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Posts posted by numi

  1. Home School Haven is not a supply store. It is a homeschool co-op, offering middle school and high school classes one day a week. Good for those subjects mom and dad aren't comfortable teaching. Math, Science, Lit, History, Spanish, Debate and more are offered. It is not on Scoggins Rd, it is in Douglasville. My shop is on Scoggins Road. Call 678-598-5723 and Susan can answer any questions you might have about homescholling and Home School Haven.

  2. My neighbor called in a panic because a snake came up to their front door and was looking through the side light glass like it was trying to get in. Their door is one step up off the walk. When I went to check the snake had moved into the bushes next to the door. When it stuck it's head out headed to the next bush I nailed it. It was a rat sanke over 5 feet long. Their house is next to a wooded lot which separates ours. we haven't seen any snakes. They have two dogs which were inside at the time. They have no fence. We have a stockade fence and our dog is constantly chasing chipmonks to no avail.


    Wow! What courage! What stone cold nerve!. That thing musta been huge. What... it musta stood about 1 1/2 inches tall huh? Not to mention they are cold-blooded killers. That thing prolly woulda jumped five or six feet in the air and latched on to your nose throwing coils of death around your throat, choking off your breath until you convulsed and died. Good thing you got it first.

  3. What do you all do about the standardized testing?


    We use the California tests. If you are interested, my wife and I teach (and my wife administrates) an accredited home school group that offers high school and middle school classes including maths, sciences, english/literature, foreign language and other classes. Good socializing time also. Meets one day a week. PM ifyou want info. My wife is also a good source of curriculum and othe rinfo. We have been homeschooling our kids for 9 years.

  4. And do you people also believe that we are not to blame for the smog in Atlanta or any other large city? And what about the over-fishing and polluting of the oceans? How about the extinction of many species? Are these also naturally occuring process that we just need to ignore cause it will fix itself, that mankind really isn't to blame for the state of the planet. Let's try an experiment, stop cleaning your house and let nature take it's course, but fear not cause it is not your fault you live in filth. Yes I belive in global warming, but I also believe in the overall stupidity and selfish nature of the human race.


    In other words, we are gonna kill ourselves one way or another, I prefer slow roasted, it tastes better.


    Do you have a link to this news article, I'd love to read it.


    Extinction is natural. Mass extinction is natural. Man is natural. Makes no difference whether extinction is human caused, asteroid caused, pyroclastic volcanic eruption caused, pandemic disease caused or any other cause. It is all natural. The only difference between human caused and the others is that we are conscious of being the cause. Earth will be here long after we are gone. Change is inevitable. Change is the ONLY constant in the universe. Okay... enough philosophy.

  5. Bluebird, by Charles Bukowski



    there's a bluebird in my heart that

    wants to get out

    but I'm too tough for him,

    I say, stay in there, I'm not going

    to let anybody see


    there's a bluebird in my heart that

    wants to get out

    but I pur whiskey on him and inhale

    cigarette smoke

    and the whores and the bartenders

    and the grocery clerks

    never know that


    in there.


    there's a bluebird in my heart that

    wants to get out

    but I'm too tough for him,

    I say,

    stay down, do you want to mess

    me up?

    you want to screw up the


    you want to blow my book sales in


    there's a bluebird in my heart that

    wants to get out

    but I'm too clever, I only let him out

    at night sometimes

    when everybody's asleep.

    I say, I know that you're there,

    so don't be


    then I put him back,

    but he's singing a little

    in there, I haven't quite let him


    and we sleep together like


    with our

    secret pact

    and it's nice enough to

    make a man

    weep, but I don't

    weep, do


  6. A Georgia accredited homeschool co-op is is offering middle school and high school classes for 2008/2009. Classes offered are: middle school - math, pre-algebra, physical science, earth science, Latin and grammar, ancient history and middle school spanish; High school - chemistry, biology, zoology, astronomy, American lit, creative writing, algebra 1, 2 and 3, geometry, forensic science, health, grammar, critical thinking and debate, college prep and home economics.


    Contact Susan Wright at 770-366-3696



    An alternate contact number is: 678-598-5723







    Most (not all) of the hunters that go for the big 5 go because they want the trophy and/or bragging rights, not the enjoyment of having a fresh elephant burger topped with slices of leopard flank and a zesty mushroom sauce out in the wilds.


    And you know this how? Bragging rights? As I said, a true hunter goes for the experience.


    Nothing at all. You're putting the wrong spin on what I said. It is when they hunt solely for the purpose of taking out the biggest rack in the woods that I have an issue. You can preserve any kill for the sake of remembering the hunt. Why does it have to be on steroids to make a suitable mount?


    What difference? In fact, if they are out solely for the biggest mount they will kill less animals. Who are you to determine what animal they stalk? Do tell you what size steak to buy or what model car? Sounds like a control issue to me.


    I agree that the trophy animals can be eaten, but killing them just because they are trophy animals is wrong, IMO. A spike buck will taste just as good and feed as many folks as the 12 point with a 21 inch spread.


    Wrong a more mature deer is almost always larger and therefore produces more meat. A mature deer also has less to contribute to the gene pool because of his age. He has less years left to breed than a young deer.




    No, the "myth" is perpetrated by nature. The lion (actually the pride, but whatever) doesn't scan the herd to find the juiciest Big Mac on the hoof and go for that one. It may select one member of the herd as an initial target, and that one is usually the closest to them. They then become creatures of opportunity but pursuing the weak, the old, the sick, the young because they are the easiest to catch. To insinuate that lions or any predator only select the biggest, strongest prey animal is incorrect and as ludacris as your scenario of them looking for the other extreme.


    Wrong. Nature doesn't produce myths, only humans do and I never insinuated that they select the biggest strongest, I only stated they catch what presents itself without regard to health or age. hey cannot even determine that. They don't have the analytical skills.

  8. numi has narrowed it down where it is understandable. And hunting is as old as the life itself. But, early hunters killed a few people when they thought it was necessary. Scalping them for proof of their bravery was also a common thing.


    It's just a matter of where a culture draws the line on their hunting principles. It is still common to hunt people in some countries, sometimes they are just killed, but sometimes they are tortured before they are killed.


    Just because I use extreme things, to explain myself, doesn't mean I don't know the difference, Teatime, and I know you understand me. :)


    I mis-stated that WT, it should have read "if someone doesn't know..." I didn't mean to direct it specifically at you. I understood your point.

  9. Define "sport" hunting.


    To me "sport" hunting is like going to Africa to kill the Big 5 for wall mounts. Or only hunting for the buck with the monster rack. Most true hunters do not "sport" hunt in those terms. You can't eat the antlers


    True hunters (IMO) go out because they enjoy their time in the woods, taking in the majesty of nature. There is a sense of competition between the hunter and the animal, and that too is part of the lure for some. It gets back to what another poster said about being the top predator. However, most times people go out hunting, they are taking their gun for a walk in the woods.


    In terms of the kill, a rifle or shotgun are far more humane, provided it is a clean shot, than trapping an animal or clubbing it to death with a stick or rock. You can still have a wounded animal from a bad shot that will suffer, however if the hunter is consiencious (sp?) enough they will continue to follow that animal and put it down.


    Anyway, that's my $0.02...


    See my previous post about "sport hunting". Also, do you believe that a hunter who goes to Africa cannot enjoy their time in the woods there? Do you think they just kill the animal and it gets thrown away? No, the hunters eat the meat while they are there. I don't know of any outfitters that do not serve hunters the game they kill. The excess is generally given to the staff (trackers, skinners, service) and or given to the locaal people who need that protein very much. An American hunter cannot, by law, bring meat back from Africa. And what is wrong with having the animal you killed preserved? They are beautiful and every time you look at it it brings back memories of your experience. Even primitive man kept tropies for that reason. And what difference does it make if a hunter "holds" his shot until the trophy animal is the target? It can still be eaten. Perhaps you are going by the myth that animal predators only kill the weak, the old, the sick, the young. They don't. They kill whatever they can catch. Can you imagine a lion looking over the herd... "nope that ones not young enough, that ones not sick enough".

  10. There's not much difference if you really do think about it.


    Look at what numi said, "Uhhhh Teatime..... it comes around to us all, hunter or not. No one here gets out alive."


    Yes I said that, but I was responding to the karma statement, not hunting. If you don't see a difference between killing animals and humans then there is indeed a problem. Morally, ethically and legally.

  11. Sport is really the wrong term for it. A hunter takes his place in the natural world as a predator and derives pleasure and enjoyment from filling his role as the apex of the food chain. The enjoyment comes from building and using skills and knowledge that allow him/her to succeed in taking his prey and from being outside and in the woods (prairie desert etc.) The kill is a small part of the whole experience, but is the natural culmination of it. Hunter have varying ideas of personal choices when hunting, from using high tech equipment and four wheelers to using home made long bows and hunting only on foot. The merits of each extreme (and all in between) can be argued, but come down eventually to personal choice (and many times experience and ability).

  12. A Georgia accredited homeschool co-op is is offering middle school and high school classes for 2008/2009. Classes offered are: middle school - math, pre-algebra, physical science, earth science, Latin and grammar, ancient history and middle school spanish; High school - chemistry, biology, zoology, astronomy, American lit, creative writing, algebra 1, 2 and 3, geometry, forensic science, health, grammar, critical thinking and debate, college prep and home economics.


    Contact Susan Wright at 770-366-3696

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