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Posts posted by gretchen1431

  1. I wanted a chihuahua pup and had checked out many options before I went to the woman in Dallas. Her house and pens, inside and out, were all very clean and the pups were well taken care of.


    If I wanted another full blooded pup and could not find what I wanted through other options, I would go back to a reputable breeder. Not everyone runs puppy mills.


    As for getting another dog, I have 4 seniors and Coco will be 4 soon. Once the seniors pass on I am ready to have just one dog, unless after time I decide she needs another four legged companion. I have had several dogs at a time during my life and am ready for just one. She is my constant companion. I am her playmate, massage therapist, etc. lol They all keep me busy, but Coco is the furry love of my life!! :wub:

  2. According to the paperwork and as far as I know the lady on Business 6 gets the dogs from her sister. Her sister lives in Dallas. I have five dogs and three of them were rescues from breeders who did not want them anymore. They are all full blooded dogs.


    I have the phone number if anyone wants to call her.

  3. I call Coco, my chi (in pic), Poo poo. Don't know why it just sorta came out.


    Petsmart has some good clothes if they are on clearance, Wal-mart has started carrying some good things and Build-a-bear has a few things especially the tee shirts. They only come about half way down her back and sometimes hang a little lower on her belly but she has one for every holiday. I even saw one tonight online for ground hog day. They are from $5.00 to $7.00. Saturday I got her a dress there that fits her perfectly. Pink satin with darker pink hearts and a sash with a pink plastic heart. It was only $8.00 which is reasonable for dog clothes. Coco weighs 4 lbs. I am pretty sure the tee shirts would fit a dog that is a little bigger because they are a little big on Coco.


    Coco loves to wear clothes!! She actually comes to me when I have something to put on her in my hand. She wears clothes everyday and I bought a big hat box at Marshall's (have them at Ross too) and it is full of her clothes. Also have a basket on the kitchen counter which is full of clothes. Her name is Coco Chanel so she has to be stylish!! Kidding. She is a clothes "hound" though, thanks to me. She is my child!!


    The sweatshirts at Wal-mart tend to shrink a little so keep that in mind when you are buying something and especially shirts (or dresses) made of cotton.

  4. Technically there is no such thing as a "teacup" chihuahua. Breeders and other people say this just to get more money. Sometimes you get lucky and get a smaller chihuahua. My Coco will be 4 yrs. old in September. She was the shy one and the runt. We were just lucky that she is so small. She is the perfect dog although I am a tiny bit partial!! I have had dogs all my life and she is the best dog I have ever had and the smartest. I love all my dogs but she is my "child".


    I got her from the lady in Dallas on the bypass going towards the courthouse. Her house is on the left hand side before the traffic light (61 and business 6) and she has a sign next to her driveway with all the breeds of dogs that she sells. She was $450.00. Even if she does'nt have chihuahuas on her sign she does sell them. She just has different breeds according to the pups that she has. Coco is CKC registered. Just as good as an AKC dog.


    I have a card from her if I can find it. If I do I will give you her number. We just dropped by her house when we bought Coco.


    The best determination of size (not always true though) is to look at the parents.


    Good luck!!!

  5. Over the last ten years I have had a lot of pets. Rats, guinea pigs, parrots, turtles, frogs, fish, chamelon, & dogs.


    Five years ago I had 3 rats, five dogs and 3 parrots. That's when my health got really bad and had to give everybody up. I think I said before Clyde, my african grey, killed me to give up. Still miss him after 2 years. Four of the dogs are elders and when they are gone it will be just Coco. One (maybe), two pets is going to be more than enough for me. More love for Coco!!!

  6. Four of our 5 doggies have a dog house room built on the porch of our cabin with a heater and blankets inside. I said last night they needed to sleep in the house because it was supposed to be 20 degrees. My husband agreed, thought I was going to have a heart attack.


    They didn't know what to do after he went to bed. I guess after 5 years of being outside they were just dumbfounded. I kept hearing Sugar's claws clicking on the kitchen floor after I went to bed. I guess she didn't know where to go. There are five dog beds in the house for them.


    They are in the house the majority of the day and go out for potty breaks. Coco doesn't know how lucky she is that she is the only one who gets to sleep in the house in bed with us.


    She got really pissed last nite after my husband went to bed because she has just me and I gave all 5 of them treats. (They always get treats.) This was a bed time treat and she was on the ottoman raising cain with them all especially my shepherd, since up there she is face to face with her.


    Just funny to watch them wandering. Although I must say Topper who is 15 wanders around the house all the time. Old man!!

  7. Just make sure you get the same sex rat or you are going to end up with hundreds of babies.


    I used to use shavings for my rats but then found at pet smart and maybe walmart the gray (comes in colors at pet smart) recycled paper. It is so much better for hairless rats because it doesn't scratch them up. Also if you buy some fleece or shearing material at walmart (in fabric dept) and cut it into small pieces they will use it in their bed to keep warm. Just don't put it all in at once because they will pee on it. You can also wash it and reuse it.


    I am so wanting another hairless rat!! Guess I will wait until I only have Coco left. Five dogs and a rat is just too much for me now.

  8. Squiggle, I have two kids (23 & 24) that I love and adore and I love all my dogs, but Coco, my chihuahua, is the dog love of my life. I have pics of her on my cell and carry some with me and am not ashamed to show her off. You would think people who know me and those that don't would run for their life when they see me coming but they seem to enjoy looking at her pictures.


    And I know what you mean about being a part of me. I don't know what I would do without this little girl and she is very much a part of me. In my lap now, as usual.


    At night she gets in bed after me and sleeps between my thighs, and in the morning she stands on my chest and barks and licks my face. When I get up she crawls back under the covers! What a dog!!! :wub:

  9. Maybe whoever is interested in Fred would let you come to their house and check it out. Just a thought.


    I didn't know a goldfish could live 10 years. That just amazes me. You always think of them as having such a short lifespan.


    I have had turtles, fish, frogs, etc. and birds. I had to give up my african grey, Clyde, a couple of years ago because of my health. It just got to be too hard to care for him. I miss him like crazy.


    Good luck in finding Fred a new home. I know how hard this decision is for you and your family.

  10. Whether you like her or not, Oprah just announced she lost her beloved Solomon. She just did a short piece about him and now I am sitting here in tears! She said he came to work with her every single day for 14 years. Just imagine! At the beginning of the show they were talking about the California fires (one of her houses is there) and she said she would take just her dogs and Sophie's ashes. Sophie as you know was her other cocker spaniel who died I believe last year or the year before.


    Lately I cannot help but think about my own dogs. Topper is 15, Sugar 13, Greta 11 and Madison 10. They are healthy and happy but I cannot help but think that their time on earth is short and it kills me.


    I said before Topper (& Sugar) sleeps so soundly that I check to make sure he is still breathing. I will love them to the minute that their hearts stop beating & beyond & look forward to seeing them one day at Heaven's Gate waiting to welcome me home!!

  11. th_2%38%30.jpg


    Had the worst time trying to get this photo up. This is Harry the 2nd. He was such a sweetheart. My friend had him for his last year (gave him up because of my health) and he became a proud papa!!


    When I kept trying to upload photo it said uploading & the little swirly thing kept going round and round for two days!!! Just now copied & pasted address onto reply board and hit the button with the two arrows. Tried that before also but finally worked and I have no idea why.


    Just happy I finally got his pic up!!! And speaking of sweaters at the pet store one time I did get a tiny tiny sweater for my first Harry but he never really wore it. He and Rose just snuggled!!


    Makes me want to get another rat!! I guess for now I have my snuggly Coco baby!! :wub:

  12. This is so sad because these dogs are older and may not be around much longer. I understand their situation though. Can't they be kept outside during the day? I have a german shepherd & my chihuahua who are terrified of thunderstorms and know long before they arrive. I understand that completely too!!


    I wish I could help but I have my own zoo with what I like to call "living with 5 two year olds"!! Four of mine are elders also & I can't imagine having to find homes for any of them. Really feel for this family! Good luck to you all.

  13. Yeah, that's Coco. Last friday I have had her for three years. She turned 3 on 9/21 and weighs 4 lbs. She is my baby. She's a deer chihuahua. Tiny but long legs. I don't know what I would do without her. I have always loved my dogs but not like the relationship I have with Coco!!


    I was using photobucket (used that for my other pics too) and couldn't get it the other night. Going to try again this afternoon. I never noticed or knew about the dumbo rats. So very cute!! Guess you have to love rats! :p

  14. Just wanted to say I hope that you are ok today! Continuing to pray for you. My five dogs are aged 15, 13, 11, 10 & 3. The two oldest are toy poodles, the 11 year old is my german shepherd and my yorkie is 10. My baby is my bf, my chihuahua.


    I know it won't be long before I will go through the same thing you did yesterday. My 15 & 13 yr. old poodles (all of them may) may go on for a few more years or be gone tomorrow. Sometimes they sleep so deeply I check to make sure they are still breathing.


    I am loving them so much while they are here because I know tomorrow they may be gone. It's so hard knowing in the near future they will not be here.


    Remember the good times with Kasper and again, remember he will be waiting for you at Heaven's Gates happy and full of joy to see you!! :wub:

  15. I have had about 10 rats over the last ten years (working at a pet store does that to you). I have had three hairless rats!! Harry the hairless rat, Harry the 2nd, and Rose. I loved them soo much!!


    Harry (the first) used to sit on my shoulder while I worked at the pet store. He would hide in my hair. People looked at me like I was crazy and would say "umm, there's a rat on your shoulder".


    They make the best pets. Soo sweet & loving, smart, don't bite & clean!! I always tell people when I see them looking at hamsters, etc. that they should get a rat.


    I had to give up my last one because of my health. My friend had him for a year and told me he became a father. We were both excited. I know this is crazy but when I had my first Harry, I got him neutered (Thanks Dr. Bowen) and was able to get a female (Rose) hairless to be his mate. I loved them so much!!!


    They are the best pets in the world (including parrots & dogs)!! Good luck with your new baby. It always makes me happy to hear that other people love rats too! :p


    It's good to know we can save rats, one rat at a time, from being snake food and have fun with them!!


    Let me know how he does!!



  16. My yorkie is the biggest pain. She does this all the time, rain & shine. I will call her from back door and she stands there looking up a me and I finally give in and get halfway down the steps and then she runs up the steps and inside. Happened just now, again. I guess she wants me to be as wet as she does.


    I wish mine looked as good as the picture above. My two toy poodles look really bad and my yorkie just looks plain wet. She has short hair. I do have to say there are times like today that my german shepherd is smart and gets out of the rain and stays in the dog house.

  17. They are hilarious!! You don't want to leave them out in the rain, because even though they have shelter (a few dog houses and one room built onto a porch) they will stand at the bottom of the gate all day in the rain waiting for you to let them in. And then I feel guilty and give them treats (for being wet) & then they go and pee on the floor. Occasionally one will hit the puppy pad. I guess I put the puppy pads on the floor for looks!!!

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