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Posts posted by PainterMan

  1. Come to the next Republican meeting and you will see in the Treasurers report an expense of over $300.00 for the combined rental of the facility for both the 8:30 - 12 and 1:00 - 6:00 time frame. The party gets no price breaks from the Parks service. We pay just as anyone else does, as it should be.

  2. In the summer 2008 of 'The Pulse of Paulding' it has Shearin and others on the front page with 'Meet the Candidates Inside!' across the picture. Why wasn't Austin in the picture? The Pulse is edited and published by Paulette Braddock who is running for school b oard district 3. In her campaign ad on page 14 she is listed as Paulette Rackstraw. Is that name dropping or what? I thought her name was Paulette Rakestraw Braddock. Is she not proud of her husbands name or did she get a divorce? She has been on the school board for EIGHT years. They keep raising the mils and your taxes keep going up. Accountability or a change is needed?


    Enough said. No more comments for a while. Have you started thinking about our leaders?


    Austin was not in the picture because he skipped out on the debate where the picture was made.


  3. Are you serious? Shearin had the table tilted in his favor. It would have been like David knowingly walking into an ambush. It was a no win situation for Austin. He was very smart not to walk into a set up.


    My dad also said "pick your battles wisely". David's dad must have told him the same thing. The only one's disappointed by David not showing was the chaircrook and his supporters.


    This has NOTHING to do with the man's ability to handle confrontation. What it does show is how he is much more intelligent than the chaircrook. I am tired of Jerry's childish little bullsh*t games. I am still hoping for an indictment that will make this a one man race.


    So the same format that worked fairly for the Post III, School Board and Sheriff's races was tilted to Shearin? And BTW, Austins answer here on why he didn't show up is the BS. There is proof that he never tried to contact the party, that he had all of the info before the debate; the man is lying through his teeth. Not what I want in an elected official, let alone the county chair.

  4. do we know which of the sheriff's candidates will be there?


    As of now this is the information the PCGOP has: 5 of the 6 Sheriffs candidates have said that they will be there with Joey Frey still undecided. School Board has had all but 2 confirm, with Derek Lawrence being out of town and Joe Watson Jr saying he was not planning on attending.

  5. There is a 3 year waiting list for Hanger space in Metro Atlanta. The airpost will support itself and a company has announced it is moving it's HQ here and bringing in several hundred jobs with it to Paulding. All done with no tax payer funds. This will generate revenue for the county without having to raise property taxes on homeowners.


    All of you kicking Glenn around here should be paying attention to the fact that he's the only leader at the capital who is trying to end property taxes so you can really own you property and not fear being taxed off it or have it taken away if you can't pay it.

  6. The recent topic on whose buying into our county is the clearest reason we need to clean house of the BOC. Again here are a few reasons:


    We voted against the regional airport - the BOC ignored the people and it is way into being buit;

    We voted for a new water reservoir and the BOC ignored the people and did nothing until we have a water shortage and it has became 'political correct' to build

    (and then they give our property and reservoir to Cobb to manage);

    We NEVER voted for the New Court House/Adminstration building and yet the BOC does what THEY want and look at the political contributions

    (I was told by someone in the know that "you just don't understand how the BOC works";

    Our road system stinks! What has the BOc done to get the State to fix roads. Hwy 92 s/b 4 lane from crossroads to Douglasville;

    The newest schools have trailers because of UNCONTROLLED growth. Who approved all these subdivisions that will take years to complete.........your friendly BOC;

    We are loosing Paulding's historical sites because the BOC'c are in the developer's back pockets or being influenced by persons that don't care about our heritage;

    Why are not citizens allowed to ask questions at BOC meetings unless they are preapproved;

    Why are our property taxes still going up when we have hundredes of new homes and business'.


    Just some of the reasons ALL BOC need to go as their reelection comes due.


    It is very obvious you know very little about how county government works.

    First the Airport Referendum was on whether to issue bonds to build an Airport, not permission to build. The Airport is being built without the county issuing bonds so there is nothing wrong in it being built and it is wise for the BOC to do this as it will provide jobs and a tax base other than residential property owners.


    Second the reservoir has been in progress for many years, if you'd been paying attention you would know this. There was a recent meeting to cover this that I'm sure PCom reported on, cause I saw Pubby there. The BOC ground work has allowed the project to be many years ahead of the usual time line for a project like this. It's a least 5 years ahead of schedule, and the drought has helped to push the Feds to speed up approval of the application. Go by the County office and just look at the application, it's several inches high.


    Third - Highway 92 is a State road and the county has nothing to do with it other than request that it be funded and put on the GDOT project list which it is. The GDOT troubles are none of Paulding doing.


    Fourth - Trailers at schools are an issue for the County School Board, not the County BOC. If you look at your property tax you will see that most of the money is for the school system. That money and responsibility is the BOE, not the BOC. See below about the growth.


    Fifty This BOC has done more to help ensure that land is preserved and more set aside for green space than ever before.


    and finally The State law gives property owners the right to use their land for its highest and best use, the County would be sued if they tried to stop builders from building on land zoned for such. If you don't want some land developed, tell cousin Fred, Grandma, and Sister Sue to not sell it to the developers.

    If the growth was stopped your property tax bill would go through the roof and you'd be complaining even more. Educate yourself and realize the great job this BOC is doing to balance the job they have. Paulding was THE FASTEST growing county in the country only a few years ago. It is still rapidly growing, but it is much slower, due to the work of the BOC to control it in a reasonable way. Quit listening to or being a complainer and open your eyes. Paulding a great place to live and the work of the BOC is ensuring that it stays that way.




  7. If you look over your tax bill, you will see that the biggest part of it is your school tax and that it has gone up and up. While the county has dropped the millage rate the School Board has raised the millage rate almost every year. The County part has grown very little over the past 6 years, because they have been lowering the millage rate to try and keep it as revenue neutral as they can. The county has to by state law adjust the property values (thank you Roy Barns) and people in an areas where the values have gone up more than the county average will still see a tax increase. That was one of the things the Speaker was trying to end with the GREAT Plan, which has now become the plan to end the Car Tax or "Birthday Tax" and would limit how much property valuations could increase each year to 2%. The Paulding Co Commission was about the only one that supported the GREAT Plan and they are supporting the latest version as well.


    The Lt Gov & state senate leadership are holding it up and time is almost out for it to be on the ballot as a constitutional amendment this November. Contact your Senators if you would like to vote on ending this tax. This resolution, which the Governor can't veto, is HR 1246. call now.


  8. Considering all other local Civc Centers are turning away request because they are already booked, it would seem that there would be great interest in our facility if we had one. There is a study to back this up. I think the Chamber has it or maybe the county.

  9. Well thanks,Now I know Kroger in Hiram is not gonna close,Im glad to hear that cause thats the one my mother goes to it right next to her job.And Lowes I just know theres one seems to be anywhere home-Depot is so I didnt know if someone might know or not.



    I do believe that Home Depot agreed to buy some of the closed K-Mart locations and will put HD's in them.

  10. That didn't bother me as much as the total lack of an interpreter, and then he can interpret Russian for them. No major airport is not going to have a Russian interpreter available at least close by at a University or something. Also all of the American white guys were jerks or stupid, I didn't like that either.

  11. Ok all the signs that have been pointed out should be down. The ones on 92 are history. The only one we will have problems getting to is on a hill located on 61. If anyone sees any others let me know. ;)


    As of last night there was still some yard art at the corner of Nebo and McClung and on Bakers Bridge about half way between Nebo and Ridge road on the right at a subdivision, (sorry I can't remember the name of it), if you are heading towards the new Kroger.

  12. Surepip:  I don't really see how Bremen has benefitted from having the Speaker for 30 years!


    That said, I am glad that Rep. Richardson will be the next Speaker.


    I agree that Bremen did not benefit from Speaker Murphy's time with the Gavel, but I do feel it will be different with Glenn. For one thing Murphy wanted to keep Halrleson County from growing so he could keep his power base in tack. The growth in Harleson and the lack of benefit from having had the Speaker based there for 26+ years is one of the reasons Murphy was voted out. Paulding is different and Glenn is not Murphy. (Thank God)


    Get well soon Glenn.

  13. The Chairman would have to answer that one. I doubt we were ever in the running. If we had an airport, if we had the industrial park built, if the Chamber were actively working, then maybe we would have, but we are still playing catch up of some 40+ years of letting things go by us. It will happen but just when is hard to say.


    As to Bill Heath, as I have stated before, compare his performance to almost every other freshman legislator and you will see he did a very good job. Especially considering he had a target on his back as the man who beat Murphy for the Dems to aim at. I've said all I'm going to on this. Watch the next session and then make your comments as they fit.

  14. Cumberland Mall is long overdue for something like this. As more people move away from mall shopping to the open Avenue type of retail locations it makes since to do this. Open air shops make $50 more per sf. on average than their mall counterparts. Lenox Square has made numerous improvements over the years to keep it looking new and fresh. Cumberland needs to do the same if it wants to stay viable. The expansion is good for the economy too!

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