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Posts posted by Sassychop

  1. I would really like to see a great turn out tomorrow as I am sure many would but I am concerned about communication. When they brought him home there as so much specualtion about time and the route ad we missed it. (it may have been clear to others but the info that was getting to me was conflicting) I don't want to miss Tuesday. My understanding was when they leave Clarks they will turn right on to Atlanta Hwy then another right onto Dallas-Marietta Hwy. Now I heard Clarks has changed it to 278. How can we find out accurate information to share with others? It would be great that confirmed information get posted to the front page.

    Thank you guys for doing this...It was great to see some out on Saturday as we came in from the airport hope there are many more tomorrow...If anyone knows anyone at the fire dept would be nice to see those guys too....The family deserves your support!!


    WWR, PGR

  2. Has anyone got any info about when he will be home. I would love to stand and show my support this family. Has any funds been started for the family yet.


    I ride with the PGR and WWR looks like Ryan will be coming home Sat to Peachtree Dekalb and the Patriot Guard will be escorting him to Hiram Funeral will be Mon or Tuesday not sure of times yet...Having been on many of these escorts and knowing many of these gold star families, if anyone can organize people being out on the streets with flags would be a wonderful sign of support...The family needs all the support they can get right now...


    Warriors Watch Riders

    Patriot Guard Riders...


    He is coming home sat

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