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Posts posted by SnglGAmom

  1. Why must we drive all the way to Atlanta just to visit a dog park? I have heard there is funding for these parks- so why don't wa have one? How do we get the funding? Come on ya'll- we need a dog park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    There is one in Smyrna off of Windy Hill Road by Old South BBQ, but I don't know how many people would want to drive that far to go. The kids and I took our new corgi, Mitzi, yesterday and she LOVED it!

  2. I got Lily, after losing Watson......It took her a little time to get used to her surroundings...Now, she knows she's at her forever home......She has some Corgi and Chow in her, and Lily is so sweet, loving, and gentle!!


    I "know" Mitzi will be much the same in her new home -- you won't regret it!!






    What a sweet little girl!!! She's adorable! I have always gotten my animals from shelters or from people trying to find new homes. The first dog I ever took in was when I was 14. She was a Brittany mix and I fell in LOVE w/ the breed! She lived to be 18 years old and it was the hardest thing having to have her put to sleep. Our last baby was my first ever experience with a full bred dog and he was wonderful! Difficult in the beginning, but with patience he became the best dog we've had around here in a long while. We miss him dearly, but we truly felt this little girl deserved a second chance. I know we'll grow on her one day. They never jump in with all four paws at first, especially when they've been hurt like that.

  3. Congrats on the New Addition!!


    It is hard losing a pet -- especially when "they're family."


    I lost my little buddy, Watson, about 1 1/2 years ago -- shortly thereafter, brought Lily (mixed corgi) home from the PC Shelter.....then got Peanut, 4 months later, and Maggie, 3 months ago.....


    Mitzi looks so happy! She's definitely at her forever home, with her forever family -- not as a replacement, but, to create her own space in your hearts!!!





    thanks so much! She really is fitting in quite well........She misses the home she came from tho.....she still whines a little bit, but hopefully we can help her with settling in with the same patience and understanding we gave our first fur baby.



  4. She looks so precious. I know she is so grateful that you saved her life. Makes you wonder how folks are just leaving animals behind to starve. Well hell with em, I say. Ya'll have a wonderful time with your new little girl.



    I agree with you on that one, sooch. It's hard to imagine leaving my animals behind without at least trying to find them another home or taking them to a shelter or something. I don't understand that line of thinking at all.


    And I have to say thank you to JewelryLady24 for leading us to this sweet girl. We looked at several prospects, but this one just swept us off of our feet!



  5. Everyone may remember about 2 weeks ago I had posted that someone had hit our dog and he didn't make it. We live in Powder Springs, right on the Cobb/Paulding border on a small 15 mph street. :cray:


    We had a very difficult time dealing with our little guy's passing, but we also knew we had too much love in our home to not share it with another furry family member. :unsure:


    I am pleased to announce that we have found the perfect little girl for our family. Everyone, meet Mitzi! :wub:




    She was left behind in a house that was foreclosed on and nobody knew she was there for 3 weeks! :shok:


    We picked her up from Douglasville last night and brought her home, bathed her and treated her to a Meaty Bone. She is adjusting quite well, and received a thorough brushing through today, as you can see from the HUGE mass of hair on the left of the pic. :blink:


    As I was brushing her out, she kinda dozed off. I wish I knew how to post a second pic on here cuz I'd show you her lil' corgi self all stretched out on the floor snoozing after being brushed. :lazy:


    She is showing a lot of promise and it's only her 2nd day here! YAY!!! :yahoo: :good:


    I think we're in love........ :air_kiss: :clapping: :wub:


  6. I agree with you with people make a choice to risk thier life for another animal.. I myself would cross any Highway to save my dog or anyone's else dog. It's just who I am. I am a Animal lover. animals are such a big part of my life. I guess you would have to be a animal person to understand that feeling. I really cant explain it.



    Those of us who do understand do not really need to explain ourselves, do we? LOL :p


    As a RESPONSIBLE pet owner, I do take responsibility for Dodge not being on a leash. We have had him here for 2 years and have never ever had any problems with him or drivers coming through here at an unreasonable amount of speed. As it stands, the person that hit him had "alterior motives" for being in our neighborhood to begin with. That portion of the whole matter is still under investigation.


    I drive throught this neighborhood every single day at 5 - 12 mph. If that had been what this particular driver was doing, Dodger would have had plenty of time to cross the road and he would have had plenty of time to stop. Such as it was, he was going too fast to stop, and in our little corner of the Cobb/Paulding border, this was a tragedy of gigantic proportions. The horror of the whole thing was after he hit the dog, he continued down the road like nothing happened, but managed to come back to the scene of the crime after he got to his destination at the bottom of our dead end street.


    There was some level of responsibility there as he did return to see if all was ok, but only after my 11 yr old daughter was bawling on the side of the road trying to figure out what she was going to do with our ran over puppy.


    It's just sad to think about all around. The fact that it could have been a child has not been lost on our community either.

  7. Of course you hate to see it, but even considering stopping and running across the interstate? As I said before, if you had seen that lady splattered from doing that very thing......


    There's another side to this story - That is responsible pet ownership. Who lets his/her dog, cat, hamster -- whatever -- run out in the street? When "taking the dog for a walk" (many times a euphemism for an irresponsible pet owner encouraging his dog to take a dump in the neighbor's yard) what caring pet owner doesn't have the dog on a leash?


    As far as injured animals goes, I'm not stopping if I run over a snake. Not calling the vet or the police. A skunk either. Or a possum. However, I don't think less of you if you do stop to render aid to those animals. It's your choice if that's what you want to do. Just gather your emotions before you go out in the street!



    In our little neighborhood, everybody knew our dog. Granted, he should have been on a leash. And he usually was when we were out in public with him. In our neighborhood, everybody knows everybody, everyone knew Dodger and RESPONSIBLE pet owners pick up after their pets instead of allowing them to poop in other's yards. OR, as we did, they take them to a little corner to do their business away from everybody else.


    RESPONSIBLE DRIVERS should adhere to the 15 mph speed limit. I'm not keeping my kids on a leash around here, so is your argument the one I should bring up when the next time Mr. Speedo wants to come through my 15 mph speed zone at 25 mph and hits mine or someone else's kid instead of their dog? "Sorry officer, I forgot to put the leash on her today. Please don't fine me for it!" We trusted Dodger enough in OUR neighborhood to be at our heels whenever we took him outside. He was never let out on his own and ALWAYS had someone with him. The fact that he was hit is a tragedy and a true "reality" check that our pets and our kids are NOT safe anywhere.


    End of argument.

  8. Talk about being dramatic. You're equating the life of an animal with that of a human being??



    This disturbs me, greatly. <_<


    Last Friday, my daughter was doing what she normally does, taking our dog out for a walk after school.


    We live on basically a ONE WAY street with a POSTED speed limit of 15 mph. Some DOLT decides 15 mph isn't fast enough, and instead of succumbing to the 4-lane freeway behind my house, our dog was killed in FRONT of our house, on a small one way street, because people are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere.


    To think that it could have very well been my daughter that was hit instead of Dodger is heart wrenching. To say that Dodger was not as much a part of our family as my daughter or my son, breaks my heart for you. I feel very sorry for the person who has never known the loving, loyal friendship/companionship of a pet, which apparently, sir, would be you.


    Every pet I have ever had has been as much a part of my family as the kids. Or the spouse. Or the mom. They live. They breathe. They are happy. They get hurt. They bleed. Just like you or I. In some instances, they are MORE dependable than some of the people we know.


    To say they are any less deserving to be checked on "just because it's an animal" is inhumane and frankly very ignorant.


    I would say to you, SIR, get yourself a pet and find out what it is you've been missing your entire life.

  9. No, not yet. If you want to look pm me. I will give you my number then. With the cat thing, my cats are bold and ran up to him. He in turned growled at them. My cats are pests though and think all dogs love them. :lol:



    I would like to see this little guy, I think the key word I'm looking for in our search for our next buddy would be tolerance, I have an ADHD daughter who LOVES, i mean LOVES animals and this new buddy we find will have to be very tolerant of an 11 yr old being ALL over them...... as far as my jonah (the cat) goes, he don't like dogs, but that's never stopped us from having them before ;) the kitty has a tendency to keep to himself for the most part, but i think after a bit of time in the home, the 2 could get along famously, at least, that would be my hope.......that's how it was with our dodger.....anywho, just pm me your number and i can probably get in touch with you about him tomorrow

  10. They're ALL worthy!


    Please take a trip to the Paulding Animal Shelter, or look at who they have available at http://www.pauldinghumane.org/


    I hope you and your family find LOVE there!! (and I'm sure you will!) :wub:



    Oh, I didn't mean to say they are not ALL worthy, I know they are.....I apologize for that!


    I do not have a fenced in yard, so it would be alot easier for us to have a small to medium dog. I will definately check out the website....thank you so much!

  11. My children and I have lost a very precious member of our family Friday night because some people do not know how to obey speed limits. Although we live behind a VERY busy 4 lane highway, he precious pooch was struck and killed on our little road with a posted speed limit of 15 mph.


    Although we are not in any hurry to find another dog, we have a lot of love to give to the right furry fella or diva. Over the next couple of weeks, my children and I will be looking for another best friend we can give our hearts to.


    If anyone knows of anyone who is trying to find a home for a small to medium (up to 30 lbs) sized dog or puppy, please contact me here and let me know. We really do miss our Dodger, but would love to spread the love we have to give to another worthy pup.


    Thanks so much!



  12. I have got to say, never before have I been so impressed with a family as I am with this one. The funeral was beautiful, and the family itself is INCREDIBLE! I feel so incredibly blessed to have met so many wonderful people in one day! You will all remain in my thoughts and prayers in the upcoming days, weeks and months. May God bless each and every one of you richly.


    In Him,

    Chrissy Chaney

    (James L. Harbour, Jr.'s "other" half)

  13. Jen,


    So sorry I haven't been able to check on Ana's recovery until now.......I'm so glad to hear she's getting better! I know I've been thinking about ya and wondering how things went, I'm very pleased to hear the outcome! Sounds like she's making great progress.......


    Let us know if you need anything!


    Luv ya, girl!


  14. Dr. Lugar is doing the surgery and she is the "BESTEST"! :wub: I kinda giggled at their new spa for dogs but after all of this, I may send Miss Ana for a day of pampering! She has been through such an ordeal this week. :( If she is doing well, I will be able to bring her home this afternoon. I hope she doesn't get sick from being put to sleep. My hubby isn't very happy that I decided to have her spayed while she was under, but I don't want her to have to be put to sleep again. He is worried about her pain. She is getting a shot after the surgery.


    I will post updates.


    My best therapy is crying and cussing, in addition to prayer!!! :lol:



    I'm praying for you and Ana today, Jenny! Love ya....and keep that chin up!

  15. Thanks, Girl! I am not dealing real well with it right now, which is unlike me. I will love her, no matter what!!! :wub:I will. Thank you! She really is a "poor baby" right now. The pain meds help, but she is in tons of pain. :(



    Thaz what u gotz frienz like uz fer :D


    It's gonna be okay, Jenny, promise ^_^

  16. Thank you

    It really stinks!

    :( Anastasia is going to have to have her eye removed. I am a little bit of a basket case right now. I have gotten very attached to this little girl and it has been a very long time since I have been this close to a dog. She will have surgery on Friday. :(


    I am going to have her spayed at the same time, since she will already be asleep. That way she won't have to hurt again for surgery.

    Thank you to all of you that have said a little prayer or sent positive vibes my way! :wub:



    Not to make light of the subject, my friend, but you're gonna love that puppy with or without that eye. It's not the eye that makes her personality so wonderful! Just keep on lovin' her just the same (which i know already goes w/o saying) and you will both pull through this surgery with FLYING colors! ;)


    Praying for you and your baby!! Keep us updated on how she does.....


    :wub: lylas,


  17. They are a trip!

    ROFLMBO...........I'm kind of in between saying "Aw, the poor things!" and "OMG, that was HILARIOUS!"......lol :blush:
    I don't know if you are TRYING to be funny, but I am laughing so hard that my boss is looking at me like I have lost my mind.On my way to work everyday, I pass a house that has some little (strange looking) goats in the fence around their yard. Sometimes they get up next to the fence (near the road), I wonder if they are fainting goats? I am going to blow my horn tomorrow and see.
    LOL....that's down right mean......yet funny as all get out!
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