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Posts posted by tiredofit

  1. Obviously, we must go here again. The construction monies and the budget monies for teachers are not related?


    Are you going to gripe about the construction or insist that they be able to use them? Budgets are being cut across the board. Why should some kids be allowed to park without a permit?

    Okay, the construction was payed for by a SPLOST that was forced down our throat. They then passed a tax increase which they said they would not if we passed the SPLOST. If they had not done either of those and had just been responsible with the money they had at the time, we as the tax payers MAY have been more accomidating about a tax increase at this desperate time but they have burned those bridges. Why should we pay for their irresponsibility? We shouldnt.


    The kids shouldnt be allowed to park without a permit. What ever happened to just plain old punishment. Is a boot really necessary? I mean come on. That is a lazy mans way of dealing with the issue.

  2. Please, oh please, elaborate with something other than generalities and rhetoric.

    Must we go here again. We can start with the unnecessary contstruction. We can talk about failure to require builders to pay up.

    We can talk about one of the higher ups asking about purchasing more land for future schools just a few months back. Thank goodness Mr. Skelton stepped in and said no but that is a prime example of govenrment thinking. Lets spend while we have it not save it, not lets be responsible with it. Now teachers and students must suffer.

    Perhaps our Prinicapls and higher ups should take pay cuts to ensure that the class rooms have more money. I dont see that happening.

    Maybe we can get rid of the golf carts they drive around their campuses in. They dont NEED those and we dont need to pay for the gas or electricity used to power them. Maybe we can return the boots they use to place on the cars of kids who dont have a parking pass. Maybe we can cut back on the number of administrators and spend the money on the teachers who actually deal with the kids on a day to day basis.

    Maybe we could let the kids actually use the gyms that we the tax payers paid for THEM to have.

    ETC. ETC. ETC...........

  3. The state sends the money. Unless we have a tax increase at the state level and local level, the budget has to balance. :unsure:

    That is why we have these problems. They counted on money they did not yet have. They werent responsible with the money they did have. It does not matter that they were expecting more or that they have always gotten more. The fact is, they spent money before they got it. It is irresponsible and they need to go. I don't care about excuses. They betrayed the public trust and now they need to pay. It is not my fault that they acted in the manner in which they did. It is their fault. Government must be under control. This is a prime example of government out of control.

  4. Reckless spending in times of prosperity lead to this. The BOC should have stopped the building. The BOE should have spent its dollars more wisely. Government never does anything right yet each year people believe that the government has all the right answers. The truth is, government never has the right answers. The only good politicians always says no.


    If we had not had the bond forced down our throats after first voting it down then had the BOE pass a new tax increase on top of it, the people of this county may have been willing to accept a tax increase in these desperate times. Now they increased our taxes, passed a bond and are still short. The entire board and those in higher office at the board are responsible for this disaster. If even one had said NO when times were good and actually decided to save a penny we may not be here.


    Government functions on the idea that if I don't spend every dollar I was budgeted this year, then next year I wont get as much. Anyone who has ever worked for a government agency has heard that. Reckless spending for the sake of spending.

    • Like 3
  5. LOL :lol:

    I do agree that this is a bad place to post some of these things because the kids do read it also.

    I respect what you are saying and your right to say it but maybe this isnt the "right" place.

    I quess when you have a public forum, things can get ugly, especially when you name names.


    I will say this,if this is the guy I think it is, your daughter had a crush on one of the players and you ref football and ump baseball. I coached at New Hope and we talked alot about it.


  6. :o

    Tiredofit, I think I know who you are, I believe we talked alot last season and I have seen you at the High School practices.

    I had 2 boys play for Jones and we won the championship both years. They each only played their 8th grade year. One was a 5th quarter player and one was a starter.

    All I am going to say is I like Coach Nape on a personal level but I did have some problems with some things but I thing every parent has some problems with coaches.

    Its hard for me to say how I feel about him as a coach because he was good to my boys but I will say this, I wont deny anything you are saying but I wont confirm it either. You can take that anyway you want.

    By the way, I love HJMS.

    We may have. I talked to alot of parents at practice but it doesnt matter. I have said what I felt and have no regrets. I wont put my name because my daughter cheers there and I don't want her looked down on because someone may get ticked off at what I have said.

    Atleast I am not the coach talking about himself in the third person. :o :diablo:

  7. You are so full of sh*t :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You've never had a kid play for him but you know all this? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    That's funny! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You so smart! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    I haven't but one of my girls does cheer,,and one was in the band years ago, and is in the band at PCHS. Thats why I have seen so many games and go watch practice alot of times and talk to many parents at games and at practice. Maybe you should have talked to more parents. :blink:

  8. First, I have never had a kid play for him, thank goodness but I do know ALOT of people who have and yes, I have seen alot of his practices. My girls have never played football but I love it and love to watch practice. I love Rec. Middle School, High School, and any other level. I may know a little about football but oh well that is irrelevent.

    You all can go on loving him all you want but you obviously dont talk to everyone because there are many who feel like I do. As for my past post, i think you would know how I feel about all Middle School Coaching, its not good, sorry but its true.

    Hairazor, sorry about your sons injury but that can happen anytime you step on the filed and to coach to avoid those injuries is bad coaching. You don't do anything you know would hurt a kid but you cant protect them from the violence of the game, its part of the game.

    As far as the conditioning, I would be willing to bet that your son was there but if you ask him about some of the backs, he will tell you they were hardly ever there.

    About the 4 inch trophies, I have seen them and became angry when i heard about what the coaches got. If you are okay with that, then be okay with that. Not everyone was.

    As far as having an axe to grind, I don't have any kids on the team now or in the past but I was really put off by that display at the High School last season. I know how he coaches and its not good, sorry but its true.


    I never said anything about a kid having bottled up talent , what I said was he wouldnt let anyone hit his backs so how are you supposed to know if there are any better ones, the backs are never challenged. That goes for the defense as well. How are you supposed to know if a kid can play D if he isnt allowed to play it at practice it.

    I think you can tell by watching his first 3 games this season that they cant tackle but thats not there fault, they havent practiced it.

    If you allthink he is the second coming then go on believing that. I know better.




  9. Werd.

    Maybe he should move up and coach HS :ph34r:


    Coach Napier may be a good guy, the kids may love him, .............. if ya'll say so but he is a terrible coach. He won for the past two years with vastly superior talent and if he had any idea of how to coach he would have beaten the other teams 50-0 every weeek while pulling off.

    They do not hit, or tackle which you can tell if you have watched the games this year. They run trick play after trick play at practice while neglecting to run his offense to perfection.

    He allows his offensive players to run full speed during a scrimmage but tells his defense to not tackle his backs or do not tackle low because he doesnt want to hurt his backs. Well how do you find out who should be a back. They all look good if they can go full speed but the D can't. Thats why those backs are so soft when they get to high school.

    He gets alot of his offensive plays off the internet.

    He allows his best players to not run during conditioning. He allows his 8th grade "LEADERS" to talk down to the other players as if they were coaches, including being able to tell team mates to do pushups. He then tells the other players that its ok for the stars to act the way they do and that the rest of the team is lucky to have those players.


    Lets look at his 4 years. His first year he won 1 game. The next two years he went undefeated and won two championships. Last years 7th grade team also went undefeated. This years 8th grade team, last years "UNDEFEATED" 7th grade team has not one a game neither has his 7th grade team. You would think that a good coach would not be at both extremes of the spectrum. The reason for the extreme ends is because the talent is what has won for him. He cant coach up. Thats the truth. A good coach may not win everygame with a less talented team but they would atleast win a few. So with Coach Napier it is win everygame or win none.

    If i am not mistaken he spoke quit glowingly about the talent on this team before the season. Maybe he has been reading his own headlines too much. I would be willing to bet anything that he has 1,000,000 excuses for why they arent winning but all he has to do is look in the mirror.

    My advise to him would be put down the stupid head sets, turn in your championship rings, get your money back and buy the players some real trophies for the championships they won you not the 4 inch cheapies you bought them.

    Use those gift cards you and your staff recieved to get some coaching classes.

    Well at least this year we wont have to sit through a Coach Napier love fest before a High School game telling us how great he is for winning two championships in a row.

  10. If you want an honest opinion about the game here it is...I think both offense and defense need to step it up. The offensive line made many mistakes. The Dragons were in the backfield several times before the QB got even the ball. The defense fell for every fake and the linemen kept letting them get through to the secondary. There were many penalties that should have been avoided at crucial times. I thought they looked unorganized and undisciplined. They did not seem united. So there. Stop being an a$$hole and let the parents and kids that have a stake in the program deal with it. We don't need your freakin opinion. This is our school and our kids and they will get our support regardless.

    If you truly cared then you would have ask the scores on all the teams, not just PC.

    The team is not united because the coaches allow things to happen that cause splits in the team.

    A player refused to run at practice and when the coaches got on him he continued to refuse to run, then said he was quitting. the next night he was running bleachers and played in the game on friday. The player should not have been allowed to return and definatley should not have dressed and in no way should have ever been allowed to play in the game but all three things happened last week.

    Then on friday one of the players was late for school, was told to go to the office and get a tardy note. That player went to his car and went home instead. The player only returned after that players father brought him back to the school and got him signed in just in time for him to be counted as present for the day so that he could play friday night.

    I wonder if the coaches called the father to get the kid back to the school instead of letting his own actions decide his fate.

    That player was not allowed to start but still played. Rediculous.

    Those are two examples from just this week where discipline was no where to be found. If players do what ever they want but are allowed to play anyway, what kind of message does that send to those players who are doing right.


    That is why PCHS will never have a winning program. They will win when the talent is there but it will never be consistent.

    I would gladly support this coaching staff if we were losing with high character, hard working kids than to have this garbage take place.

    Players with poor work ethic, players who milk minor aches and pains, players who argue with coaches, players who talk trash, players who need a break every 5 plays during a srimmage are allowed to play.

    I want this coaching staff to succeed because I have watched them coach and know that they can teach but the lack of discipline and allowing players to do what ever they want causes a split with those who are trying to do right.

    These coaches need to decide to WIN or LOSE with high character, hard working kids or they will be looking for new jobs and regretting that they didn't do things the right way and only wishing they could do it all over again.

    If the coaches decide to do it right I will be with them 1,000,000 %, if they chose to lose the wrong way then they can get their resumes ready. It has to start this week, because next week will be to late.

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