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Posts posted by helenorocks

  1. Thank you for posting and putting yourself out here. I would not really know any of your thoughts or ideas, if it weren't for p.com. I haven't had a chance to see any of the debates this time around. My fear is the R beside your candidates name will cause a win in this election. Then of course the R's won't allow her to be seated with all the junk we are seeing and the voters will be faced with some kind of special election. Could that happen? I don't vote based on the party, but the individual. I have some reading and decisions to make this week.


    You have my vote in this district 19 race. I, too, received your mailer and you have a beautiful family! I understand your lovely wife is a teacher in Paulding. I wish you and your family the best. Good luck!


    Can you answer my question? If the R in this race wins, could the party decide not to seat her and have a special election?

  2. What a great time our family had at the "Hiram Salutes the Stars and Stripes" event last night at Ben Hill Strickland Sr. Memorial Park in Hiram! It was so well organized and there was fun for all. The mayor, Carmen Rollins, the city council, the Hiram Police, and all the city employees involved should be so proud for a job well done.


    We took our seats near the front and center. All the bands were great! Thank you, Mayor Rollins, for being such a gracious host to this wonderful, family fun event.



  3. Braddock is her married name now. I think she's been married 3 or 4 times.


    I wish I would have left the part about the name out of the post. It is irrelevant really. If she can't get her own name right in her own magazine that is her problem.


    Our problem is (and I think p.com has been doing a great job) we need to get this incumbent out. She obviously thinks there is a bus driver's union in our county. Come on. She printed that in her own couponless, self-serving advertiser. I keep my other advertiser in my car. I had never seen this one (Pulse) until last night.


  4. I am a brand-newbie to post on p.com. I have been reading through all the topics as a guest for the last few weeks.


    With that being said, I was handed a magazine last night at the fireworks at Taylor Farms. It seemed appropriate for the occasion as many of the candidates were passing out materials, etc. The school board races are of a particular concern to me as I have children in the system. As I read it (The Pulse of Paulding) this morning, I realized that the subject of some p.com threads, Paulette Braddock (as signed on the Editor's Letter) or Paulette Rakestraw (as noted on the candidate summary page) is the editor of this publication. Is she Paulette Braddock or Paulette Rakestraw? I am definatly confused about the name or maybe there is a typo somewhere in the magazine. My concern is she tried to bring an "unbiased objective look at each candidate and present the facts". She had 49 lines of information about Paulette Rakestraw and 24 lines of info about her opponent. It seems to me she minimized her opponents qualifications for manipulation purposes. I think she has underestimated the people of Paulding.


    It is editor's/incumbent's "unbiased objective" forum, but I see right through it. Fact: GAE is an association not a union. It stands for the Georgia Association of Educators. It is an associaton that "exists to support, protect, and strengthen those who nurture Georgia’s children. After all, our educational program can be only as good as our educators." That quote is from the GAE website. With Paulett's business(es), I would think she belongs to related associations as well. She implied Kim Cobb is a Union Representative. There is NO union representation for bus drivers or any other educator in Paulding County. What is she trying to stir? Educators, from janitors, to cafeteria support to bus drivers to para-pros to teachers to the superintendent, can belong to associations such as GAE or PAGE. What does she think this is--DELTA?? She is on the board. She should know this. Shame on her.




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