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Posts posted by juicy_fruit

  1. I have a well that I could use for watering the animals and anything else right now. Don't be surprised if restrictions are put on wells in the near future. I don't trust well water any more. Not in this area anyway. With so many septic tanks in this county, I would think a lot of the ground water is contaminated.



    My thoughts exactly! :ninja:

  2. these kids (and coaches) are great!


    my only complaint (observed) is when they are released from practice, when they walk back to the HS.


    I wish the coaches would give the kids a quick reminder to move over to one side when walking the road between the schools.


    One band member dared a parent to hit her. :o ..she said she wasn't going to move! :o :mellow: (parent picking up child from softball game)

  3. We where talking about the fair this morning in the good morning thread... and I mentioned that the fair was not the same since our boys are grown now, it is not the same going to the fair, six flags.. heck Christmas is not even the same when your kids grow up..

    Hubby and I always planned to travel when our kids grew up... and we are doing so..


    so what will you and your spouse do when your kids grow up? DO you have any plans?


    you young parents will be amazed at how different life is when your kids grow up and leave home...


    and you can actually go some where without having to pack half the house in a diaper bag LOL


    I must say though, I miss my boys being little, but I am enjoying my time with my hubby now..



    Walk around the house nakie! :ph34r:

  4. My daughter had them last year. The school nurse recomended the ROBO comb. Its kinda like a bug zapper for the hair... it alerts you when they are found with a beep, two days of combing through and no more chemicals. Costs about $20.00 but well worth it... I got mine at Walgreens.



    Definately works! Haven't had them since.. :)

  5. OK---it did happen.

    I think 5 were taken to jail---without a get out of jail free card!!!

    Don't know any names, but I heard that Meth was found and it was intent to distribute. Unbelievable--right???

    I found out by accident---not by the police. Long story.


    You mean we have drugs in Paulding County? :o


    We have drugs in PC ????? :o


    LOL!! :lol: Great minds! :D





    I say "hell-yeah" Hiram PD! Way to go!


    This police department makes the Sheriff look pitiful.


    When do you think Paulding County will step up and be a bit more pro-"get the bad guys" active?

  6. Do you folks that will have kids at two different schools think it would have been better to just open NPHS and have ALL grades attend? I know that would have messed with the sports and band (etc) programs, but do you think it would have been a better decision in the long run? It seems this way is MUCH harder on many of you.



    It would have been a better decision to mess with the sports.... But you will NEVER convince our wonderful BOE of that.....


    It seems at times, they do not think things completely thru...

  7. We went last night as well and I loved the movie :p



    To each their own. ;) We really enjoyed it. :D



    I was skeptical to see it thinking it was a guys movie, but I really enjoyed it. Scale 1-10 I would rate it an 8.



    I thought the movie was awesome. My hubby wanted to see it so we went on Friday. I would give it an 8 as well.



    We went and saw it as well...


    Great movie :D

  8. I have =





    hot wheels truck

    old toy box



    kitchen table


    I think this is all...I am tired of it sitting in my back yard in an "innocent pile" as my hubby puts it :glare:

  9. Even though the dump is open :rolleyes: I don't have a truck to do the 'removal of the hauling off' .


    Hence....the word removal


    I would gladly pay someone to haul off my junk...in a heartbeat!

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