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Posts posted by adult.

  1. There's actually nothing to substantiate what you've said. There's no proof alcohol consumption will increase. Liquor store owners (who have long supported the ban on Sunday alcohol sales) predict they will actually lose money by opening an additional day with no overall increase in revenue. drinks.gif

    This may very well be the case. Of course, giving someone the right to do something doesn't mean they have to do it; even if this inane law is struck down, no liquor store will be forced to open on Sundays. So why not give them the right to choose?

  2. From Merriam-Webster online:




    noun pl but singular in constr, often attributive \ˈnüz, ˈnyüz\


    1 a : a report of recent events

    b : previously unknown information <I've got news for you>

    c : something having a specified influence or effect <the rain was good news for lawns and gardens — Garrison Keillor> <the virus was bad news>


    2 a : material reported in a newspaper or news periodical or on a newscast b : matter that is newsworthy


    :unsure: :blink:

    Is the Washington Post a newspaper?

  3. :nea:

    But what if I had something to say, not store related, that was profound or of the utmost importance? Would you not open the post just because it was from me????? I am deeply hurt :nea: Okay, maybe not deeply, but still :(

    Maybe you have a book about the kid who cried wolf?

    • Like 1
  4. I feel like there's a joke to be made here; something about how I can't barbecue now, but I'll surely barbecue later.


    But this sounds like fun! I'm glade someone's doing something like this. I'll definitely try to make it to the compation in time for the fanally. I'll even bring my gail!

  5. You mean Muslims(Islam). It won't bother me any if they did pass it. 1st Amendment over-rides their wishes and I agree with Jack Reacher.

    No, I said what I meant. Muslims aren't the only ones.


    Of course, all resolutions of the UN (excepting budgetary matters) are optional for its members, so this would certainly not affect us were it to pass. It's still interesting, though, for the commentary it will induce from conservative Christians such as yourself failing to see subtle similarities between you and them.

  6. GENEVA — Islamic nations are mounting a campaign for an international treaty to protect religious symbols and beliefs from mockery — essentially, a ban on blasphemy.


    Documents obtained by The Associated Press show that Algeria and Pakistan have taken the lead in lobbying to bring the matter to a vote in the U.N. General Assembly.


    There's nothing quite like the religious trying to make everyone else follow their rules.


    Forgot to include link.

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