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Posts posted by ValB

  1. Jerry Hollis, Charles Williams and Eddie Wyatt are the preachers. Pray for them.
    These are wonderful men of God to do a service for someone. Of course, Bro. Bice preached his own funeral

    with the life he lived. He was truly a good man with a passion for others.


    Now go on Bro. Jay and have a GREAT TIME! Imagine, Jay is now experiencing things that we are merely talking about. Prayers for the family both biological and spiritual families. :wub:




  2. I will be there bowling in the UP and DOWN tournament with them, along with DH and MY Mom, we bowl with them every year.

    There are some awesome bowlers that bowl from the wheel chairs.

    I want to come watch. Better yet...cheer you on :clapping:

  3. After attending all the awards at the schools for my 1st grade grandchildren, I checked them out of school and got lunch and took two 7 year olds, 10 year old and a 13 year old swimming at our SD pool. B)

    I really enjoyed this time. They made me laugh alot. The innocense of a child.



  4. Hello PCOM


    Finally, I'm able to post to all of you.


    Thanks again for all you've done for us. We certainly would not make it if it were not for the folks on PCOM.


    After reading some of the other post, My request is minor. That's why I'm so grateful for you taking the time and

    voting. :give_rose:


    Victory Road

  5. Nothing takes us by storm as God knows all before it happens. He walked through our valleys and on top of our mountians yesterday. Believing with you today that He (God) will carry you through and give you comfort that everything is going to be OKAY! :angel: :angel:

  6. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    Oh yes I do know!!!

    We had quartet practice last night and we talked about PCOM and the group was VERY greatful to you and to the PCOM family.

    Next round coming soon :yahoo: and thanks to you all we will be in it.



    Show your sister how to sign up pn here...


    I am glad they are still in the lead...

    I did get to post. Thanks Lady Raider for the help of getting me online :)

  7. Thanks , ya'll are awesome.

    My sister has been trying to post a thank you but for some reason it won't let her.

    She said she thought she filled everything out right , but just won't let her.

    Good Morning "Sew it Seams" and PCOM

    We can not thank you enough for the outpouring spirit that you all have given us. You just don't know what it means.

    Of course, the voting will still go on through May 31st. I don't know what will happen next.


    For those of you that are interested in the background of our group.


    Mr. Donald Gibbs started a group called "Promise Quartet". They had been together for 8 years.


    In August of 05, my dad passed away. I have had an empty place in my heart since. My oldest brother had a singing on his property in October of the same year. He kept asking me to sing a song but i just could not. The last time I sang at his house, my daddy was sitting in his recliner and cheering me on.


    Around 11 p.m. I finally sang and while singing, Willard Walker came up and started singing with me. I did not know this man at the time. Afterwards, he showed up at my door the very next morning at 7am with a cd for me to listen to and told me that I need to join their group. I knew I'd have to pray about it and told him so.


    Two weeks went by and I talked with my husband, because I knew if I joined that he would have to as well. I did not want to go without him. I tried out and after the second song, the other three asked if I'd stay.

    I did!!! Praise the Lord!! Bro. Donald passed away in August of 07. Due to there being a Promise Quartet in Mecaysville, (sp)?? we changed our name to Victory Road. I have been with them almost 4 years and they have filled a void in my life. I feel like daddy is with me at every singing we have.


    We have several ministries. The 3rd Friday night of every month, we go to the Paulding County Nursing home. 4 times a year, we go to the Highrise in Rome at an Assisted Living for their ministries. We've been to Greenbrooke and would love to go back. One of our ladies in the group does Meal on Wheels for the shut ins. Sometimes her husband will help her when he's not working. Another one of our ladies teaches little ones piano. We have been from Kentucky to the Florida line.


    It's not about being in first place that we want, but if it will help us get another recording so we can sell these to help those in need at the nursing homes, assisted living, hungry, that's what we are about.


    So again, THANK YOU PCOM from the bottom of our hearts and THANK YOU 'Sew it Seams' for the post. :wub:

    May God Bless you all.


    Victory Road


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