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Maggie Mae

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Posts posted by Maggie Mae

  1. WOW, anyone can make into a run off in this county!






    How can someone cast a vote for someone who is too scared to show their face during a true round table debate / discussion!

    I would really like to have heard an open discussion between all the candidates; this would have answered a lot of question for a lot of people!


    No one should be upset with David or Todd for wanting to give back two years worth of their, would be salaries! I think this shows they really care about the county and all the people who call Paulding home.


  2. I didn't hear you complaining about the events that David Barnett missed.



    Just curious, exactly what events has David Barnett missed? The man give his phone number out on P.com yesterday, so if someone wants to know where he stands on certain issues, just call him. If he has missed any public events I'm sure there was a good reason. At least he's putting forth an effort unlike "NO SHOW CROWE."

  3. NewsJunk

    Come on now. Beverly knew the event at the Chamber was taking place, and sent in an email with a question for her opponent even though she chose to sit it out on the sidelines. It was on the Chamber website.


    Pubby has publicized today's event as well.


    Beverly and Tony knew about these but chose to stay away as they have the previous public appearances with the balance of the candidates.


    If they allow themselves to answer questions which will be recorded for future reference, then they open themselves up to be made out to be liars at some point in the future as King Jerry was when he ran for his 3rd term.


    If they stay to just meeting with voters in the privacy of their homes, they have no repercussions to worry about in the future.


    I just wish they would make their goals, plans, and platforms public.


    Who is advising them to not show up they need to show are they afarid go ask JERRY

  4. Scorpio since neither Surepip nor Animal has responded to your post I will try and give you a response without being too negative and bias

    Jerry was the County Commission Chairman from 2000 thru 2008 during his tenure we had a massive explosive growth in the housing industry. It is believed by many that most of the problems that the county faces today was caused by the explosive growth, And the inability/Desire to have a balanced growth of industrial/Commercial/ Manufacturing jobs along with the thousands of new homes that were being built.

    A lot of folks claim that he ruled the county with a iron fist and that he catered to the Home building industry, He was also a powerful player in the local Republican party, And still has a large group of loyal followers, Some of which ran/Still running for office in this year's Republican party primary.

    Some of those running worked for the County under his Administration in various different capacities from building inspector/ To Administrative Assistant

    A lot of the citizens disagreed with the way the County was being ran For instance a Airport that we did not want yet he forged ahead and built it, A reservoir that we did want and many think that he drug his feet on, And we suffered through a drought with some of the tightest restrictions in the State And many of the small business in the county suffered the most.

    The administration also placed the County in debt for a $65 million dollar Courthouse, over $400 million in Sewer improvements once they are completed, The Building boom resulted in the need for over $200 million dollars in school bonds to build new schools, just to name a few expenditures of that administration. This resulted in a rapid increase in property taxes on a yearly basis.

    In 2008 the citizens had enough and sent Jerry packing by I believe a 73% to 27% margin.

    Many people believe that Jerry is trying to maintain control of the County Commission by getting certain people elected in this runoff that have been loyal to him over the years, And is certainly an issue in this upcoming election.

    BTW Welcome to Paulding County and P.com the place for the most up to date news in the County, and you can always get both sides of the discussion here. The only fair and balanced discussions around


    Thank"s for the class CLASS 101 HISTORY PAULDING COUNTY

  5. I know David Barnett and Todd Pownall and both men are respected business men in the County that provides jobs for other Paulding County Residents, And on a regular basis give back to the community through various charitable and non charitable organizations for many years, and without question has done so expecting nothing in return.

    It came as no surprise to me that due to state of the economy and the budget crunch that the county is in that these two gentlemen volunteered to forego two years of salary, All County workers have taken a hit in the pocket book over the past couple of years, And have not received pay increases and are required to take furlough days without pay. Some citizens have forgot what it means to be a "PUBLIC SERVANT" I will remind you again GreenEyedGirl That only recently During the Jerry Shearin, Beverly Cochran regime did County Commissioners receive pay for serving their constituents, Prior administrations paid the commissioners nothing.

    I wonder how many of David and Todd's opponents would even be in this race if they knew that they would not be paid for their services for the first two years?

    It should be noted that Todd's and David's opponents were previous employees on the County Payroll prior to qualifying to run for the commission seats, And, even have family members still on the county payroll, this has certainly raised a few eyebrows during the campaign, as to what their intentions are? Will Cochran and Crowe propose a raise in pay for the Commissioners to recoup the $65,000 salary that she was making under the previous administration?

    WOW Did not know that about the pay for the post commissoners, so why don"t they step up to the plate for the citizens like Barnett @ Pownall . I recall a older post about that is no money what they are giving up !!!!! Let"s ask some county employees with a spouse out of work if that is a big deal or not ????????????????????????????????????

  6. No, if you knew Pownall and Barnett, you would know they are both for real and legit.


    I think back on the time, energy and effort Todd devoted to Relay for Life for so many years, and the fact he never got paid a penny for that either.




    I have to agree with you . We have lived in Paulding just over a year and I have seen what you are talking about , we attend West Ridge and have seen Mr. Barnett and Mr. Pownall . Question Mr. Barnett is on North West Ga Regional Comm. for Paulding , I have heard that he is only public sector person from Paulding appointed by the boardof commissoner looks like they must know something about his involement for our future

  7. I have a friend who lives in Post 4. I told him about the announcement made by these two candidates to give back their salary, and asked his opinion. I wonder who else would agree with this view:


    "If they aren't getting paid by the county then they will be sure they get their pay through the back door and in other ways. I'm not sure I'd trust someone offering to work for free."


    I'm out of this one - but does anyone else think that this is fishy and that the 2 candidates that get the most praise on this site are the two that are offering to forego their salary?

    I"m a stay home mom ,you may need to look they both have there own company"s . post 4 is not talked about to much on here .Pay through backdoor is a joke . This is why all 4 should do the round table discuss the question out there . I have gone by talked to both , people shoud do that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I think an open debate would be great for the post two commission race. People would see who is in it for the county,and why the other is into it for pay back & wrong reason.


    Folks I have a great view of people running for office,as long as it is for the right reason,now Beverly is a nice person but to be a commissioner would be wrong. She would carry on a by gone time when Jerry was at the helm. She was his right hand woman,she danced to the music and was part of his administraton. To bring back that failed group that ran this county would be a step backwards.


    We need to move forward and place Todd Pownall into the post 2 commissioner position,he has dedicated himself for years to community work in the county. Beverly just wants to get revenge to David for firing her,which should have been done long ago. When new and more advanced management takes over it is normal to get rid of dead weight. Beverly was living on borrowed time,now end her time and say no to Jerry's puppet.


    A vote for Todd would move us into the right position for all the right reasons.clapping.gif yahoo.gif

    If I recall Mr. Pownall and Mr. Barnett are giving back there first two years of pay . Looks like they both have the couty involement that we need ?? THEY NEED TO DO THE ROUNDTABLE ALL 4 OF THEM

    I will be backing Mr. Barnett in Post 4.

  9. the discussion today is with District 19 Incumbent Daniel Stout and Candidate Paulette Braddock...we were scheduled to start at 2:00 PM. Mr. Stout is here but we are still waiting on Mrs. Braddock...as soon as she arrives we will begin


    What about post 2 and post 4 ? I really enjoyed the last one, will it be soon??????? Have not seen Mrs. Cochran or Mr. Crowe speak without a clue what will be ask of them .

  10. I want to thank the candidates and support staff that removed the political signs that dotted the landscape everywhere for quite some time. I personally witnessed Earl Cosgrove picking up his in Yorkville on Wednesday morning. He was in his pick up truck pulling a trailer, stopping to pick up every sign along the way. good.gif


    There are a few that have been left due to run-offs. There are also a few that should be picked up soon, especially the Eric Johnson ones in Yorkville. wink.gif


    Isn't there a deadline for those things to be gone???


    I heard Cosgrove got caught knocking down David Barnett signs on Hwy 278 come on leave other candidates signs .

  11. I wonder why Tony Crowe, Vernon Collett, Jason Anavitarte and Beverly Cochran failed and or refused to partake in the discussion, it would seem to me that they would want to discuss the problems facing our County.


    I guess some feel it is more important to put up a zillion signs, and hope no one finds out about what their positions are on the major issues concerning the county. I know That Tony Crowe did not attend the Meet and Greet at the Stars and Stripes or the Forum held by the Chamber of Commerce at the Dallas theatre, I have not seen him speak at the Republican meeting, Maybe he will speak at the next meeting.

    There has also been reports that he has been seen again inside the lobby at the administration building even though he has been made aware that candidates are not suppose to campaign in this area. This law needs to be enforced. And formal charges brought if there is a violation of the voting laws.


    How is Post 4 looking

  12. It means that he is a very slick politician and that he is telling the people what they want to hear, Pure and simple Atlanta Georgia Politics,Making a break through here in Paulding County.


    Can you scan and post the two different cards?


    I will have to get the flyer from her. But she told me that he talks about how they have not gotten anything up there, don't they have a new fire station , new libary , new schools , also new park what is he talking about,she and her family have a house in Bent Water so someone must be a little confused COUNTY has not forgotten about them .

  13. A bunch of signs vanished on Dabbs Bridge road the other day...



    Well kinda vanished, the shredded remains were still there.


    The County has been mowing up here and anything too close to the road got ate up. ohmy.gif


    Every sign except the cast iron one for DD in front of the Capital are GONE.


    I have noticed signs up and then laying down and another sign for a diffrent person up, come on people .


    Why did Jason send out 2 cards for Post 4 one for Cedarcrest home owners and one for the rest of Post 4 ????

    My girlfrind told me this who lives on Cedarcrest. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN ????

  14. this is awesome! check it out...it's great to listen to these candidates talk with no script or prompts and speak what they really feel and what they believe this county needs


    I really liked seeing this - BRAVO TO THEM FOR COMING OUT looks likes to me they are concerned about the county!!!!! I have lived here a little less than a year, I have met and researched each of the four Post 4 candidates - BARNETT YOU HAVE MY VOTE!!

  15. There was more fire works on the ground than what was observed in the skies above Taylor Farms Park last night as the candidates were sparring for votes and the campaigning around the cluster of canopy's where all of the candidates were set up were intense at times.

    One of the canopy's, most visited was that of Kathy West who was obtaining signatures to have her name placed on the ballot as an "Independent" for the school board against Nick Chester come this November's general election. It appeared that Kathy had obtained hundreds of signatures throughout the night and several of her campaign workers were working diligently through the large crowd obtaining the needed signatures to get her name placed on the ballot.

    The place was abuzz with charges and counter charges from both the candidates and ordinary citizens some of the things being tossed about was about Tony Crowe who apparently was seen in the lobby of the administration building on several different occasions greeting potential early voters as they were entering the polling place which was off limits to all candidates and campaigning.WTH was he doing there?

    Another hot topic of discussion centered around an alleged press release by Jason Anavitarte who is/was a member of GALEO http://www.galeo.org/friends.php Concerning the ICE program that he had proposed, Without any mention of how to fund the federal program, Which has no funding available, But the controversy over this press release did not center around the funding portion but rather around two candidates (Steve Golden and Tony Crowe)who were being accused of employing illegal immigrants with many of the conservations stating that this was indeed factual, While others stated that this was not factual, We all know of course that the Hispanic community has been seen throughout the County performing work on the new homes/ And remodeling work. A casual observation of the conversations indicates that this was a ploy by Jason, that, was nowhere to be seen at this event

    The most amusing conversation I had was with a campaign worker who was wearing a Beverly Cochran T-Shirt And she was attempting to convince me that Beverly was not a part of the old guard, Even though she was the Administrative Assistant To the Board of Commissioners from 1996 to 2008 and certainly never questioned publicly the policy of those tax and spend administrations, This campaign worker may have convinced some people but I still remember the days that Beverly was the Administrative assistant, Enough said.

    The Will Avery Campaign diligently worked the crowds collecting the names E-mail's, And Phone numbers of potential voters for the upcoming November general election for House District 19 race, which appears to be shaping up to be hotly contested race, The Avery campaign also provided fans, stickers, and brochures that was prevalent throughout the crowd, Overall Will Avery has proven to be a real challenge for the District 19 seat. Whose opponent wail be either Incumbent Stout, who has acknowledged an affair with his ex mother in law, That resulted in a divorce from his first wife, Or two previous School Board members (Golden and Braddock) Who appears to have never seen a tax increase that they disliked, And their records bear out this fact,

    The fireworks in the sky were excellent, and the Parks and Recreation Department deserve to be commended for their efforts

    The fireworks on the ground were also excellent, And it is good to see some of the details coming out on the candidates before election day, Stay tuned folks this is going to be an exciting week before the election


    Things like this about Mr. Crowe make me think .Don't the candidates have to signs papers about the rules of the election . SHAME ON YOU MR. CROWE what else have you done wrong

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