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Posts posted by GOLFanatic

  1. Walking through those doors of Ingles was like walking through the doors of heaven.

    I spent 2 hours there yesterday and it was one of the best shopping experiences I ever had. What an incredible grocery store. I also like the fact you can sample things a al Sam's Club. The meat section was awesome. I saw some 2" thick ribeyes that I will buy soon, not to mention ground chuck at $1.38/lb. Great place with a walk-in beer section.

  2. More than 143 days of experience in doing what, GOLFanatic? Screwing you?


    I have told you that McCain was a member of the Keating five group, who cost the American taxpayers more than $124 billon in bad loans. He was not patriotic to his own wife and children, and started a new family with another wife and more children, because he wanted to be 25 when he was 40.


    WTF, I wouldn't trust him no further than I could throw a stick!


    then we are in a quagmire. I think both candidates are terrible. I'm just more comfortable with a guy who knows his way around a little more. As far as his infidelity, I can't speak on that, other than it's pathetic at best. No matter which one gets elected, it's still going to be an uphill battle to save this country. As the common citizen, we are very limited on doing anything about it at this point, other than bitch and complain. It just sickens me to see it fall apart like it is. People are losing their nesteggs, equity, jobs, etc. I fought in Iraq and left a part of myself there. I believed in it. Now I don't anymore.

  3. This country is in shambles and I don't think it matters who runs it. The damage has been done. Personally, I'd rather have someone with more than 143 days experience. My 401K is in the toilet, gas is 4.50/gallon, Projects in my industry are cancelling, my house is worth $40,000 less than it was last year, and our financial institutions are crumbling. I would say bin Laden's threats should have taken more seriously. We have the most powerful military in the world and can't find the guy. I'm disgusted.

  4. I do have a good paying job and I am blessed. I thank God every day for it.


    I appreciate all of you who have taken the time to respond to this. If I continue to work as hard as I always have, I will get the last laugh. I'm confident of that. It just makes me feel like everything I've accomplished and every dollar I've made this place doesn't matter. I guess that's the gamble in working for others. If only I had a family-owned business to inherit........

  5. After the explanation......and you don't like it......Start sending out resumes.


    I'm in a corner here. I make a great living. If I went somewhere else I wouldn't get the money I get here. I'm so torn. It would be like starting over. I hate for money to be the deciding factor in my decision, but it looks like I have no choice if my family is to continue living a certain way. Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I would take the weekend to settle down (get your stomach out of your throat), and then politely and professionally ask for an explanation.


    I was given a "talk in circles" type of explanation already. I was in shock, so maybe It didn't register with me. Anyhow, it sucks and I feel worse than I could've ever imagined. I woke up in a great mood today.


    It wasn't Affirmative Action was it? :angry:


    no. Someone the company already called "the golden boy" got it. He's been here 18 mos. and knows nothing about our business. I just threw up a little.

  7. This week, the promotion, I thought I was getting, was given to someone else with 1/15th the experience and credentials I have. I was verbally told I was getting it, then the bomb dropped. What would you do? My stomach is in my throat right now. Professionally, how do I react to this? :o

  8. Especially with so many families having to make cutbacks with the bad economy. My hubby loves to golf, but he doesn't get to go as often as he once did. Now, that is what I get him for special occasions, gift certificates at Creekside. I hope the new people don't increase the prices more.


    If Cannongate buys it, it will be completely private. Usually their memberships are around $200/month. You will also be able to play all the other courses as a member. I think they have about 20 courses in the metro area.

  9. Gosh, it's so sad I just want to cry every time I see that place. My parents owned and operated it until I was about 20. I grew up there. The people that bought it from us built all those houses and I can't even recognize the land anymore. I will always have great memories of swimming and fishing in those lakes, sledding in the snow(back when we had snow), and just riding around on the golfcourse. It's a shame Clancy isn't keeping it.


    Rumor has it that the father (car dealership guy, I can't think of his first name) wants nothing to do with it, and his son is losing money month after month running the place. I played at Mirror lake the other day, and the buzz around the proshop was Cannongate had made an offer. Maybe solid corporate backing is what the place needs. The Frog has hardly any play because of their prices, however, Marriott is behind it, so it always is in tip top form. Who knows. I have friends over there and their property values have hit the bottom and there are 20 foreclosures for sale. I remember when your parents owned it. It was just a country golf course at that time with good people hanging around. It's hard to believe so many years have gone by.

  10. E.g., (these are made up #s) with a balloon payment, you are financing 100k for 5 years (60 months) at 8% and your monthly payment is $500/month (300 for principle, 200 for interest) so in 5 years you'll have paid $18,000 principle (60 x 300) and owe 82k. The balloon payment is that the 82k is due at the end of the 60 months. Basically it forces you to refinance the balance at that point at the current lending terms.


    Most commerical property is only financed with a fixed rate for 3-10 years but the payment is ammoratarized for 20-30 years. So you will always have a balloon until you get the amount financed down or unless you make substantial additional payments during the term.


    Another way of thinking about it is that it's sort of like a car lease and you have to pay the residual at the end of the lease if you want to buy the car.


    Wow. Thanks for the info.

  11. The problem is the way the current outfit financied the purchase of the course. There is a huge balloon payment due soon.


    I feel like an idiot asking, but what exactly is a balloon payment? Is it like financing it but paying the installment in one yearly sum?

  12. I was amazed in learning most golf courses are not big money makers. It's too bad. I really love the layout of that golf course. They must have a difficult time getting people to return and play again. We played back in early July and it took 7 hours to complete the round. It was so slow and so hot. The staff is wonderful. You can't find a nicer group of people. I hope they make it.

  13. Keep the ideals comeing alot of great Ideals.If we keep this up when we open somebody might get the v.i.p

    Thanks so far all these ideals are great and helpful



    We will make sure the "Ideals" keep coming.................

  14. Or, he could simply say "dear, because I can't go back to sleep when you come to bed after you have been drinking on Thursday nights, why don't I sleep in the guest room. That way, I get a good night's rest and you can enjoy your wine?"


    Doesn't sound like a hard conversation to me.... He gets his rest and she gets to enjoy her wine.


    I wish it were as easy as you have written. I see nothing in your words about respecting one another. As I was getting ready for work this morning and as mad as humanly possible, I still shut the doors very quietly, made sure no lights were shining into the bedroom where she was sound to sleep, etc. Drinking wine isn't the problem. It's slamming doors, getting the dogs all riled up, etc. I guess considerate is the word.

  15. Did you tell her you posted a thread about her in a public board, I bet she would love that :ph34r:


    Of course I did. I would love for her to read this. SOmetimes when it comes from others, it hits home a little more.

  16. Take next Thursday off and do not tell the wife you are doing it. Next Wednseday night keep HER up all night. Let her see how it feels


    That's vindictive. Why bother even being married. I've made an ass of myself before, but I put a stop to it. It's respect and that's what our coversation was about earlier. Hopefully she gets it, especially when I've curtailed some things she doesn't like for the betterment of our relationship.

  17. Not me!

    I highly encourage a glass/bottle of wine :lol:


    If she is Making that much noise

    A) she wants him to wake up and pay her some attention

    B) she is pissed off with him and Being an ass on purpose


    I don't mind the wine. Hell, I enjoy a few beers more than anyone. I just don't do it during the week. She is good about it too Sunday thru Wednesday, but I've grown to dread Thursdays. I adore her, and I won't let this get in the way of us, however, I was just wondering if anyone experiences this and how you handled it. I respect and love her and I want to make her life as comfortable as possible. I just can't take Thursdays and since I posted this, she and I have talked. She apologized to me, but I could tell she doesn't feel like she did anything wrong.


  18. My wife is off work on Fridays, so she likes her wine on Thursday nights. I have to be at work at 7am on Fridays. I go to bed at 10pm; she comes to bed at 2am. By the time she makes it to bed, she is feeling no pain from the wine and, without fail, makes so much noise it wakes me up and once I'm up, I'm up. We argue for a minute, she goes right to sleep and I stare at the ceiling until I finally get up around 4:30 or 5am. We have talked about this repeatedly and she always says she won't do it again. This lasts for about 2-3 weeks and here it goes- all over again. What do I do? I am so tired right now. I almost fell asleep driving to work this morning.

  19. Obviously the place would need an outside deck area for smoking. I smoke and I'm not a big fan of indoor smoking either. I just despise those folks who go out drinking with their small kids in tow. Get a sitter! The Mexican Place on Ridge Road is a prime example of drinking young parents with kids in tow. We quit going there and just stay home from now on. When you take your kids out with you and 10-11pm comes around and you're still out, your kids are bored and tired. They are going to 1. get cranky and act like a horses arse, or 2. are going to be so wired on Cokes that they are going to run around the restaurant making everyone else's experience a bad one.


    Darts are an awesome idea. Fantasy Football leagues are also good stuff. Someone with the right financial backing could really open a great place. I envision plasmas all over the place, even above the urinals, and just like Motor City madman says, keep the food simple. Have about 10-12 draft beers to choose from, along with the usual domestic and imported bottles. Another cool option would be to have a sand volleyball court out back, off the smokers deck with a Tiki Bar out there, while Jimmy Buffet and Bob Marley come out the speakers. I'd never leave.

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