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Posts posted by DudeMan

  1. I love my Comcast DVR but I saw something a little more intriguing the other day. I was in an AT&T store and they had their DVR version. You only have to have one DVR box and you can view recorded shows from any TV in the house. I didn't research it any further but it sounded pretty good.

    Yeah, the AT&T version can record 4 shows at the same time! Pretty cool

  2. We are looking for pics of Hot Firemen for a calender to benefit SPARCAS. (non-Profit that helps single moms)


    Would need to HOT!!!! Also would have a sign a waiver.



    If you can't find one, how about a hot fast food drive thru window attendant? (hint hint) B)

  3. as soon as my kids says gimme a beer, it can have one. I ain't from here so I don't care. In Ireland, we can drink as long as the pub keeper can see your head above the bartop

  4. I don't see what you Yanks get all pissy about when it comes to lettin kids have a drink with their meals and what not. In Europe, anybody can drink at any age, and there ain't no trouble, because the kids do not regard Alcohol as taboo like they do here.

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