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Posts posted by raidernationdad




    The EPHS JV/Varsity Spring Game is Thursday, May 17, 2012 @ 7:00 p.m.


    The JR Raider Spring Game is Thursday at 6:00 p.m.


    We will be selling BBQ plates at the game - all proceeds of the BBQ sale go to breast cancer awareness.


    Come on out to the Boneyard for some good food and GREAT FOOTBALL!

  2. Use to be your neighbor, I saw your boys on my sons facebook. They are so very handsome. YOU SHOULD BRAG!!!!!!I did not live by you long, but you and your family were very sweet. I wish we would have stayed in touch with many neighbors from there. Brag away Momma!!!!!:)


    Didn't you live right next door????? I think I know who you are!! :)

  3. Sorry everyone ... I try really hard not to sound like I'm "bragging" about my kids because we all know they can't do anything on the field without the rest of the team -- so after I posted this I got paranoid and deleted it ... :rolleyes: ...


    my oldest, Andrej Suttles, received the Channel 2 Montlick & Associates Athlete of the week and was on TV getting the award.


    I'm so very proud of his hard work not only on the field, but in the classroom too!!! Hopefully no one takes this as bragging ... just a very proud mama! :yahoo: :clapping:



    • Like 2
  4. :good:

    Sprayberry has some really good athletes on their team.

    Wolfpack fans: All we can do is go forward from here. Most 'Pack fans have moved on and are focused on Homecoming week. I hope that the few who are posting negative remarks on here can do the same, use your energy to do something positive for the 'Pack. Please stop the negativity.


    :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :good:

  5. Again excuse me.......There were some pretty hard hits by the east players, when 2 of our boys went down. East didn't have the courtesey to take a knee...That's ok because I will take my Wolfpack team and be proud to stand up and say I'm a wolfpack supporter. We lost the game, we were out played and we lost our focus. It's time to move on and get ready for Friday...it's just a shame that everyone cant stop running their mouths about it.....Just Sayin'


    And that's exactly how you should be .. proud of your team, win or lose. Yet, when the East supporters do the exact same thing ... we are arrogant, unsportsmanlike and wrong. hmmm ...


    and yes, there were some really hard hits on that field -- but THAT'S FOOTBALL! Have you seen some of the hits on Saturday and Sunday afternoons??? That being said, I don't ever like to see a kid hurt ... on any team. My son broke his collar bone in the game Friday night... its football ... plain and simple. I'm not on here complaining or blaming the other side ... or attacking the integrity of high school kids or coaches!!!!

  6. Well excuse me......when we see on the sideline the boys refuse to shake hands what are we supposed to think? But I forgot we're just an inexperienced team and the raiders and their coach Reid are such fine examples of what athletes should be.......


    Seriously ??? ... are you really attacking KIDS on a high school team????? We are talking about a group of 15 to 17 year old KIDS here!!! BOTH sides were doing their fair share of talking junk before, during and after this game -- on the field and off the field. I can honestly say that what some of your players did BEFORE the game was absolutely taunting in my book and personally, if one of my two boys did that before a game ... if Coach Reid didn't take care of it, I would have dealt with it once they got home. There isn't a football team in the entire country that is 100% perfect, or any coaches for that matter ... but it's really bold of you to make a statement insinuating that our players and coaches are not good kids/people -- all because you got beat. I have very close personal friends on your team and I know for a fact they would never say that about any of our boys ... you can have opinions about our coaches, but to include our KIDS in your negative connotations is just plain sad and I'm honestly appalled!


    I PERSONALLY know the majority of our team ... and your team too by the way ... and THEY ARE ALL FINE EXAMPLES OF WHAT ATHLETES SHOULD BE ... and how DARE you claim otherwise!!! You should be ashamed of yourself and I am really hoping you merely said this out of anger!


    It is always amazing to me how the players see each other at Steak-n-Shake THAT NIGHT after a game, and everything is just fine. They talk about the game and move on. Yes, I'm sure there are those few that can't let go, but for the most part, it's over when the 4th quarter is over. The kids have no problem saying good game, good job, or anything else. But alas .... it's the PARENTS that get on here and other message boards and have the audacity to bad talk another kid? Really? .... but would you really say those things in person? Face to face? Didn't think so!

    • Like 2
  7. Comcast was at the Boneyard friday for the Douglas county game. The game is being highlighted as a Bleachers on Demand. It was hard to find, you go to your on Demand>get local>atlanta sports>high school>bleachers.



    I thought both teams represented themselves well on camera as well as the coaches and most of the fans :rofl: :pardon: I am very proud of my boys.


    Go RAIDERS!!


    I don't have Comcast ... was my husband on there? He talked directly into the Camera after the game ....

  8. The Rally Rags are $6.00 each or 2/$5.00. I had some ppl pre-order but I got extras in, too. I will take a photo of them and attach in a bit. They are NICE!


    oooohhhh.... I need to pick up my rally towels.. and if you still have the earrings, pony tail ribbon holder, ear warmer thing and cinch bag..... hopefully i'm not too late. :) I can come by today after work, if that's okay?

  9. 2010 Raider Football Kickoff PartyThe 2010 Raider Moms are throwing a 2010 Raider Football Kickoff Party this Saturday, July 31, 6:30 PM at the Boneyard.

    There will be a Live Band, Moon Walk and a Punt, Pass and Kick competition for younger ages. MaggieMoo's Ice Cream Treatery and Zaxby´s will be on hand selling some of their best dishes. This event is co-sponsored by Stars and Strikes Family Entertainment Center of Dallas.




    I hope to see everyone there, I will have new Raider wear in stock. I just approved my artwork and I have to say the designs are amazing. :yahoo:


    Woooo Hoooo .... I smell some football in the air. CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

  10. and your friend didn't call 911 or stop to render aid because there were already emergency personnel attending to the person in the road, right?


    for the love ... yes, my friend called 911 immediately (and gave her name, number, and address) and stopped to ask the person that was already stopped with their hazards on if they needed help.

  11. Does anyone know what happened last night just after midnight at Reece Road and East Paulding Drive. A friend of mine was driving home from work and there was a car pulled over on the side of the road at Reece Road and East Paulding ... and there was a body laying on the side of the road.


    I live right there at Sunset Peak and wanted to see if anyone heard anything on the scanner.


    I'm hoping everything is okay.

  12. I also was just informed that he has been asked to become the coach in waiting for Nick Saban at Alabama. Everyone sure does hear a lot of stuff about coach Reid ever since the man became the head coach at EP. I think its time to give it a break all you Reid haters out there and just deal with it. The man is one of the best in the state at what he does.


    :wub: I think I wub you! :wub: :wub: LOL


    There is not a perfect coach out there. I would much rather my boys play for a very strict, hard nose coach than one that will allow them to do whatever they want because they are "jocks". That doesn't fly in my house and I'm glad they know it doesn't at school either. Do I think Reid is "perfect"? -- that's a fat no! However, I am far from perfect myself .. so who am I to pass judgment on Reid? I would much rather have Reid out there coaching my boys. I realize that is my opinion ... and I'm entitled to that just as the Reid haters are entitled to theirs. I learned long ago, this fight is best ended by agreeing to disagree. As another post said -- people either hate Reid or love him. Very few are in the middle.


    All I know is that I support my boys -- and all the boys on the field -- 100%, win or lose! I'm a 100% Raider Fan and that's the most important thing! :rolleyes:

  13. Big Hoss, aka Budha that is a sweet boy!! I saw that too ^_^


    If I'm thinking of the right kid -- not totally sure of his number -- isn't he going to MTSU -- on a full ride?? Yes, I agree -- he's one of the nicest kids.


    I tell ya, most of our team is that way. I asked my soph. if he was having any "problems" with the seniors -- he looked at me like I was crazy and said, no -- none. They are all really cool. ..... Okay, excuse me -- I just remember the seniors picking on the underclassmen when we were in school! Glad to see that wasn't the case with him. :lol:


    And his statement was evident in the game Friday night!!!!



  14. Couldn't have said it better myself! I have a freshman and sophomore -- both playing football. They both came home all summer long exhausted. They both come home now exhausted, but when Friday night rolls around -- and they are getting geared up for that game, their exhaustion dissipates and they are ready. They are pumped up -- ready to knock someone's head off. :D


    That being said -- they both have learned several valuable lessons -- how to maintain their grades and still make practice, workouts and games -- that their responsibilities don't get pushed aside just because you play a sport (chores, homework, etc. -- and mine get lots of chores. ;) ) -- no special treatment and hard work always pays off --


    I know personally speaking -- my two busted their butts since May and they are now seeing that it pays!


    I will be cheering at every game -- winning season or not -- for every successful play, hard hit (and we always have at least one hit that you can hear in the bleachers and that makes you jump to your feet :D ), every interception and every touchdown like we just won the game!










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