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Posts posted by ChickaChicka

  1. Yeah I Love how a note was sent home when nobody even asked the store manager what happened and all of these rumors have not started.




    A note was sent home to notify parents what happened at their childrens' school. The information administration recieved was from the police, so it is not actually spreading "rumors". I'm pretty sure if a note was not sent home, then everyone would be all upset and crucifying the school for that as well...

  2. BTW, the "housewives" part is hilarious. She has a governess, nannies, cook, housekeepers, gardeners,butler and somebody who manages all these people so that she never has to deal with problems. Get a clue lady a real "housewife" is all of the above!!!



    That is what I was thinking............ these chicks aren't housewives, come on! Anyone who has a someone to watch and take care of the kids, do the cleaning, do the cooking, and everything else in NOT a housewife! The may be a wife, but do not deserve the title housewife! They are seriously over the top and obnoxious! I would like to see some chick on there who is struggling to keep it all together. Helping the kids with their homework after school, while getting dinner ready so that they can eat before they head to the ball field. Then, coming home and getting the kids bathed and ready for bed, all while finishing laundry, cleaning the house and taking care of the shopping, and other tasks to keep the house running smoothly.......... those are the women who deserve a show after them!! :lol:

  3. We have been looking into getting a home security system. I have been researching some, but I know there are many I have either forgotten about or don't know of. If you have a home alarm and can give me any scoop, please do. So far installation is running from about $300-$700!?! Monthly rates from about $35 and up. Any input you have is greatly appreciated!! ;)

  4. I see your point and as a parent I label all my child's things. As a teacher, I never take up all school supplies from my kids. Usually, they have THEIR stuff and keep it in THEIR pencil box. A lot of times, parents will send in extra and the kids will turn it in to me and I will put it with the extra supplies. The thing is, I hardly ever see parents send in new supplies mid year to replenish THEIR supplies that are worn, broken, or just plain gone........ that is when the extra supplies come in handy. I also use my own money (and plenty of it) to buy extra supplies throughout the year which I keep in the front of the room for whoever needs it. I am sure if you express your concerns, the teacher will work with ya. It really is not some huge conspiracy to enforce socialism.............. not in my class anyway! :p

  5. Okay, after several attempts......... I failed. He got it every time!?! Which really frustrates me and makes me want to figure out what the "trick" is.... I would love to play this with my class when we get to multi-digit subtraction! So, if anyone has any clue....... let me know! :D If not,.......... I will be sitting here going crazy! :lol:

  6. I had all four of mine removed on a Friday and was back to work on Monday! No big deal! I am a teacher, so I could not take any pain meds. or anything, but everything was fine! If you are in as much pain as I was, it is sooooooooo worth it and you will be so glad when it's all over with! Good luck and keep us posted! ;)

  7. Well, at least you know what you have.... My one year old takes the lids off of the ones that are actually matched and organized and plays with them. So I find lids under couches and all sorts of fun places?!? That is "his" cabinet, the only one that is not safety latched........ might be reconsidering very shortly! :)

  8. On the contrary, no one was insulting or made an ugly comment at all.


    Some just can't understand why she didn't just remove the little thing from the pool.


    Surely on a this public message board people do expect opinions or comments that may not be the same as theirs to be posted right?


    Or have we really gotten to that on here?



    As far as the OP is concerned....I would have scooped him up and thrown him out...but hey...I'm terrified of snakes and completely shut down when I see one..so if this thing scared ya or grossed ya out...call the hubby. LOL


    But for some advice, you better get thicker skin if these people offended or upset you. The ones posted in here are really some of the greatest folks I know..and they meant no harm.



    I realize that these are great people, I have been on p.com for over four years! I was just saying that the OP didn't ask for opinions or advice, just sharing. I know this is a public message board and of course you are going to expect opposing view and opinions, but she was simply sharing a story and it seemed like people were just being ugly. Believe me, I am sure I have offended everyone I know at some point, so I understand (and my skin is plenty thick), but comments like....... "Seriously? Where was he? Couldn't you have fished it out with a net yourself?," and "Really? I mean, he isn't going to all of a sudden go for your jugular," and comments about her husband leaving work, and it not being a predatory animal... I don't know, I just don't think I would so eager to share my next story. Just my $.02..........

  9. We had lasagna last night and it was a pain in the butt to deal with the noodles! I had no idea that you did not have to boil them...... that is fantastic news! :D Also, we (well, I) don't like cottage cheese and I am not a big fan of ricotta cheese either. We use cream cheese and it is amazing....... We just slice it up and layer it like everything else......... YUM! Seems to be a big hit, everyone loves it!

  10. We all take at least one a day! My ten year old would take one about once a month if I didn't "remind" him!! ;) You would not believe how many stinky kids come to school and how many times I have overheard comments like, "No, I took a bath Tuesday" (when it is Thurs. or Fri.) :bad: Several kids don't bathe everyday! I am really loving all the hugs I get from them 'ole stinky things ........... :p

  11. Well, good luck! We could never get a good handprint from my last son! Everytime I tried, I ended up with a glob!?! We resorted to footprints instead!! :D The sleeping thing is good, IF your kid will sleep through it,..........

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