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Posts posted by TheCerdens

  1. Animal Crossings motto is "If every day was a vacation, how would you spend it?"


    It's like the Sims but WAY easier-- there are goals, but there is no winning or loosing. You can play it however you want, make money fishing, or harvesting fruit, you can buy things to outfit your house.. etc.


    If you plan on playing with others I highly recommend WiiSpeak! The demographic isn't young like one would think, I have played with mostly 18-30 year olds.


    This is somewhat of a follow up to a GameCube, Advance, and DS version but has a lot of the same stuff from the original, and a lot of the players now played the other versions.

  2. Hotel626 ( http://hotel626.com ) is supposed to be a scary game (by Doritos). You can only play between 6pm and 6am and can use your webcam, microphone, speakers, and call your phone if you are so inclined.


    I'm chicken.. but who is a brave soul to check it out and get back to us?

  3. I have had dark circles under my eyes since elementary school--so it's not because I don't get enough sleep. If I go anywhere without concealer on some smart @** will feel the need to comment and say something along the lines of "Have you been crying" or "Wow, you look sick"...


    ::end rant::


    I use cover girl concealer (the stick, not liquid).

  4. ..if I went into a store and stole her a seat cover... (You know how they only sell one per box, well I stuffed another one in it and then went to check out


    LMAO, I once bought a seat cover at a store that was going out of business, and the "pair" I bought had a third stuffed in it! I didn't do it, but I was amused when I got home and opened it.. I mean where are you going to put a third zebra print seat cover? Needless to say, I still use it to cover my office chair. :lol:

  5. This actually works for me. I tell my DH what he can do and what he'll get in return i.e. unload the DW and I'll make dinner-- sort the dirty clothes and I'll wash them, then he has to fold HIS and put them away. Baby steps! I remember the time he won't do anything (his mom spoiled him!)

  6. Eeek when I was on Paxil it gave me the most lucid weird yet irritating dreams, I would dream about people try to piss me off--to the point where I once woke up screaming out of frustration! I also had a lot of dreams about monsters and this was when I was in my late teens!


    With the weather changing I have found myself with a case of S.A.D - Seasonal Affective Disorder. :(

  7. As promised, presenting Chainshaw1:




    A few notes on this photo I would like to share:

    1. He was first in line, and see that stand next to him? There was a sign on the other side that read "LINE FOR LAPTOP STARTS HERE. LIMIT 2 PER CUSTOMER." -- Almost every new person came up to him and asked if he was the end of the line.. or worse, just stood there for a while and he had to say "this is the front... the end is waaaaay over there". It was rather amusing ^_^

    2. Someone at Walmart was nice enough to let him plug in his laptop

    3. ChainShaw BROKE the register--well not really, but first they had to wait on a CSR, then the register asked for his CCV, then the cashier had to see his ID and Card, then he had to verify the signature. To think, you almost didn't get away with using that stolen credit card :ph34r:

    4. That lady next to him was nice.. not a PCOMMER though.

    5. Thank you to the nice stranger behind me who brought me a chair around 6 and then was nice enough to put it back for me around 7:45 :wub:

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