women's Forum on June 5, 2012, Sen. Heath announced that "if given the chance" he would end the Hope Scholarship and Bright From the Start for Pre-kindergarten children, along with scholarships for people to technical schools like chattahoochee Tech. What do you think about his plan?


    What an assanine suggestion. The HOPE Scholarship is a blessing to students and parents across Georgia and is making a real difference. It needs some revamping to make it available for all qualified students. One idea is to fund 100% of the tuition for those students working towards degrees in employable majors and needed by Georgia businesses such as engineering, biology, computer science, robotics, nursing, etc. For those less employable majors such as ancient studies and art history the program should only fund 50% of the tuition costs. This would encourage students to pursue employable career paths and benefit Georgia businesses. To advocate for the killing of the program tells me some of our elected officials are completely out of touch with the needs of families in Georgia.

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  8. I am being serious...not trying to be a butt.


    His banner says that he will Build a Business Park and bring business in.

    What type of Park, where, and do you already have prospects?


    It seems to me that we have enough empty buildings to go around............we do not need to be building new ones.


    Our current inventory of buildings are awful. They are old, small, outdated and in horrbile shape. Very few companies want them. Several new business parks are planned to address the demand being generated for companies wanting to come to Paulding and a major announcment is expected in a few weeks for a project that will locate in the county's newest park. You won't believe what Paulding is capable of achieving with good industrial sites, strong leadership and people busting their butts to make Paulding the best it can be.

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