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Posts posted by overthetop

  1. Okay, I may be starting out on a rude note, but I need to address a pet peeve of mine....

    Baptist is spelled with a "p" in the middle, not a "b." While many people pronounce the word as though it has a "b," nonetheless, the correct spelling is with a "p.'


    I just find it interesting that there are people claiming a Baptist faith that cannot spell it. It calls your credibility into question. After all, if you do not know how to spell the name of your religion, then how can a person of a differing belief respect your claims of knowledge of that religion?


    With that said, I would like to proclaim that I AM A CHRISTIAN! I'm a Southern Baptist who knows what I believe and I also know that arguing (or even deeply discussing) our faith with a person who has such an opposing faith is a way for Satan to step in and confuse. Satan is the author of confusion. To all Christians on this sight: be warned that Satan is here and trying to discourage you and tear away at your faith. I respect people having different opinions, but I strongly warn Christians away from trying to justify our beliefs in this forum. We cannot change a person's heart. That's up to God through the Holy Spirit. We can make our beliefs known and we can provide counsel when we are called upon. It is not up to us to argue with those determined to confuse.

  2. How about some music for the Parrothead in all of us--Jimmy Buffett!!!!!! Instead of getting several of his early LPs, just get "Songs You Know By Heart," a compilation album and sing along! The title is very true.


    FYI--Did you know that Jimmy Buffett's biggest smash was his recent duet with Alan Jackson on "It's 5 o'clock Somewhere?" Do you also know that his concerts sell out in less than 10 minutes (sometimes in as little as 2 min.) at every venue he plays? You don't get more classic than that....

  3. Well, Bobbie, I am new here also. Like Mountain Woman, I often enjoy just lurking and learning sometimes. I am not a Paulding County native, and I actually only lived in PC for about a year a really long time ago. My interest in this board is based on my having taught in the Paulding County school system for several years. It seems this is THE place to find out what's going on in the school system. Amazingly, teachers are often the last to find out about the big issues. Just because something is common knowledge to the parents and the administration does not mean every teacher knows what's what.


    Furthermore, I have a relative who is a Paulding County politician and I like to keep up with the news in that realm. That is why lurking is often the best way to learn about the way things really are. :)


    I have not met any of you (that I know of), although I'm starting to think it's possible that I have taught you or your child. :excl:


    Keep the interesting posts coming. Heated topics will often cause the truth to come out and that just may inspire someone to re-examine his/her thoughts.

  4. My prayer this season is for my husband's family to realize that Jesus is the reason we all get together this time of year and to love and enjoy one another without bickering. Why is it that Christmas seems to bring out anger and open old wounds for some people?

  5. One of the things I enjoy is comparing religions.


    I was raised Catholic and I am now Methodist.


    I find them to be very close in their theology.  For example they both say the Apostles Creed in their services.  This prayer can be made into a list.  Is this list all you have to believe to be a Christian?


    Here's the list:

    - one almighty God

    - God created everything

    - Jesus is God and the son of God

    - virgin birth

    - Jesus was crucified

    - Jesus rose from the dead after three days

    - Jesus went to heaven body and soul

    - Jesus will come again

    - God's kingdom will have no end

    - Belief in the Holy Spirit, the catholic (universal) church, the communion of saints (what is this anyway), the forgiveness of sins, the resurection of the body and life everlasting.


    Can any of these be tossed out or are there things that should be added?



    Add to your list a true belief that Jesus is God's son and that He is the one and ONLY way to heaven. Then, turn your sins over to God, asking for forgiveness, believing that the price of your sins is death, but accepting the free gift of salvation from God. Your sins have been paid for by Jesus' death. His resurrection is a symbol of hope. At Christmas, Christians celebrate the birth of a holy child in the most unmagnificent place one can imagine--a cold stable full of smelly animals. At Easter, we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and it reminds of how much Jesus suffered for our sins. Every sin can be viewed as the hammer beating the nail a little further into Jesus' precious hands and feet.


    I hope this helps you see that while "religions" have similarities, a relationship with God is the ultimate defining factor that will determine your eternal destination.

  6. Apparently it is true,  seems to be traveling news.  Always liked Paul Newman in his movies.  My favorite is the one with he and Bruce Willis.  Love that poker game in the bar but can't remember the name of the movie.


    Die Hard--the name of the movie is Nobody's Fool. It is one of my husband's all time favorite movies and I just watched it with him this past weekend. I agree that the poker game scene is terrific. That's enough to make me want to meet that guy. No salad dressings, no spaghetti sauces, etc.

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