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Posts posted by yellowduckdog

  1. I never have understood that. Can someone explain?? Good effort though~!

    Because the elections today were for the DALLAS (city of) and HIRAM (city of )mayors if you dont live in the city limits of either then you can't vote. Just like you wouldnt be able to vote for the Gov of Florida.


    P.S. caps for effect not yelling :rofl:

  2. One used Playstation 2 w/ 9 games & Micro for High School Musical

    other include Madagascar, All Star Basball 05, Hot Shots Golf, Nascar 2005, Tiger Woods 01, 02, Tony Hawk Project 8 all for two remote controllers & two wired all for $40 obo

    Also 3 Jackie Chan movies unopened they say double feature one says eagle shadow fist & shaolin 2nd says Feerless Hyena one & two, last says hlaf a loaf of Kumg Fu & Fantasy $5 for all

    The Great Outdoors unopened $2

    The Break Up unopened $4

    Charlie & the Chocalate Factory unopened $4

    The Note Book $3........ I am near Northside Elemetary could meet closeby THX

  3. One used Playstation 2 w/ 9 games & Micro for High School Musical

    other include Madagascar, All Star Basball 05, Hot Shots Golf, Nascar 2005, Tiger Woods 01, 02, Tony Hawk Project 8 all for two remote controllers & two wired all for $40 obo

    Also 3 Jackie Chan movies unopened they say double feature one says eagle shadow fist & shaolin 2nd says Feerless Hyena one & two, last says hlaf a loaf of Kumg Fu & Fantasy $5 for all

    The Great Outdoors unopened $2

    The Break Up unopened $4

    Charlie & the Chocalate Factory unopened $4

    The Note Book $3........ I am near Northside Elemetary could meet closeby THX

  4. Sonny Perdue stays true to his lying, tax and spend self all the way to the bitter end. The Ga 400 toll should have ended, but as usual, the Republicans just can't wean themselves from that taxpayer funded teat. Sonny will be grabbing with both hands as his time gets short, but it is almost worth it to know that he can never be governor again.


    And Deal can't even manage his own money so he will be worse than Perdue.


    GO ROY!

    oh yeah roy was great....you have a short memory ...ask a teacher about good ol bill,,,oh sorry barnes

  5. Just because I don't play hide the weenie with everyone that claims to be a republican doesn't mean that I think Stimulus Stimey resembles a president in the least. I have no use for PIBO or his politics.


    At the same time I think that to date, you guys at the Paulding Republican Party have put yourselves in a bad way by supporting people like Jerry Shearin, Glenn Richardson and a few others. Don't be pissed at me because your party has made dumb ass mistakes.


    Personally I think Joe Brownlee is a good choice for a state representative.

    FYI, I have a family member on the BOE that is NOT KIM & by the way I didnt vote for Glenn, Jerry or Nobama

    • Like 1
  6. Heart warming. But what is truly touching is all the county vendors that cared so much for our kids. Oh, and the developers? Amazing at just how soft hearted those developers got.



    You seem to have all the answers, have you considered running for office.I'd like to see that! Then you could stand on the board & change everything... although it has to be a majority so they might not like your idea & then technically you would be supporting it since you are on the board. I am not saying that happened but you act like everything you say is right so I am playing my way now... Support whoever you believe is honest & I will do the same but dont come here trying to convince everyone you are right everytime something like this comes up! Just because you and the other guy say it dont make it so.

    • Like 1
  7. I wouldn't classify selling some textbooks that were given to a player via scholarship as cheating. It might be against NCAA rules, but it is not cheating and SURE didn't effect the playing on the field or the final score of a game.


    Auburn is going to have another bad year because they had no choice but to take on a Head Coach with a horrible losing record because their Trustees WERE caught sneaking around the back of their current coach for the SECOND time. Didn't learn from the first time, I don't guess.



    Amd Bama got caught again didnt learn the 2nd time <_<

  8. He likes it :lol:





    I hope No GAYTORS or ELEPHANTS get you and while your out there watch out for them Dawgs Also :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:







    Really~~~~~~have fun and Good Luck!

    I will have a Dawg with me ....my wife & I do mean she graduated from there :p Good night all & Thanks

  9. Don't ya know it????? I am SO aggravated!!! The textbooks had absolutely NOTHING to do with the players ability to play nor the outcome of ANY game. Punish them with taking gate money away or something that fits the crime more appropriately. Not to mention ALABAMA TOLD THE NCAA about it (as soon as they knew) in the first place and did some in-house punishment. They were NOT trying to hide it.

    Yawn Bama on probation again.....They did it with Bear & will continue,,,gotta be back on top :lol: :p

  10. They would have to use the same exact line ups, the score would start out the same as it ended when they called the game. The first batter up to bat for the other team when it is their turn to bat will be the person in the line up who was after the last person that batted last in the last inning.





    So we played in the rain last night...whatever... :rolleyes: we lost the first game so had to play again (this is tournament)


    So, they started the 2nd game...in the freackin POURING rain.


    We played 1/2 of an inning...the other team got to bat, we played the field. At the end of that 1/2 an inning, they decided to call the game and reschedule it.


    So here's my question...


    they said we have to start the game back at the point we left off...with 1/2 of the first inning played.


    So does anyone know the rules and regulations? Anyone have a handbook? I have no clue what the regulation says, and our coach did not know, so would really love to hear from someone who does know for sure.



    Why is that? As an ex baseball player technically an inning is only complete when 3 outs are recorded for both sides and that is also how ISA defines an inning in Softball ssooo that being said nothing was played last night?

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