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Posts posted by UntoldDream

  1. Hello, We need jobs.

    My name is Amber. I am 18 years old.
    I have no work experience at all. I need a job really bad.
    I'll do anything I can get at this point. Babysitting, retail, restaurant work, etc.
    I don't have a car, or my learners. I have an I.D. though.
    I just really need a job. I'm home schooled, and I have to start paying for my schooling.
    I want to go to college. I live with my grandparents in the Dallas, Paulding , area.
    I live right down the road from Paulding County High.

    My name is Kyle. I am 24 years old.
    I have 4 years of restaurant experience.
    Burger King - 2 years
    Captain D's - 6 months
    Bojangles - 1 year
    Joe's Restaurant - 6 months
    I have 2 years of high school experience in welding.
    I'll work anywhere. I just need a job doing anything.
    I don't have my learners, or my license. I plan on getting them whenever I have the money.

    Once we get jobs, we are looking for a 1 bedroom place that isn't that expensive.
    We have put applications up and down Jimmy Lee Smith Parkway, Merchants Drive, and Near the Hospital.
    We call once, sometimes 3 times a week.
    We really need jobs, and we're open for anything that can be taught.

    **-Thank You So Much, And God Loves You!-**

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