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Posts posted by tb68

  1. Save your money and look at the recent comps...When you find a buyer they will have to pay for their own appraisal.


    I would agree, but the party that is buying from me has been informed by their lender that an appraisal is needed. They can use their own or go with the lender's choice. I am trying to find the buyer a better price...

  2. post-8628-1234521259_thumb.jpg


    My friend and best buddy of 14 years, Midnite passed away this morning at 4am. :( :( :cray:


    He gave me a signal that time was near last night and when I went to bed, I rubbed him and told he can go home.


    I heard him sometime after 3am gasping for air.....and was with him when he passed. His pain is over now.


    I may be a guy but this does hurt. He was the most sensitive animal I had ever known or had and always came to see if I was okay during the night if I woke up or was ill, no matter where he was in the house. He liked to cuddle next to me when I laid down on the recliner and when I was in bed.


    He was perfect for an animal with his feelings.


    R.I.P. Midnite


    I'm so sorry for your loss ITHIEL. Trust me, I feel your pain. I had a solid black, very young, hungry, and pregnant stray cat show up around my house about a year ago. She quickly adapted to me and she really meant alot to me. She hung around me and followed me around like a dog would. Last Sunday afternoon , somebody hit and killed her in my neighborhood (they didn't stop either), right front of my house, practically at a stop sign. I like to think of myself as a tough guy too but it has been more difficult for me to get over it than I ever imagined. She was a very special animal to me. Again, I am so sorry for your loss.

  3. Thanks everyone. It's difficult to lose a good pet. She was a thin and hungry stray cat I took in about a year ago and I would guess less than a year old at the time. I am aware accidents happen. If I accidentally hit a dog or cat in a neighborhood, I think I would at least stop and attempt to find the owner close by. Thanks again everyone.

  4. As beautiful a day as it was yesterday, my family just could not enjoy it. Unfortunately about 3:00 in the afternoon, someone hit my family pet with their vehicle and killed it, less about 50 feet from a stop sign, on a 25 mph speed limit street in Abbington. I do not understand why who ever did this wouldn’t at least attempt to knock on the door of the two houses at the stop sign, to at least find out if it someone owned it. The cat had a bright pink collar on and was obviously not a stray. I would like to think whoever did this did not mean to, and if that person happens to read this; I hope you never have to pick your lifeless pet up from the road side, and then have your family return home from a wonderful outing at the same time you are carrying your dead beloved pet across your yard in your hands. It’s not a pleasant memory. :(

  5. I have a Sony PSP about a year and a half old that was given to me. It has a protective case, 1 game, and a 512 mb memory card. I am thinking about selling it. The battery is dead and it does not have a charger but is was working when used last. They seem to go for 100 - 200 dollars on ebay. Any advice on a selling price? Thanks

  6. I just wanted to let everyone know that doesn't already know how great Bradford's Auto Shop is.I wouldn't ever think of taking my cars anywhere else.The last experience was a transmission problem,now although Gene doesnt do alot of transmission work he found out what the problem was.With my vehicle you cant check the transmission fluid, so we had to take it to Gene and he specially ordered a tool so that they could check it.It ended up low in transmission fluid and the fluid was bad.So, he replaced it and put some cleaning additives to help clear it all out.This cost me 25.00 plus an additional 120.00 in a few days to flush out the transmission.Now, the point is that if I had taken this problem to some other places they may have jacked the price up especially since I would not know any better.Gene Bradford is not only an awesome mechanic but he is also an honest one,and that is even better.So, if you ever run into any mechanical problems I would strongly suggest you take it to Bradford's.I have had a few car problems and always have taken it to Bradford's with complete satisfaction every time.And no he isnt paying me to say this. :D


    I couldn't agree more. I saw his banner ad here a few years back. I have taken my vehicles to him for various issues over the last 2 or 3 years. I highly recommend him. A good honest hometown mechanic is not easy to find these days. With Gene, you get that!!

  7. With only one day of school left it is doubtful but I hope you find the camera was not stolen and it shows up so your daughter can get it back.


    I DETEST a thief.


    I do not have much but if I have anything someone wants/needs bad enough to steal just ASK me for it. I might surprise you and simply give it to you.


    Unfortunately I agree. But, someone else had their camera stolen too. I told her she really should not have let it out her sight because most of the time you can't trust people. Lesson learned...



  8. My child’s camera was stolen at Austin Middle School, Tuesday 5/20 during their dance. Since most of her friends are going to a separate school next year, she simply wanted some pictures for memories. It was a Kodak digital camera. Not a top of the line expensive camera, but regardless, it was not their property to knowingly steal. If you know a child who all of a sudden has a digital camera and you are skeptical how they may have acquired it, you might know now... It really pisses me off especially since there were some pretty sentimental Mother’s Day photos on there. I can’t stand a thief… To whoever stole it, go ahead and start taking some pictures of yourself … Practice posing for that future mug shot when you move into bigger and better crimes, and watch out for karma…

  9. Anyone have any good or bad Dish Network install stories???


    I am getting the Americas Top 200 plan with a dual reciever DVR --


    I am excited --


    I currently have Comcast -- I like Comcast -- never had a problem but we could bundle our package with our existing cell phones, home phone, and internet and save some money --


    Very, very happy with Dish Network programming, love the wireless receivers, and love the DVR even more! I did have a less than pleasant experience with one of their service techs once. Since I wanted their service, I found an excellent private contractor out of Powder Springs who has wired two houses for my Dish Network service. He did exactly what the Dish tech told me they couldn't do. No offense to the Dish Network service guys but he is much more reliable and attentive to detail and he will spend as long as it takes to do the job right. pm me if you need his contact info.


  10. I disclosed everything in the listing.. Even delivered it for free to them.. I just couldnt belive that they had enough balls to call me and tell me its not what they wanted.. I was like why didnt you come and look at it before you bought it. ??


    I see nothing wrong with your ad. Seems very straight forward and honest.


    I disclosed everything in the listing.. Even delivered it for free to them.. I just couldnt belive that they had enough balls to call me and tell me its not what they wanted.. I was like why didnt you come and look at it before you bought it. ??


    I see nothing wrong with your ad. Seems very straight forward and honest.

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