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Posts posted by samford03

  1. FEET!!! I hate feet!!! I don't care if you've got socks and shoes on, don't touch me with them!


    SPIDERS FREAK ME OUT! It's weird. I'm fine with grandaddy long legs, but I can't stand the thought of little spiders crawling on you when you don't realize it. YUCK!!!

  2. Let's think about this. GM is introducing a BRAND NEW MODEL car to the public. What better way to get everyone to look at it than to give away 270 + cars. I'm sure some people had never even heard of the Pontiac G6 before her show. Now, it's one of the most talked about cars there is right now. It was a huge PR move for General Motors. I'm sure it boosted their sells. You can go to the General Motors web site and see read an article about it.


    The people that are having to pay the taxes could try to sell the cars they are currently driving to make up for the difference. Or, they could always turn around and sell the car and make a profit.

  3. Heck Yeah Bubba! Thanks for responding Pubby. Hope you understand where I was coming from with the post earlier. I agree with moving these things to the Honky Tonk. That way, ole Bubba has FREE REIGN!!! Reign on Bubba!...Reign on!...HAHAHAHAHA

  4. Aint gonna allow Bubba to wimp off... sheeze man ... I can't believe he would try to wimp out like that ... what a puss.




    The only thing hard in your mouth is that single buck tooth.






    I don't see why you're throwing in phrases like "what a pu$$". Are you not lowering yourself as a moderator and the guy running the circus? I see both sides of the argument and do not feel that the big cheese should be throwing in sexual inuendos (spelt wrong I know) about hard objects in a mouth and then get onto others for doing so. You have your GPatty id too. Shouldn't some of the comments you're making be done as a Mayberry Citizen and not as the "Publisher"? That way you can voice your personal opinions without your leadership position getting in the way. You're free to voice your thoughts just as we should be, but shouldn't the more fierce ones be done aside from the "Publisher" title? Just wondering.


    Got nothin' but love for all of ya. Let B.S. stay if he promises to play nice. He keeps things interesting!!!


    Let's all meet up at Aunt Bea's later for some lemonade and work things out!!! That is of course after all of you gentlemen go by the barber shop and have a little chat.


    Have a good one

  5. As a Christian, I felt so many different emotions watching the movie. I respect Mel Gibson for taking the risk of staking his "hollywood" career on making this movie. He personally funded it himself because he felt God leading him to make this movie. Nothing in the script came from anywhere but the Bible. How much more does it speak for the film since it was spoken in the actual language of Christ himself?!? I think it made it so much more real to me.


    As Christians, we often take for granted the sacrifice Christ made on the cross. We see cartoon pictures of Jesus on the cross and paintings in museums. . Mel Gibson didn't apologize for his film. He shouldn't have to. He presented it the way it most likely occured. I think that people NEED to see it. They need to realize that Jesus really...REALLY...went through what is portrayed. He was tortured physically, mentally, and emotionally. The biggest part of this is that he did this so that we would be forgiven of our sins. He committed no crimes. He didn't deserve to go through any of what you see in the movie, but it was God's will that none should perish. Thank you Christ for enduring that!!!


    I encourage all...Christian, Jew, Agnostic, Athiest, Polytheistic, etc to go see this. Jesus was a real person...check any history book. Jesus was God and Man...Check the Bible...


    God Bless!

  6. Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ movie was released on VHS/DVD yesterday. Over 2.5 million copies were sold. This will probably break the record of the most movies sold on the first day of release. The movie, funded by Mel Gibson himself, cost over $55 million to make. It grossed over $370 million dollars while in theatres. They say that people were buying 5 and 6 copies at a time to give to friends and family or to donate to churches to distribute. I think this is such a praise!!! The movie is available and all major distributors. I invite you to get a copy and share it with your friends and family. It is a movie well worth seeing.

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