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Posts posted by SouthBound

  1. There was more fire works on the ground than what was observed in the skies above Taylor Farms Park last night as the candidates were sparring for votes and the campaigning around the cluster of canopy's  where all of the candidates were set up were intense at times.

    One of the canopy's, most visited was that of Kathy West who was obtaining signatures to have her name placed on the ballot as an "Independent" for the school board against Nick Chester come this November's general election. It appeared that Kathy had obtained hundreds of signatures throughout the night and several of her campaign workers were working diligently through the large crowd obtaining the needed signatures to get her name placed on the ballot.

    The place was abuzz with charges and counter charges from both the candidates and ordinary citizens some of the things being tossed about was about Tony Crowe who apparently was seen in the lobby of the administration building on several different occasions greeting potential early voters as they were entering the polling place which was off limits to all candidates and campaigning.WTH was he doing there?

    Another hot topic of discussion centered around an alleged press release by Jason Anavitarte who is/was a member of GALEO  http://www.galeo.org/friends.php Concerning the ICE program that he had proposed, Without  any mention of how to fund the federal program, Which has no funding available, But the controversy over this press release did not center around the funding portion but rather around two candidates (Steve Golden and Tony Crowe)who were being accused of employing illegal immigrants with many of the conservations stating  that this was indeed factual, While others stated that this was not factual, We all know of course that the Hispanic community has been seen throughout the County performing work on the new homes/ And remodeling work. A casual observation of the conversations indicates that this was a ploy by Jason, that, was nowhere to be seen at this event

    The most amusing conversation I had was with a campaign worker who was wearing a Beverly Cochran T-Shirt And she was attempting to convince me that Beverly was not a part of the old guard, Even though she was the Administrative Assistant To the Board of Commissioners from 1996 to 2008 and certainly never questioned publicly the policy of those tax and spend administrations, This campaign worker may have convinced some people but I still remember the days that Beverly was the Administrative assistant, Enough said.

    The Will Avery Campaign diligently worked the crowds collecting the names E-mail's, And Phone numbers of potential voters for the upcoming November general election for House District 19 race, which appears to be shaping up to be hotly contested race, The Avery campaign also provided fans, stickers, and brochures that was prevalent throughout the crowd, Overall Will Avery has proven to be a real challenge for the District 19 seat. Whose opponent wail be either Incumbent Stout, who has acknowledged an affair with his ex mother in law, That resulted in a divorce from his first wife, Or two previous School Board members (Golden and Braddock) Who appears to have never seen a tax increase that they disliked, And their records bear out this fact,

    The fireworks in the sky were excellent, and the Parks and Recreation Department deserve to be commended for their efforts

    The fireworks on the ground were also excellent, And it is good to see some of the details coming out on the candidates before election day, Stay tuned folks this is going to be an exciting week before the election


    Purely fictitious hit-piece to slander the candidates you don't support. You do more damage to Pownall, Barnett, and Avery than you help them.

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