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Just Me Again

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Posts posted by Just Me Again

  1. I know that it is probably frustrating for a hairstylist to have a client that doesn't know for sure how they want their hair. I took my 15 year old son to get his hair cut today at a place he has gone a couple of times before. He used to go to a guy at Great Clips/Stilesboro that understood his hair and knew how he liked it but we don't know where he is working now. The person today started out lecturing him about not wanting to give him two haircuts today and he had better know what he wants. He sat down and told her he wanted like last time but of course it's been a couple of months so she didn't remember, although she did remember that he had to come back last time and get a little more cut off. After talking about what he wanted she started cutting it. He has a hard time expressing to her exactly what he wants. She thinks she's done but he says he wants it shorter. She says her time is money that's why she told him at the beginning that she didn't want to have to give him two haircuts today. There was no one sitting in the waiting area but me. She was being very rude to him and I could tell he was getting upset. Finally he said just buzz it off, so he ended up getting it cut a lot shorter than he intended to. Everywhere I have ever gone they tell me if you want more cut just let me know or if you're not happy with it when you get home, just come back. I paid her twice what a cut is usually since she told us her time is valuable but I will not take him there again. It is not okay to be rude just because he's a teenager and it's not okay to hurt his feelings.


    Too many hair dressers out there to put up with that crap! How a teen's hair is cut is very important to them. Hair Razor just opened a new shop and I doubt she would treat him like that.

  2. Whew! Exactly.



    I think the year he changed the flag was 2001.


    Had it not been significant he wouldn't have been awared this:



    In 2003, Barnes was awarded the Profile in Courage Award by the John F. Kennedy Library for his success while governor of minimizing the Confederate battle emblem on the Georgia state flag despite the political fallout. It is widely believed that his support of the flag change significantly contributed to his re-election defeat in 2002.




    Had it not been significant he wouldn't have suffered such a defeat:



    Facing re-election, he lost in an upset in November 2002 as part of a larger Republican midterm sweep.[11] Many commentators point to the ire of voters opposing the flag change and his upsetting of teachers as leading to his defeat.[6] Barnes was defeated by Sonny Perdue, the first Republican to be elected Governor of Georgia since Reconstruction.[11]


    If you say it often enough maybe folks will begin to believe it. I was in Georgia when all of this went down. He lost because we had had enough of King Roy. The state had district lines thrown out by the courts, the teachers were thrown under the bus, and he acted like he was king of all he surveyed. Once was enough. I want a Governor who will take a stand against unconstitutional bills like the Health Care Bill. I do not think GA would be one of the 20 states challenging it if Barnes were Governor. Flag was NEVER an issue with me.

  3. Good grief, I remember it. The KKK standing on the Factory Shoals bridge over I20 waiving signs.


    rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif We know how well loved the KKK is. There aren't that many members to be found in the state of Georgia. Not enough to elect a Governor.

  4. Damn Madea, I just accidentally gave you a plus one. lol There is nothing delusional about the fact that people voted against Barnes because of the flag that had never voted before or since.



    Care to tell how you know this other than guessing?

  5. Madea, every redneck in Georgia climbed out from under their pick up truck long enough to register and vote the only time in their life to get back at Barnes for replacing the rebel flag.


    The teacher thing had little to do with Barnes' loss.


    NATHAN DEAL! He'll steal it all the first time. unsure.gif


    I guess that is why Barnes is apologizing all over Georgia to the teachers. It had a lot to do with his defeat.

  6. Johnny, I have a very well rounded group of friends from every single possible walk of life. In my job I meet people from every possible walk of life. The flag has never been an issue among any of those people.


    Not among those I know either. The teachers had some real issues with Barnes that had nothing to do with the flag.

  7. i wonder what she is afraid of, will is out there for everyone to see and talk to, she is off hiding somewhere - and i for one don't think having an "r" next to her name will help at all - we need to know what she stands for and thinks - and she isn't giving us that opportunity - so why would we want her in the state house? she is a lieing "b___h" and doesn't deserve anyone's vote.


    I am going to take a wild guess here and say that no matter what she does or does not do it won't change your mind one way or the other. You just are not going to vote for this lady.unsure.gif

  8. They were all invited to meet and discuss the issues here on P.com four did have a round table discussion Barnett,Pownall,Graham, And Gregory

    None of the candidates that refused to participate got elected.



    I was speaking of the one 2 years ago between the gentleman who won (and chose not to debate) and the gentleman who lost (and had the stage). The debate for Commission Chair.

  9. Some of my republican friends will probably be mad at me for saying this.... but, here I go.


    As the former secretary of the Paulding County Women's Club and an active campaigner in the 08 Presidential campaign, I think a debate is healthy and normal course of a campaign. I've not been very active lately because of personal reasons, so I am not in the loop on a lot of things but. However, I am concerned at Mrs. Braddock's seeming unwillingness to debate.


    I would love to see a debate between Paulette and Will. I think it will be a great way for people to see what both candidates have to offer.



    Are you one of the Republicans that went to Avery's event last evening? The Commission Chairs did not meet in a debate in the last election and it did not seem to matter.

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