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Posts posted by nichole_marie39

  1. Well this is great i have alot to go by and better now of what i will be looking for. I just cant wait to get this big entertainment center gone and get a smaller one. Those things take up alot of space.




    Oh...and go with LCD versus plasma. LCD has a longer lifespan. Also Plasma tvs use alot more power than regular tube TV's. A 50" plasma can use twice the power of a refrigerator in a year. If you have Greystone Power you'll be getting an Aug. newsletter in your bill and it's got an entire section on this.


    he has made it clear that he wants a LCD.



  2. 42" or 48"....I can't quite remember...I just watch it, hubby picked it out :lol:



    Chances are the only thing i will be watching is his games lol. he drives me nuts with all of that lol. But i dont want to take away his hobbies you know..

  3. you cannot go wrong with Sony. They have the best warranty programs as well.


    Well I was really wanting to go with sony because i have always had sony. and plus he loves video games i cannot express that enough. he has all the gaming machines lol. so good picture is a must you knwo lol.

  4. So I'm wanting to get my fiance a big screen flat planel for christmas but I dont really know what is the best. My thing is that if im going to spend an amout of money on something like this i want something nice you know. Anyone have any idea on what is the best brand.



  5. Does anyone no of any places that are hiring for a waitress? I really need a second job for the weekends. I already have a job now but its all the way marietta and really by the time i get home its 6 so weekends are really the only ideal thing right now.



  6. well that sounds like fun the Home spun and i live really close to rockmart where abouts is it in rockmart? I love fireworks and we have been to fire works like every weekend so far lol. My fiance is probably gonna ask if im ever going to get sick of them? Of course not there pretty lol.

  7. I Get them all the time too so does my Fiance but when he called me the other day and told what he did when they called and would listen to him when he said he wasnt interested he put a very x rated movie and put the phone to the speaker. He said the guy was still trying to talk to him when he went to hang the phone up. Needless to say they havent called back lol. I was dying laughing when he told me that. You could also try blocking the number.

  8. You dont understand what I mean. Not only are you posting information you do not *know* to be true, but gruesome details that make this thread look bad as if a bunch of teenagers are sitting around gossiping about a tragedy. You have to be careful when posting things like that because it has happened more than once that an accident victims family was a member on this board and things you post may be offensive to the family.





    .......................................................no gossip here..........................I guess people know me well enough now that they know what i understand and what I dont. No offensive to you that wasnt toward you on my last post. Im done with the section.

  9. I panic when I can not see my daughter and I will not let her out of my sight not to even go to the bathroom. It is our repsonablity as parents to watch our kids and knowing the dad was their he could have kept an eye on him regardless of his age.... :o


    Thank you i so agree. Even tho I dont have kids I have babysat before and yes i know that its not the same thing but i have the childs life in my hands.

  10. Tact honey, tact



    Well I know that but what I dont understand is that you know when my parents couldn't see me within seconds they would go crazy and try to find me. Its alittle aggravating when people cant handle the truth you know. yes my best friends sister is a teenager and yes we all know they kind of take one thing and make into something else and reword alot of things but if he couldnt swim then why was he in the water to begin with. There is alot of people that go there as i understand....................

  11. My best friends sister actually works there and she wasnt working there at the time that it happened but her friend actually called her after it happened and told her what happened. Her friend said that one of the life guards went to go looking for the boy and the place where they found him up under a rock or something or another i have never been there in my life but anyways they said that at first when he came back he didnt see anything but he went back and looked again and when he went to go under the water he bumbed into something and opened his eyes under water and saw the boys face and he freaked out and swam and ran out of there as fast as he could you could hear him driving out of the parking lot. Well when they pulled the boy out he had cuts all over him and he was so blowded that sand was coming out of his cuts from where the sand was going into him mouth. When the parents found out the dad started swinging at one of the people i think it was one of he owners at sunvalley but after that he was fine. I wish i remembered more i just remembered more of the whole thing then people swinging and people and stuff.



  12. Hey there well im no parent but my parents didnt let me get my learners until i was 17 then got my license at 18. I was fine with it because i didnt care at all my parents took me ever lol. But i agree with you and my kids will be the same way.



  13. Well now i dont know what i want to do because i have seen reviews on the hostel and pension thing and some are good and some are bad i just have no idea yet lol. Some say there is no ac people are rude blah blah blah.



  14. Well i think we might do the shared one that might be interesting lol it was going to be 22 a night to camp in a tent. I think it will be better to do shared its almost the same thing you know. So is that the only one there like that.

  15. i would love to stay at a haunted one but aj would kill me. we are going on the scary ghost tour and he isnt to happy about that lol. i just need something close thats all. How much are the old houses.

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