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Posts posted by red1ss

  1. When my sister was that age, they painted a large terra cotta flower pot, put their handprints all over it, and all wrote their own names. It was very cute and the teacher still had it when that class graduated from high school.

    Be sure you use water proof paint.......if it's not, the paint will run and wash away when you water the plant inside (the clay absorbs water).

  2. I left my job a year ago to stay at home with my son, but three weeks ago, my husband lost his job. So needless to say I've been looking. I'm 46 and have worked continuously until last year, since I was 17. I have never in my life had a problem finding and getting a job until now. I can't believe the job market right now. I have applied for so many jobs online that my eyes are strained! And have just gotten in my car and driven around and dropped off resumes. I haven't even gotten a nibble. I hope it gets better soon! Good Luck to everyone looking!

  3. I'm not sure what happened....but it looks like Wilson dropped him off at some institution looking place.


    Did he quit? Did he really sleep with Cutty? What he really detoxed? That whole Amber flashback weirdness confused me.


    I'm a little confused to.......I think the whole detox thing and sleeping with Cuddy was in his imagination???


  4. Darn it, if I only lived closer , I would do it in a heart beat. I love to tutor adult readers.I enjoyed that job as much as, if not more than, any other I have ever had.


    Try the libraries and ask if there is a Literacy Volunteers of America tutoring program, or a Laubach Literacy action group.


    Call the school systems( central offices) and ask if they know of any adult reading programs. You might better ask for the Elementary Education Director or whatever they call it in Georgia.


    Our GED program here where I live can hook you up with a reading tutor. Did you say you asked them about reading tutors? If you did not talk to the actual GED instructor, talk to her/him and see if she knows of a program for adult readers.


    If you know a retired elementary teacher, she might be interested in it.


    Look in the Yellow Pages in the Atlanta phone book and see if there is a Literacy Volunteers of America program. I thought there was one in Atlanta.Also, check for Laubach Literacy Action groups in the Yellow pages.


    There might be some information on google about tutoring for adults. Google Literacy Volunteers of America, Laubach Literacy Action Group, reading tutors for adults,etc.


    Also, if you have a Sylvan Center or a tutoring center like that, call and ask them if they know of any program for adult readers who need some help. They might have some type of tutoring for adults too.


    When I worked with adults learning to read, one time I worked with a library project that had tutors to teach adults. Another time, I worked through the school system, but in a program for tutoring adults.


    I just wish I lived close enough to work with him. I moved away.That is the most fulfilling job I have done.


    Just try the Yellow Pages, all the local libraries, the school board offices, and the Junior Colleges and the GED instructors themselves.Oh oh, try LGM. She might be able to find out if Kennesaw has anything for remedial reading. That is what the Junior Colleges should offer too, is a remedial reading course that would help him.Cobb County might have a program. They used to have a great program at nights of all kinds of classes for adults. If their budget is not blown away, they might have something.But seriously, so many high school kids graduate lacking the reading and math skills that they need, that most colleges offer remedial reading and remedial math classes.Check into that.


    I so hope that you can find him some help. He will feel so much better about himself if he learns to read better.


    Thank you......I did google adult literacy which is how I came up with Chattahoochee and North Metro Tech, but both places said they do the GED classes.....no tutors and they didn't know of any. The other ideas are great and I will check into these. I'm sad you're not in Georgia you sound so passionate about it! Please PM me if you think of anything else....Thank you!!!!

  5. I'm looking for a tutor for someone I know who has a very hard time reading. I think he would do better with a tutor or a very small class. I called Chattahoochee, but they only do the GED classes and they don't know of any reading programs for adults. North Metro has basic reading classes, but they are large groups and the classes are full until the fall. If there is anyone who knows of someone or of an organization I could call, could you please PM me? I would really appreciate it!

  6. I am not quite sure I understand. You want the taxpayer to pay you while are working, or you are just gonna let the taxpayer pay you. I had respect for you PM right untill you became a drain on my wallet. I know you know what I mean and hope you don't take offence.



    1 question. The part time work that requires you to visit at peoples homes and buy your own supplies. Is it a salery, hourly, or 1099 position?



    Less is better than none, and the government (taxpayer) isn't going to pay you forever.


    Unemployment doesn't come from your wallet. It's insurance that employers pay for just this sort of occasion.

  7. I have a golden retriever who loves to play in the water. I took him to Red Top Mountain last weekend and let him play on the beach, but the park ranger asked us to leave. She said he could play anywhere else around the lake except for the beach. The only trouble was there was no other "beach area" and the other parts had large rocks around the waters edge and it was hard for him to get in and out and there was also old fishing lines, hooks, etc and I felt it was dangerous. Does anyone know of a safe area for a dog to swim and play?

  8. I called the health department and they didn't say anything about participating. They just told me the shots would be free.

    I called the health department last week to see how much they charge for one and they told me about the free shots at HHS. They didn't say anything to me about a drill, either.

  9. I had the same problem and had mine steamed cleaned but it still didn't seem clean to me. The cushion covers (the backs and the seats) had zippers, so I took a chance and removed the covers and washed them on the gentle cycle with Woolite. I dried them in the dryer on low until they were about half way dry and then put them outside to finish drying. I guess it depends on what kind of fabric it is, but mine came out great.

  10. Upward sports at many of the churches is very good. My 7 year old has play three seasons of Upward Soccer and one season of Upward basketball and it was a great experience. We are fixing to sign up for flag football at Fortified Hills Bapt. Church through Upward.

  11. Buy a box of the liners too. They work great and make clean up super easy! They are usually found over by the saran/cling wrap and are 110% worth the money.

    [size="3]The crock pot bags are the best invention ever. I used to rarely cook in the crock pot because I hated the clean up, but these bags are fantastic. I love my crock pot now.[/size]

  12. A friend told me about a restaurant in Rockmart called the Steak House and she said it was delicious, but I want to get other opinions before I drive all the way out there. Have any of you eaten there?


    Also, has anyone tried The Azalea House in Dallas behind the Baptist Church? Thanks!

    Title edited for non-commerce member's name.

  13. "How clean is your House?" while eating. They had a scene where one of the women pulled out a pot from the fridge, the contents were grey and green and looked like it may of been bubbling. Then one of them stuck her finger in the toilet which was coated in a grey, green, brown crud and rubbed her finger in it.


    I nearly vomited.


    So don't watch this show while eating.


    I love the show, but I hate it when one of them sticks their finger in something gross

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