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Posts posted by scorpio118

  1. "It's the oblong pedal on the right!"


    Oh, and my personal favorite, "Trust me, honey, the makeup isn't helping!"


    Oh yeah-I like that one!! There is a chick on my way into work who always does that-makes me want to hurt someone! :lol:



  2. Very Nice! :lol:


    Or how about the one I chant every morning-


    "Get the F-outta my way you jack*** before I ram my car into yours & then run you over when you get out to look" :wacko:


    I know it doesn't rhyme but what do you expect before the coffee kicks in!!!! :unsure:

  3. House for Sale sign all over Paulding: "DESPARATE".... :unsure:


    I would just like to thank you for putting that ridiculous Title Max song in my head-now I must go silence the voices in my head... :wacko:

  4. texas margarita. :huh: .. is that for hell raiser?

    think she's too young for that after all we don't live in europe :p


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Just saw this...I meant for LGM...but the other works too!!


    My family always used Benadryl... :lol:

  5. I thought it was GOOD...the commercials during that show are OVERKILL! We have missed a couple of seasons due to the 10 airing so we got to catch up. I was said they killed off Charlie-but I think his "ghost" is going to be around for a long time...poor Hurley!

  6. LATEST: Former NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK singer DANNY WOODS has dismissed reports of a boyband reunion, insisting there has been "no discussion" about a new tour.



    The group, which sold over 50 million albums in the late 1980s and early 1990s, was alleged to be reforming after their official website - which was previously dormant - became fully functional and invited fans to sign up to the site for more information.



    But, in a posting on social networking site MySpace.com, Woods claims he is unaware of any reunion and is focussing on his solo career. He writes, "I wanted to address the rumors of the NKOTB Reunion Tour. There has been no talk of this and you are getting it from source directly.



    "Never say never, and you can't believe everything you read. On another note my solo record will be released in Australia in March."


    Isn't it weird that DANNY is the one holding out...wasn't he the least popular one? I am super excited if they get back together though!!!! Brings back soooooo many old memories!!


  7. Whats up everyone!? We are almost there...just one more day!

    My weekend includes my nephews 1 year birthday-can't wait to see him eat his cake! Sunday-plan on a jammie day & Monday I am going to the Matchbox Twenty concert...super excited!!!

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