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Posts posted by GoldStraw

  1. Hey I just took up this hobby... yeah Ol' Bob Ross done sucked me in! lol


    I've got a few paintings done but i would really like to take some classes or lessons.


    Do yall know of any place or person that gives lessons?



  2. Thank you all for your nice comments. We usually only hear the negative comments! :D Our million dollar renovation is wonderful! The new management team is terrific, and we are doing our best to make Sparkles the #1 family fun center in North West Georgia!!!


    Thanks again. It's nice to know we are doing it right!!! Come back and see us again soon!


    Happy Skating!


    Tara Henry

    Sales Manager

    Sparkles Family Fun Centers




    do u still have a christian skate for youth?

  3. I'll start out by saying wow! They have really done a great job fixing this place up.


    I had a great time! We played laser tag and skated! (even the cha cha slide!)


    Im a church youth leader, so another leader and I along with the youth pastor went out to have some fun together and also to seek places to take our youth group in the near future. So we picked Sparkles (we love to skate and it takes a real man to go skating lol) We had a blast! We are very excited and we can not wait to bring our youth there.


    Just wanted to say thanks to Sparkles for giving us a safe and clean place to play! not to mention the cost was great hehehe.


    Do they still hold christian skate nights?



    Champion laser tag warrior

    (against 9 year olds) LOL




    P.S. I only fell once due to youth pastor with no brakes lol!!!

  4. I love bodyplex. get place to work out and see everyone! trainers are very nice and helpful.


    machines are great tvs and fans too cool! and plus all the classes u can take are free and fun!


    I go after work 5:00

  5. if you skip meals you gain weight. Your body shuts down and stores fat when you dont eat. Eat 5 times a day!!! with one snack. small portions and a health snack. Absolutly no soft drinks!!! diet drinks if you must but water is the best. Chicken is great for dieting, and veggies for a snack.


    Dieting cost so much money if you try all the quick meals (healthy choice foods)


    another cost factor is a gym membership (You have to have exercize to loss weight fast) unless you own a home gym. Gyms are great takes way less will power to go hang out with people. Plus there are always the employess to give you complements and encouragment.

    (I workout at bodyplex in hiram) its awesome


    dont feel like everyone is going to think of you as a cow either if, we are all there for the same reason!


    I can get some meal plans (that suck so bad, but thats what it takes) if anyone would like.


    Good Luck to the weight loss and till then dont wear spandex!!!! lololol



  6. Actually, the guy claims to be a Republican; which makes sense to me as the conspiracy theory proposed is would be one hatched by those who want big government with total information awareness; not traditional limited government libertarian Republicans.




    Borat claims it was the jews hahahhahahahaha

    movie quote "Borat: [narrating] He insist we not fly, in case the Jews repeated their attack of 9/11. "

  7. 19 members of Al Qaeda hijacked 4 planes and flew them into WTC & the Pentagon.


    Which one of these facts are you having trouble accepting ?


    LOL accepting? I have stated from the start that I do not beleive it. Once again i'll try to explain it better for you..

    I Put this post up to see what you'all thought and to see what you think about the so called facts.


    Yes this is a video of news clips twised around to say something diffrent, But as some p.commers have saw and caught you have not due to the fact that all you want to do is get angry and argue.... but i forgive you...



    Did you notice that some news clips that the lip movment didnt match the voice? well im sure you didnt due to your agressive behavior LOL :lol:

  8. There is not one single shred of evidence or fact to support the conspiracies in that video...Not one...


    I think it is a slap in the face of those who died on 9/11 to spew this kind of nonsensical garbage... :angry:


    You didnt watch the whole thing. And is there evidence proving otherwise?

  9. forget the goverment. this video is not blaming just them. (I in no way think our gov't was behind this, or beleive this video 100%)


    but look at the owner. losing money each day on the towers, the cost he would have to pay to meet code requirments. he made billions of dollars on insurance money. and gets to rebuild the buildings due to the contract. his family was the owners of both airport and tower security.


    This could so eaily be just a hoax with good theory (like the folding the 20 and making burning towers out of it)


    anyways.. this is Paulding.com and the video looked like a good conversational peice.


    smile and have a happy new year

  10. Hey I live on tibbitts. Heard a dog crying this morning at my front door. He is so sweet.

    His tag says Bo and the phone # is 770 505 4920


    I did a reverse phone search and the owner lives of of corley pl. but there # has been busy all morning!


    I figured they might be on paulding.com so im posting on here.


    call me!!!! your dog misses you!


    770 597 6514

  11. first off yes i know there was a post about this topic.

    this is my vent.


    After working 17 hours... I finally got in bed and fell asleep.. Only to be woke up by 4 ladys in a green explorer... yes i live off 61!


    So i go to the door in my finest sleeping attire (boxer shorts) to see what the heck is going on.


    and this lady starts telling me my religion is false... cause i told her my religon...


    I got the nice pamplet too! I wish i had looked more decent so i could have talked with them about my religon. People dont understand its not the religon that saves you! It's Jesus Christ powered by god that saves you.....


    religon is the #1 thing that turns people away from accepting christ...


    with everyone fighting over what is the right way and wrong way to beleive and worship they dont realize that they are actually ruining there own religon...


    anyways im good now lol

    thx pcon


  12. Trey was a great friend. He will be missed. He had a smile that would just make smile even if you were in a bad mood. I hated playing basketball against him in P.E. though... LOL We had some great times...


    To the family I am praying that God will lay his hands on you all and help you through this.

    If yall need anything let me or my family know!



  13. Of course it was for time. A limited voice.


    Let me ask you a question.....


    Do you think the women of this country stood around while the men were voting and would not allow them to vote?


    No, they didn't.


    They protested.


    They took to the streets.


    They went to jail, they were beaten and they were starved while in jail. Some died.


    All, to give women the right to vote.


    Do you think black people stood around while the white people would not allow them to vote?


    No, they didn't.


    They protested.


    They took to the streets.


    They went to jail, they were beaten and they died, by the numbers.


    To give the black people of this great country the right to vote.


    I'm not saying it will come to that, but this could get real nasty.


    I plan on taking back my government, if only locally. I plan on seeing where my money goes and what for.


    Kool. Good luck to ya!

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