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Posts posted by amanda8943

  1. That's so AWESOME!!! Congrats!! (and FrEaKy~!) I know everyone must be so excited!!! Keep us posted!


    You know Vicki is with you everywhere and will be with your new grandson everyday. Heck, I know it and I'm not even around much anymore!!


    Love you! Give Samel kisses for me!

  2. So on my ride to work today I happened to be flipping stations and ended up on Star 94. They were discussing a story that has been getting a lot of press lately... APPARENTLY a 22yr old woman is SELLING her virginity to the highest bidder!!!! The top bid is over 3 MILLION dollars!!!


    They were discussing whether or not each other would do the same thing given the financial times and whatnot. So it made me wonder...


    PCOMMERS: Would you go that far for 3 million bucks??



    ...News story excerpt....


    22-Year-Old's Virginity Auction Hits $3.7 Million

    Tuesday, January 13, 2009




    A San Diego woman who is auctioning off her virginity said she has now received a bid of $3.7 million, according to a published report.


    Natalie Dylan, a 22-year-old San Diego woman, said she got the idea for the auction after her sister was able to pay for her college education after prostituting herself for three weeks, according to the London Telegraph.


    Dylan has a degree in women's studies. She told the paper she hopes to pay for an advanced degree in family and marriage therapy with the proceeds from the auction.


    She told the Telegraph that she doesn't think she's the only one who will be benefit from the auction.


    "I think me and the person I do it with will both profit greatly from the deal," Dylan told the paper


  3. ...Who's going to be at the Spotlight Karaoke Party at MacFarlane's this Friday?? I've finally got a Friday off and can't wait to actually get to hang out with you all!! :yahoo: :drinks: :wub:




    your Mac's bar wench

  4. Amanda

    Nice, but has naughty lapses. High marks in the good deeds department. Better than average manners. ::coughbullhockeycough:: Hopefully, thoughtfulness will continue to be as good as last month. (fat chance) Neatness needs improvement! [b](I already have a mother, thank you!) [/b]

  5. I've been a lifetime sufferer so I know how your baby feels right now!!!! I've gone through steroid shots, allergy shots thinking it was an allergen trigger, ton's of ointments and lotions. The only thing that has EVER worked for me is Clobetasol Propionate (thats the generic name for it). Its a Rx, but it truly works. A buddy of mine has it as well and we were comparing ointments and treatments the other day and both concluded that was the best treatment we'd ever used. I lotion my skin twice daily also. Moisture is key. Vaseline made a FABULOUS lotion called Vaseline Intensive Care Advanced Healing... but they discontinued it for some reason... so the switch to the Vaseline Total Moisture Conditioning was a no brainer. Its comprable and very soothing. But be wary of straight Vaseline. It will smother the sores and keep them from being able to breathe and weep which they NEED TO and will cause your baby to itch more. When I was younger Aveeno Oatmeal Baths REALLY helped (I don't know if they even make the stuff anymore). Always keeping breathable clothing on is a must and never experiencing extremes of cold or heat. Cold makes it dry and itchy, heat makes it weepy and itchy. But the postive attitude has helped also. A lot of mine is stress triggered so bi-weekly destressing is a MUST!! Relate that into kid terms however you see fit, no one knows your chld better than you do, but most of all good luck with this. It was hard for my mother as I'm sure it's incredibly difficult for you to see your baby suffer. But just tough it out. It will get better and with hope your child will grow out of it like 75% of childhood sufferers.

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