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miracle mom

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Posts posted by miracle mom

  1. It was about a year ago that we decided to "stop by" and look at the dogs. We came home with our "Abby" (lab mix). She is the queen of the house and we are so happy we "stopped by". It is always so nice to come home from work and have a dog that is so happy to see you even if you are a little late. Thanks Paulding Animal Shelter!

  2. I got one for Christmas and I love it. It is one of my top Christmas presents of all time. I am not sure where my husband got it but make sure you get the board with it. Makes exercising a lot more fun!

  3. Lived there once. We bought a pound of shrimp and went fishing at the bridge (the old ones that is). If the fish were biting we kept fishing, if not we went home, cooked the bait and ate it! We usually had good luck at the bridge. Lots of grouper and red fish. We also caught some awsome flounder by the bridge walls.

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