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Posts posted by Bing0

  1. Great news! Shannon saw the Dr today, and the chemo is working! :D the Dr says the tumor is 90% gone!She had her 3rd round yesterday, and the Dr is still continuing the treatment. He says that he gave her the most agressive form of Chemo he could, and it usually works only 50% of the time. She's in the 50%! Halleluja! She was online reading today. Please continue to PM her words of encouragement (NYGal's Sister). We need her to believe that GOD can and will provide!


    Keep on praying, my prayer warriors! GOD CAN DO IT!! Miracles happen! Please, please continue to pray. It WORKS!!!


    Thank you Jesus!! :D

    PRAISE GOD!!!!!

  2. We have had dogs in the house for years and have had hardwood and laminate. Both have draw backs. Laminate does swell up when wet and then it looks realy bad but hardood gets scrached up by my big dogs. So what we are doing now is waxing our laminate floor I know it does not require it but it keeps the floor from swelling at the seams and still is very scrach resistant. This works for us. Hope it helped. :rolleyes:

  3. If you are talking about Catfish Den it is closed down.... From what I understand... Which is sad I worked for them when I was a teenager when they was in the old building were dogwoods is now.... Peggy and Glenn was good people and when they built the new one and then sold out it went to hell in a handbasket.

    I think it was required for teenagers to to work at the Catfish den back then. My wife and I both worked there in the 80's when we were in high school.

  4. Yes, the tendency to have migraines do run strongly with the females in our family. Most of my life I have had to suffer in silence because my doctors would only prescribe pain meds. I am not fond of narcotics.


    Mine are called chronic cluster migraines. Now I use medications to help keep them in check. Each day I take propanolol. (sp?) This med is also used for high blood pressure I believe and also for seizures. It has worked miracles for me.


    These darn headaches could keep me in bed sick for several days. But thanks to my neurologist, I can usually head one off with Excedrine Migraine and a strong cup of coffee. The asprin thins the blood and the caffine reduces the swelling of the blood vessels.


    Good luck and God bless,


    Thats why I drink a Dr Pepper for the caffine it realy does work.


  5. I hope not. I have them and my kids don't. They are BAD!!! I am gald my kids don't have them and I hope they never do.


    i take me 2 goodies and go lay down and cover your eyes and sleep for a little bit...

    BC powders a Dr Pepper and a pack of peanuts works for me. Some times a Sinus Headache triggers a migrane and I take sudafed with my homemade cocktale.

  6. The book Ecclesiastes in the Bible. If you have never read it completely when you do it will change the way you look at everything. The book realy puts life into perspective. King Soloman wrote it and he had everything. And he learned just what everything realy was. This is great reading!!

  7. Go to snagajob.com they have alot of jobs on there my teenage son got on there and gave them my email adress and they have been emailing me daily with jobs some of them look pretty good too.

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