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Posts posted by bubba

  1. ~~~Step away from the cow killer bubba ~~ LOL


    How have you been? good to see you


    you have not changed a bit, you can still throw those funny remarks in your post LOL


    I'm good! How are you doing L.R.? Yeah, I haven't been on in a while and it looks like my membership ran out. I will go back to being orange again when I have some time.



  2. Well I have been trying to find some information on several different types of insects that I have been seeing around my house and yard. One type that really stands out are these giant ants that are about 1 inch (plus) long. After doing a little research I was able to identify them. They are called "Dasymutilla occidentalis" or "cow killers". Some have said the sting from one of these cute little creatures are very painful and have been know to kill a cow. This is the second year that I have been noticing them running around my yard and driveway.





  3. just dreaming


    I really wasn't directing my post at you and I wasn't trying to get off the topic, but this thread comes up ever-so-often. It's just worded a little different, but the idea is still the same. The post that I made may have been a little off of the topic but it was directly related to a good number of the posts in this thread (and in so many like this before). The board of commissioners are always under attack by someone. They have had lawsuits filed against them before over silly things and that cost the tax payers money whether they win or lose. I agree with you that someone should be able to answer your question and it sounds like you would do very well with the right attorney going after the builder. It's just not right to have a nice new home having so many problems, man I would be pissed, pissed enough to hire a really good lawyer and take this builder down. You may not have the money to hire an attorney, but if you have enough evidence there so many good attorneys out there who will take this case on commission. I deal with building codes every day and I have to keep up with them, but the codes that work with are fire and safety codes of new construction (steel framed) which are so regulated and followed to the tee. I have seen where fire marshals have had the builder rip out (set in concrete) steel handrail for it being 1/16 inch below minimum height. It just seems that residential builders should be regulated and watched just as close. I think that you should receive an answer and that someone should look into this builders practice and who he hires as sub-contractors. I wish that I could help you. Good luck and I hope that you get what you are looking for.




    Edited to say: I don't agree with everything that this board of commissioners are doing, but I am not going to say anything because they have projections that I am not 100% familiar with. That leads me to believe that I should wait and see what the outcomes of what they are doing are. The end results may just prove to be good and positive things for this county.

  4. Are you the same bubba that is a builder? Or you a different bubba?


    No, I am not a builder. Just someone who moved to this county almost six years ago to marry my now wife who already lived here and to get away from a really over populated county. I am in the construction business, but I have no investments in it or in development. I do have my own business and I work from home as a structural steel draftsman. Most of my jobs are out of state.



  5. Wow so many comments, so much to soak up. Here are my thoughts:


    1) How many county commissioners will get on a public forum and allow himself (or herself) to be ridiculed and torn apart. Not too many! What I have noticed is that J.S. works all day for us trying to make things better for this county. Then he goes home and occasionally gets on p.com (on his personal time) when he should be spending it with his family to try and answer a few questions and concerns. Whether he is going about things in the right ways is yet to be seen and whether he is going about it the wrong way is still yet to be seen. The end results will tell if he is doing us right or wrong. If the ends results of his decisions prove that he is doing the people of this county wrong, I'm sure that some will be ready to form a lynch-mob, but if proof comes about that he has improved this county in the best way possible, will these same people praise him for his work? You see it doesn't matter who is in office there will always be a large group of people against him/her. One thing we have to remember is that there are 5 people on the board of commissioners and each one of them has a say in what goes on in this county.


    2) Don't be so critical in judging someone because your e-mail was not answered to your liking. Until you have walked a mile in his shoes, you have no idea what these guys are having to handle on a daily basis. I am sure they receive hundreds of bogus emails a day and they have to read all them to see which ones are really something to be concerned about (while trying to run the regular county business). Don't waste their time (and our tax money) on stupid stuff and maybe they will be quicker and more efficient at responding and handling the more important concerns.


    3) Lani Skipper is a good person (with a good heart) and a great attorney. Be thankful that the county was smart enough to commission her to represent this county to keep the cost of frivolous lawsuits and legal actions to a minimum. Remember, that's our tax money. So she is married to a man who works with the county, who cares!!!!!!!!!!!! She is not a county employee as far as I know and they are in (2) totally different fields of profession.


    4) As for people complaining about this county being over developed and not being able to handle it well, you like me, may be part of the problem by moving to this county (with thousands of other people) to escape the over crowded county that you (or I) came from. If you were born and raised here, try talking your friends and family members out of selling their land (to get rich) to developer. That might just slow things down a little where our board of commissioners can better resolve problems at a more reasonable pace.


    You see, when it comes to maintaining this county, I don't know what is truly the best things to do, but what I do know is that I have to trust the men and women we voted in to do the right thing. I know that a lot of people will disagree with me, but that's okay. It's good to have a difference in opinions, that's what makes people start to think and thinking people resolve and solve problems.




  6. I smoked for more than 10 years and I "just quit".




    Quitting is about making up your mind to do so and sticking to it. It's really that simple. Cold turkey is statistically the most effective way to quit.







    Same here, but a little longer. I fell in love for the second time around and she was just more important to me than smoking. It had been almost six years since I have had a cigarett. As for tossing them out the window, I guess I listened to Smokey the Bear when I was a kid, so I didn't toss them out the window. I alway kept a coke bottle with a little water in it and screw lid on it to put my butts in. I didn't want the smell of my truck to offend anyone so I always smoked with my windows down and kept the inside clean and sprayed down with air freshener. A buddy of mine had his back seat catch on fire in his mustang convertible from someone throwing a lit cigarett out the window. The open area from the passengers compartment sucked it right in like a vacuum wedging it between the seats and the wind intensified the hot rock burning a good size hole in the seats.



  7. Since we are venting about traffic stuff, here is my vent!


    The people who start rush hour traffic! Yes these are the people who get up, get dressed and jump in their cars at 6:00 AM (with really nowhere that they have to be) and with nobody in front of them, they drive half the speed limit. I call them the pace cars.



  8. This is indeed very sad and very hard to stop. The best ways to decrease the number of teenage fatalities is to pay attention to your teens and the signals that they are sending. The words "I'm bored" is something to pay special attention to. Bored teen start looking for exciting things to do and a lot of them become thrill seekers. Unfortunately way too many thrill seekers have short lives and to me an avoidable short life is a wasted life. It seems that once a person becomes an adrenaline junky it's hard to convert them back to a safe way of life. Too many of our teens are bored and have too much times on their hands and the fact that they like to show their "NO FEAR" persona for everyone to see doesn't help. Encourage your teens to stay busy this summer and get involved in some healthy activities. Don't allow them to lay around the house for too long or just go and hangout. The hangout thing gets kids in a lot of trouble sometimes. Make them get summer time jobs and teach them to be responsible. Know who their friends are and even try to meet the friends parents (you can tell a lot about a teenager by the parents behaviors). Your kids are going to try things and there is nothing (legal) that you can do to stop it. Too many of our teens think that they are invincible and it is our job to help them to understand that they are not. Try to teach them to think of the consequences of their actions. If there is a change of a seriously bad outcome of what they may be experimenting with whether it be drugs, alcohol, driving to fast or what ever, it will sooner or later happen. Just always keep in mind that sometimes you have to be tougher than them to keep them on the right track. At times it can be very difficult and painful, but in the end it is worth it. I pray for a safe summer!



  9. I have a co-worker that says "I see what you are saying."


    One that bugs me ---"ya feeling me"?

    If I was, I would be in jail for assault.."no,l I am not feeling ya".


    My oldest used to say 'actually' all the time. I told her if she actually said that word again, I was going to 'actually' go ballistic.


    Another thing that bugs me is people saying "where you stay?" (instead of "where do you live?"). If you stayed there..you would not be here would ya now?


    I like that one. When someone asks me where I stay, I always always answer "where ever I can get the best rates". ;)



  10. It bugs me when people mis-use "irregardless"


    Irregardless of what one would think and for what it's wurf, here's a question to answer a question: How do you miss-use a slang word for regardless? It just might be a "mute" point! :p I kindly think that I would be weary and flustrated wif people who don't know how to use english in the most rightly manner. Know whata mean? If ya don't know how to talk the way the good Lord meant fur you to, yull never be able to keep a good payin job. You mite as well be standing on the corner sellin pee-cans or become a po-leese man that arrests the people standing on the corner selling pee-cans!


    See you-uns Later!



  11. This was asked last year - so I just did a cut and paste of my response back then:


    I am a hiker. In hiking circles, most hikers have "trailnames."


    I did not have one (normally they are "given" to you - you do not select one) until a hiking trip in 1997. There was a hiker with one of those backpacker guitars and he was playing it all evening. Just to be obnoxious at bars I always yelled "Free Bird!" whenever there was a live band. Normally, I got the free bird via a hand gesture.


    During this hiking trip, I did the same thing to this guy (a legendary hiker named Fiddlehead) playing the guitar. The next morning he asked me why I didn't have a trailname. I told him and he then named me FreeBird.


    The rest is history.



    Yelper, this once come's up one or twice a year, but I don't mind playing again.


    Hi my screen name is bubba and I used to be a P.com-aholic. I'm call bubba simply because that was a nicname given to me when I was a child and it seemed to carry through to my adulthood-ness (I'm trying to get that word added to the dictionary). Yes that's right, I was a P.com-aholic until one day when it hit me over the head like a baseball bat and then I realized that there was life aside from P.com. That's a fact! After I recovered from the other life (my wife) clobbering me over the head with that dang bat, I decided to join a support group. That's right, I got hired on at a bra factory. One day while driving to work watching the sun come up, it dawn on me (and then I turned off my headlights). I realized that I was not getting on P.com as much anymore (because I knew my wife still had that ole bat with her) yes, her sister had moved in with us. To make a short story long, Since I am not getting on P.com as much any more, I have started getting a little more (much deserved) rest and I see things a little more clearly now. My eyes are not fuzzy from lack of sleep and I have started sleeping in the bed with my wife again. Yes the dog is lonely now. You would think that I would have realized that I was not stepping up to get into bed, but I was always tired, my eyes were fuzzy, and my wife and the dog do have the same color hair. Come on it was an easy mistake. Through all of this it has made a better person and now because I only get on P.com every now and then, I am no longer considered to be a P.com-aholic, but a casual P.commer. All joking aside, I have made some pretty good friends here.


    Blessings to you all!



  12. "See Rock City"

    Just an hour and a half away.


    The north Georgia Mountains are less than 2 hours away and there are a lot of great places to camp, water falls to see, go tubing in Helen (there is also a small amusement park there complete with carpet golf), trout fishing, horseback riding, or just just plain ole enjoying nature.


    If you are new to Georgia, "The Rock" (Stone Mountain Park) (as mentioned in an earlier post) is a great place to visit. To enter the park is around $10.00 a car and there is so much to do there and it is less than an hour away.



  13. Key Lime Pie

    my grandmother's homemade chocolate cake with 7 minute frosting (the kind with egg whites made in a double boiler)

    Bread pudding with rum sauce


    I make a homemade bream pudding with white chocolate shavings and a brandy sauce. This is one of my wife's favorites and mine as well.



  14. I guess that I don't see a problem with this. It should put more singles at ease. It's better to fine out this way about someone one than the hard way! These days most people who catch it early have it under control and are living nomal healthy lives. I think the secret is to catch HIV before it becomes full blown AIDS. I read an article a couple of days ago about people living with HIV. The ones that have contracted it and caught it and received treatments, are not dying. Look at Magic Johnson, he's doing great! One couple mentioned in this article was a young married couple about to have a baby. The man married his wife knowing that she was HIV positive and he wasn't. She is now expecting a child and the baby's changes of being born with HIV are slim to none and the same for her husband, his chances of contracting it from her are slim to none. I guess that goes to show, if caught early and medically maintained, all things are possible.



  15. Three years ago China opened (2) of the world largest steel recycling plants. They started buying up the world supply of scrap steel. Some would say "who cares". Well, I do. The United State greatly depends on foreign scrap steel for recycling. With China buying up a large supply of the worlds scrap steel the price of steel is going up at an alarming rate. The United States uses this steel to make cars, beams & columns for steel structures, military weapons, etc, etc. Why we depend on foreign scrap steel is beyond me. Look at all the auto junk yards we have around this country. It wouldn't surprise me to fine out that our own country already has one of the largest sources of scrap steel within our borders. Gas is going up, steel is going up, are we doing this to ourselves? I heard on the news last night the United States hired a contractor to strip down (remove all equiptment pertinent to the military) a historical aircraft carrier and haul it off into the Gulf of Mexico (just off of the coast of Pensacola Fl.) and sink it to creat a new barrier reef. Do you know how much steel is in an aircraft carrier? A lot! According to the news report, there are 20 more military ships to follow this same fate. So lets dispose of all of our scrap steel (at a huge cost) and try buying up everybody elses scrap steel (at a huge cost). Is the quality of the steel that we produce so poor that it's better to spend all of the extra bucks discarding our junk steel and buying foreign junk steel? I am sure that there must be some kind of logic to this, but I think that I am just too dumb to understand!



  16. Hmmm. That is not supposed to happen.


    May want to check to make sure the "IGNORE" feature is still on for that user.


    I have 2 on IGNORE &, lemme tell you, it is like a breath of fresh air to not have to read their "posts" (& I use that term very liberally).



    I paid extra for ignore block. Can you see me now?



  17. Hey L.R.

    Yeah, I know. I just have so much work to do right now and I am a little behind. Er-um, a little behind almost sound sounds like I am calling myself a little butt huh? :unsure: Oh well, I just heard on the news yesterday that one of the jobs that I am woking on is to open in 4 weeks and I have not even drawn the stairs for it yet and there are a lot of stairs to draw. I have to make calculations and shop drawings for the fabricator to build them before they can do anything with them. I need a vacation! I might have to put the tent up in the back yard and pretend. Lord knows that I can't afford the gas to actually go anywhere!



  18. I am here! I'm just working around the clock right now! I am starting to suffer from sleep deprivation. Hopefully after this week I will have this job behind me.



  19. PCOMTROLL wants to know if there is anywhere local that you could do whatever you do with a canoe :blink:


    me :)


    My wife and I go to Acworth Lake and canoe the lake and fish a little. We also like to shoot the "Hooch" several times during the spring and summer. When we go down the Chattahoochee we put in at Johnson's Ferry Road and take out just below the Galleria. I think the river trip is 6 or 7 miles.



  20. I hope you are having a Nice Day! :)


    This is a "REACH OUT" to "YOU" to say "HELLO" B)


    I hope you will register and say "HELLO" back! B)

    (it is FREE you know) :wub:


    Well, right now I guess that I am PDI (Prairie Doggin It). I just pop my head in and out without posting just to see what's going on. I am just way too busy to get wrapped up in any topics. I work from home and I am over loaded and having a very difficult time making my deadlines.



  21. I personally think that all of this is an attention distraction tactic. She has been having a very bad hair day - ur um - week, month, year, or something. All she is trying to do is divert peoples attention from noticing that wiry tornado blown rats nest that's stuck to the top of that melon. I don't think that it is working. People are still staring and wondering what the hell is up with that hair? :blink:



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