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Posts posted by Beachbum44

  1. You didn't say that about the candidate for the 19th District? Do I sense another agenda here other than protection of the reputation of the Republican Party. I will pray for all concerned and hope that a family is not destroyed because of allegations a day before a race. I will wait for proof that SHE is not fit.



    Im just curious. When is this county going to wake up and quit voting the same people into office. Dont you want this county to grow? Change for the better? Because it is evident that the same officials who know the same people keep voting the same way and this county is going no where. We have more businesses closing than we have opening. Havent these same people or connections been in office for years?


    Personally this is just my opinion, but i am not voting for Cochran or Pownall because all they are is another echo of the same type of voice that is already in there or have been there.

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