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Posts posted by rdboyd88

  1. Still waiting on power off Brooks Rackley and Easy Paulding. Our subdivision has underground utilities but that doesn't mean anything when the lines feeding it are above ground. A neighbor said he saw 2 Greystone trucks on Brooks Rackley earlier so we are keeping our fingers crossed.

  2. I don't think that we really give a lot of thought of what would happen to our photo memories in times of disaster, such as hurricanes, tornadoes or fires. Often those photos may be of long-gone relatives with whom we had a special bond. One of my most priced possessions is a photo of my paternal grandmother with all of her children. A photo taken just months before my dad's twin brother passed away. It was the last photo taken of all of them. I would really hate to lose that picture. It means so much to me. I would love to have all of the really special photos put on a disc that I can put in a fire-proof box or a safe deposit box. Maybe someday.


    Please do get involved!! Get the word out about what you do. I've seen it and I'm VERY impressed! I'm not one to be easily impressed either.



    It all started when my neighbors house burned down and they were trying to recover some items the next day. Most of their pictures were burned and some were repairable with photoshop. Most people don't even think about all of their pictures in shoe boxes in their closet or video tapes in the entertainment center until after the fact.

    To be prepared, start transferring your home videos to dvd and make an extra copy to give to a friend or family member just in case something happens. You can also put them in a safe deposit box. As far as your old photographs are concerned, start scanning them as soon as possible and upload them to a free picture

    storage site such as flickr or shutterfly and your pictures will be safe forever! Even digital pictures can be lost if your camera and computer are in your house and a fire or tornado happens suddenly. Anytime you take some pictures make sure you upload them to a free storage account as soon as possible. When your on vacation, transfer your pictures from your camera to

    your laptop or tablet computer and upload them through wifi wherever your staying. Most hotels offer free wifi these days. Also, with big SD storage cards these days 16gig, 32gig, 64,gig, etc., a lot of people tend to forget about transferring all of those pictures and videos because they have plenty of storage. You never know if someone might steal your camera out of your

    house or hotel room. Those memories will probably be gone forever if that happens.


    A great way to start saving your old VHS Movies is to get a premium membership on paulding.com for $29.95 and get 2 free VHS to DVD conversions! My normal price is $20.00 per tape. This is a $40.00 value!!! Like I said earlier, it's like we are paying you $10.00 to upgrade your membership and get 2 VHS to DVD conversions!!!



  3. THANKS, Pubby. I didn't think so but thought I would ask. I need a laptop repaired since Nick isn't taking in new work. :(


    Hey SS,


    I do a little computer repair on the side as long as it's a desktop. When it comes to laptops I run away like a lot of other people. I do have a cousin in Powder Springs that works on them though. He is very good. I call him when I can't figure something out. I can give you his info if your interested.


    My main business is video production and tape transfers. Now I work out of my basement studio near East Paulding H.S. I used to be located in Evans Mill Office Park. Give me a shout if you need any info or advice on video. I'm also into installing flat screen tvs


    and surround sound systems.



  4. Not taking jokes too well right now. Sorry. pardon.gif


    I would like to officially welcome Media Man to Pcom! Glad to have you aboard. What took you so long??? I've been working on getting you here for almost two years!rofl.gif




    Thanks S&DN !!! I guess good things come to those who wait! Give me a few days to get used to pcomming. Gotta figure out and experiment some on posting. I'm glad to be here. I have just always visited this site to see what's going on in Paulding but now I can really get involved!:)

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