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Posts posted by tony@holeinonepest

  1. We like to deal with them humanely. I have a beekeeper that has gone with me on jobs in the past. When they are in the walls of someones house its not always possible but most of the time it can be managed. They are fascinating creatures.

  2. So far this has been an interesting bug season. With 20 years in the industry I had only seen "bird mites" 3 times. I have seen them 5 times this year already, including in my own home. These come from birds that will often nest in your gutters and up under the edge of your shingles this time of year. They are feeding on the birds however can and will feed on humans. Females require a blood meal. They are very small. About the size of a period at the end of a sentence. They are an opaque almost gray color and can be found in bath tub areas due to the moisture. These are a problem and a health risk.

    The other occurence that is fascinating to those of us in the business, is Honeybees. I have seen two cases this year. In the most recent one, the bees had entered through a hole in a mortar joint on a brick home and had established there nest between the first and second floors. In a 16" x 24" area there must of been 40 t0 50 homeycombs with honey starting to ooze through the sheetrock.

    If you see bees congregating around a particular area of your home and thought they were yellow jackets or something, you should have it inspected.


    Hole-In-One Pest Solutions offers Termite Control, Pest Control, Mosquito Control and bee control in Dallas Georgia and throughout Paulding County. Please message us on PCom or visit www.holeinonepest.com to schedule a FREE HOME INSPECTION. 770-708-2945



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  3. For those of us who enjoying grilling out, jumping on the trampoline, gardening, hanging by the pool and all the other outdoor activities, MOSQUITOES can make you miserable. There are times of the year where you can't even go out and do the things you like to do because they are so bad. Many people just assume there is nothing that can be done, BUT THERE IS!!! We offer a VERY AFFORDABLE monthly mosquito management service which will give you back your yard!!! We utilize granular larvacides and liquid adulticides to gain control and with prices ranging from $30, it's something anyone can afford. If you would like to know more, or if you need help with any TERMITE or PEST problem. Please contact us for a FREE HOME EVALUATION.. 770-708-2945 www.holeinonepest.com


    Hole-In-One Pest Solutions offers pest, termite and mosquito control in Dallas, Ga. and throughout all of Paulding County.

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  4. I would like to say what a Nice and Easy Going guy Steve is to work with. I have known him for a while and recently used him for the first time. I am preparing to use him again. His work is top notch, turn around is quick and he goes above and beyond for his customers. Let's support this local company. He deserve's our support.

  5. We are currently offering 15% off any new pest control or mosquito initial service, as well as, $100 off any new termite treatment. If you have been meaning to take care of this but have put it off, now would be a great time to save some dollars on a great service. We offer traditional liquid termite control, as well as, termite baiting systems. We also offer "Green Pest Control" using all natural botanical products. Our service and pricing will not be beaten!! Give us a try, call for a FREE INSPECTION and get the details.

    770-708-2945 www.holeinonepest.com


    Hole-in-One Pest Solutions offers pest control, termite control, and mosquito control in Dallas Georgia and throughout all of Paulding County.

  6. I was out driving over the weekend and as I sat at a red light, I saw a cloud of insects in the air. Soon they were flying in my window, and to my delight, it was termite swarmers. I arrived at a memorial service I was going to and within 45 minutes I had five calls come in from prospects for swarming termites. It is here. I have warned of this for a few weeks now. They swarm by the hundreds and fly very erratically and there wings often fall off in flight. They are black with two sets of wings of equal length. This can and often does happen inside the home. There will be small holes in the wall with dirt around them if your lucky enough to see where they came from. Where you see them is not necessarily where they came from because they always end up near a window or door in their efforts to return to the soil.

    If it has happened to you or if you want to avoid having it happen, CALL TODAY FOR A FREE INSPECTION!! Putting it off makes a treatment cost more and you will most likely incur the costs of repairing damages..... If your not protected, there are two types of homes in Georgia, those that have termites and those that will. www.holeinonepest.com 770-708-2945

  7. I just wanted to take a minute and Thank all those who have become customers through Paulding.Com and associated networking.

    Business has been better than I ever imagined it could in this type of economy. I hope for those that use my company, that you have found the service to exceed your expectations every time. That's my goal.

    Spring will spring again this weekend and more termites will swarm, mosquito larvae will begin to hatch with all the rain and ants will be going crazy. Please keep "Hole-In-One Pest Solutions" in mind as problems arise. Remember that we always offer FREE HOME EVALUATIONS. It's a good way to find out if there are issues you may not be aware of. Also, if you feel you are receiving less than excellent service from your current provider or maybe your paying to much. We can help with that as well..!!!! Thanks Guys

  8. I just wanted to update this post and remind everyone that if you or anyone you know see's hundreds of small black winged insects flying from their wall, this most likely is not ants. Termites are swarming big time right now, so keep your eyes peeled for the swarmers, and also for the holes in the sheetrock that appear to have dirt coming out of them. We offer Free Inspections!!

  9. More times than not the woodpeckers are going after the larve from the carpenter bees. (The big black bumble bees that swarm in the spring) These bees ususallly attack in the soffit and facia area and around decks unless you have cedar siding and then they love it all.

    I've always heard that "IF" you have woodpeckers pecking on your house, usually in the chimney area, more than likely you have termites. How true is this?????

  10. Well Neighbors, we had a really warm weekend this past weekend. Every year around the April time frame, when we have a real warm day after a rain, termites start swarming. A termite colony is made up of four colony members. Only one of those members, the worker, has the ability to come up from the ground and feed. They are repsonsible for feeding all the other colony members. Over the years, the colony grows and becomes too large for the workers to provide food for. The colony then develops winged reproductives, whose purpose is to swarm out, go down to the ground and form a new colony. That has started happening now. These guys swarm in large numbers, usually hundreds and hundreds. You will often see wings laying around on the ground because they fall off in flight. The flight is very erratic and they will usually head toward a source of light like a window or door and then die on the floor within a couple of hours if they cant get back to the soil.

    For a colony to reach the point that they swarm, usually takes 3 to 5 years. Aside from the wings, and the flying termites, another sign that you might see is small holes in your sheetrock or wood that looks like it has dirt around it. These are swarm holes and mean a swarm either has, or is about to take place.

    All this signify's the beginning of the very active termite season. Get your home INSPECTED FOR FREE!!! Message us on PCom or visit www.holeinonepest.com or you can call 770-708-2945.

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  11. Just a friendly reminder that Termite Swarm Season and Mosquito Season are both right around the corner and could rear their ugly heads any day now. We offer very affordable Monthly Mosquito Management that works amazingly well, and we also offer FREE Termite evaluations, so if your home is not under current coverage and you haven't had a recent inspection, now would be a great time to take advantage of this offer. If you become a Termite Customer you will receive $100 off your initial application and 15% off your first mosquito application. Please message us on Pcom or visit "www.holeinonepest.com" 770-708-2945


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  12. Well, first let me start by wishing everyone on Paulding.com a Happy and prosperous New Year!! We hope that everyone enjoyed their Holiday season and the first opportunity that many of us have had to enjoy a "white chiristmas". It was awesome!!!

    With the holidays behind us, we can now turn our attention to taking care of those thigns that are important to us, our "homes" and "our families". Sometimes, during this busy season, things we know are important can get put on the back burner, although infestations of rodents and roaches most often occur during this time of the year. Problems like

    these can put your family and health at risk due to the bacteria and pathogens these critter's can bring into your home. Their are other issues that can occur as well, such as, contamination of food, chewing of wiring by rodents etc. If these issues have been of concern to you and have been put off because of the busy holiday season, give "Hole-In-One Pest Solutions" a call TODAY!! We offer FREE HOME EVALUATIONS where we will inspect for wildlife and rodent infestations, insect problems, moisture and fungus issues, termite infestation as well as any related damages. We provide this service for free and will provide you with detailed solutions at no charge. Please visit us at www.holeinonepest.com or call 770-708-2945.

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  13. During this time of the year, the mindset of the average Homeowner change's to other things, the Holidays, the cool weather etc.

    In Georgia we don't experience harsh enough winter's to kill off the termite population, resulting in activity 12 month's per year.

    I have been in the business 20 years, and I find no less termites in November than I do in July. The difference is the mindset

    changes.As a result, that part of our industry slows down, and as a result, it's an opportunity for Homeowner's to save a great

    deal of money.

    We offer FREE TERMITE EVALUATION'S, and if we identify problems, we will show them to you and discuss solutions, and if

    you decide to become a customer, you will receive a $150 discount off the cost of the treatment.

    We offer both traditional liquid treatments and Termite Baiting Systems. Call TODAY to schedule your inspection. If this is

    something you know you have been needing to do, now is an excellent time. Call 770-708-2945 or visit www.holeinonepest.com




    Hole In One Pest Solutions offer's termite control and pest control in Dallas Ga and all of Paulding County.

  14. Well believe it or not, the holidays aren't far away. It seem's hard to believe, but they aways have a way of sneaking up on us. The cooler weather sends a lot of nature's pest looking for a warmer place to live. American Roaches, Spiders and mice are rampant right now.

    Don't be embarrassed by one of these running across your floor when your inlaws are in town. Be proactive and give us a call.

    Our philosophy is simple. We will develop customer's for life by offering excellent service at a fair price. We don't charge a large initial fee for your first service and you won't get more personal service anywhere. Visit us at www.holeinonepest.com or call 770-708-2945.



    Hole in One Pest Solutions offers commercial and residential pest control, termite control and rodent control services in Paulding County and the surrounding areas.

  15. A very, very last minute reminder. Tomorrow at Bentwater Golf Club is the First Annual Breast Cancer Fundraiser and Golf Tournament. If you have time and love to Golf, Please come out

    and support this very worthy cause. Any participation would be very much appreciated, as involvement has been very light. (Possibly because of the heat). Come by and see "Hole-In-One Pest Solutions" on hole #1. Thank You!!!!!


    Hole In One Pest Solutions provides pest control, termite control and mosquito control services in Dallas Ga. and all of Paulding County. Please vist us at www.holeinonepest.com or call 770-708-2945 for a free home evaluation.

  16. Well, we just finished working the Makeover project and it was really encouraging to see how many people came out to give back to the community. There has never been a more important time to help those in need. The schools, family's, businesses, all need help to pull through the tough times many are experiencing. We were blessed to be a small part of the big effort and look forward to seeing it all come together this evening out in Hiram.

    Any one who participated in the event that has need of termite or pest control services can call and receive 15% off of any service we offer. Just our way of saying Thanks for caring and giving of your time.




    Tony- "Hole-In-One Pest Solutions"


    Cockroach Control

    German Cockroach, Blattella germanica, is the cockroach most frequently encountered by Georgia exterminators. If there's anything that most people agree on, it's that they hate cockroaches — and not without good reason. Cockroaches are filthy insects that are implicated in the transmission of serious diseases including dysentery, typhoid, poliomyelitis, gastroenteritis, and other illnesses whose pathogens they pick up on their bodies while walking across filth. Their shed skins and droppings also can trigger asthma and other respiratory problems, and they give off a distinctive, unpleasant odor that can permeate food and other stored products.


    Roaches also reproduce prolifically. Under ideal circumstances, if a single female cockroach carrying an ootheca (egg sack) gets into your home or business, her progeny may number in the hundreds of cockroaches within a few months, and in the thousands within a year.



    Georgia Cockroach Species


    German Cockroaches

    The German Cockroach, Blattella Germanica (pictured on the upper right), is the cockroach most frequently encountered by Georgia pest control operators. German cockroaches average between one-half and three-quarters of an inch in length (not counting the antennae) and are reddish-brown in color. They also have a distinct, dark-colored longitudinal stripe on the top of the pronotum. Adults have fully-developed wings and seem to possess all the muscles and nerves necessary for flight, but they don't fly.


    German cockroaches require a warm, somewhat damp environment with ready access to food and water. They are most commonly encountered in or near kitchens and bathrooms, but they also can be found in other areas where suitable conditions exist. Although they are not social insects — there is no division of labor and a solitary cockroach can survive just fine on its own — German cockroaches can often be found in large groups living in close proximity to each other where suitable conditions exist. They also leave pheromone trails — chemical markers that can help other roaches find food and water and may be involved in mating.


    German cockroaches are averse to light and will scurry into their hiding places when the lights are turned on in a darkened room. They usually live in cracks, crevices, and other protected places, and like to have surfaces touching both their feet and their bodies when they're not actively foraging. This habit is called thigmotaxis and is one of the reasons why effective control of German cockroach requires a high level of skill and precise application.



    American Cockroaches (a/k/a "Palmetto Bugs")

    American Cockroach, most commonly referred to as the "Palmetto bug" in Georgia, is the largest cockroach in North America. The American Cockroach, Periplaneta Americana (pictured to the right), is often called the "Palmetto bug" in Georgia and elsewhere in the South, and the "waterbug" in the North. American cockroaches are the largest cockroaches in North America, sometimes reaching lengths of almost two inches. They're also among the fastest-moving of all terrestrial insects: In a 1991 experiment at the University of California at Berkeley, an American cockroach was clocked running at the blazing speed of 3.4 mph — the equivalent of a human being running at 205 mph.


    Palmetto bugs favor dark, moist areas close to sources of food, but they can survive in dry areas if they have ready access to water. Their diet consists of decaying organic matter. They're commonly found in basements, sewers, utility tunnels and chaseways, in voids under bathtubs, and similar dark areas close to sources of food and water. Like most roaches, they are averse to light and will rapidly scurry away from light; so many people don't even know they have a Palmetto bug problem (or don't know how extensive the problem is) until they happen to walk into their basement at night and turn the lights on.



    Cockroach control in Atlanta and North-Central Georgia

    Hole In One Pest Solutions offers cockroach control services to home and businesses in Dallas and throughout Paulding County and Metro Atlanta. We utilize a combination of conventional and environmental methods to rapidly reduce cockroach populations, and ongoing monitoring and maintenance services to provide long-term protection. Please contact us for more information or to arrange a prompt service call.





  18. Lately, we have received many calls regarding severe ant infestations. Each call has been similar in description, and upon inspection have turned out to be what those in the industry know as "odorous house ants". These guy are infesting in large numbers and invading kitchens and bathrooms in most cases. Ants are always a problem this time of year, but I believe we are seeing extraordinary numbers this year due to the hot dry weather we have experienced over the last couple of weeks.

    If your considering treating these yourself, be careful with spraying. Spraying will kill the ants that you spray directly, but it will repel the others, often causing a split in the colony and therefore spreading the ants throughout your home or business. Baiting is often the best approach for an ant infestation of this kind.


    Hole In One Pest Solutions provides pest control service in Dallas Ga and all of Paulding County. We are fully licensed and insured with 20 years of experience, offering Termite, Pest , Mosquito, Bee and Rodent Control Services. For excellent service at a fair price, visit us at www.holeinonepest.com

  19. They were on my leg before I saw the nest. After treating several stings I emptied 2 cans of wasp and hornet spray on em. yahoo.gif


    Well hopefully that solved the problem. If not let me know. If you have any other pest control needs or want to save money on termite protection, keep us in mind. Thank You

  20. Most home owners don't think a lot about their gutters. But, it's important to have gutters cleaned out regularly--ideally twice a year.


    Why? If gutters aren't cleaned regularly, they will clog up when it rains. The standing water will back up, overflow, and 0ver time, they will pull loose from the house. The standing water will also rot wood gutters and rust sheet metal ones.


    So, get your gutters cleaned regularly to avoid expensive repairs in the future!



    I would love to develop a working relationship where we could refer each other. I am often looking at those areas because ongoing moisture issues often lead to termite and pest issues and many moisture issues come from neglected or improperly installed gutters. Let me know if your interested.

  21. I met several of these rascals last weekend when cutting back my parents shrubbery. Needless to say they will not be getting Christmas cards from me this year. good.gif



    Oh I hear ya!! They are very aggressive. What did you do to take care of them?

  22. Lately we have had a flood of calls regarding the "Bald Faced Hornet". These are the black hornets with a white face that build the grayish paper nest in trees shrubs, on the eaves of homes, attached to patio furniture etc. They have "sentries" that constantly fly around the opening of the nest to alert the others of potential danger. These bees are very aggressive, and attack in large numbers when they feel threatened. If you need more information or need help with a problem of this nature, please send us a message.


    We are still offering 15% OFF Pest Control Related Services and $100 off a New Termite Service for "Paulding.com" subscribers.

    See our blog at www.holeinonepest.com/blog for more info on the Bald Face Hornet.



    Hole-In-One Pest Solutions is a provider of pest control services in the Dallas Ga area and all of Paulding County. We also offer conventional termite and termite baiting, bee control, rodent control and carpenter ant control. 770-708-2945

  23. We are offering a FREE interior and exterior pest control service with any new termite treatment for the rest of the month of June, so if you have been putting this off, call for a Free Inspection and estimate, and if you hire us as your Termite Service Provider, we will do a full pest control at no charge. Please visit us at www.holeinonepest.com


    Hole In One Pest Solutions offers Pest Control in Dallas Ga and all of Paulding County. We also provide termite control, bee control, fire ant control and rodent controll. We offer 20 years experience and excellent service at a fair price.

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