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Posts posted by butterbean

  1. You and I must be kindred spirits! That's exactly what I thought! :lol:


    My point exactly. A fine vegetable with the name bean, illicits a rise due to the nature of beans and flatulance. But note....the replies came swiftly on such an inane topic!

    God loves you!

  2. When stupidity is confronted and challenged, the waves of communication slow. Finally a hesitation is exhibeted, and perhaps a moment of caution. Just look, look at your replies, and see when the intellect is challenged. When left unchallenged, a free for all is easily displayed, and ignorance is at it's best!

    Uhhh, do y'all knows what I'm a sayin'?

  3. So, since I think that so many trivial items get a long length of time, I wanted to test my theory wit a subject of farts.


    Here it is:

    Are farts funny and why?

    Only serious answers allowed! Run with it....................

  4. I wear mine when I leave the house. Once I come home, I take the set off to wash my hands and don't usually put it back on because I don't wear it to cook, shower, bathe my daughter, or sleep.

    why does a trivial topic like this make it so deep into the community? Heck, I'm adding to it, but it is to find out why?

  5. I know it is frustrating. But remember it can be just as frustrating for some parents too. Dis jr. (6) has ADHD and ODD and trust me, his teachers have been great. Everyday is a fight with him and school work. To be honest I want to hold him back. He has made soo much progress in skills and maturity this year. Still he is so far behind the others mentally and physically. He was only 2 weeks from being forced to wait a year anyway. some of us really do appreciate the teacher's hard work. Sometimes there are other reasons too. ;)

    I understand your point, but does it really justify favoring one discipline over another? Perhaps your child does not succeed in math, but is one heck of an analytical scientist, or storyteller. So we say he can't do this, so forget about that? That is the issue that bugs me!

  6. It was in reference to a thread about the new middle school mascot being the gators. GA fan was very upset. :lol:

    OK, still possibly amusing, but really of no value to this thread. Are there any people out there who think it is ok to lessen the value of a subject? Is it ok to pass some stuff, but the rest doesn't count? Please chime in. I know you're out there, because I clearly hear my students quote it! Anyone.....anyone......

    goodness gracious, why do you teach your children this!

  7. It could be worse......................Your mascot could be the florida gators. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    What a comment! True, this would be observed as worse. What does that say? I know BS that it was a comical reply, but holy sh** , is that the only feedback that ole Zoich will get? JZ sorry for your pain! I teach too, and see some of the same things. BTW if parents took a real interest, many of these things wouldn't happen. This is impotant, that is not. If one thing is not important, why the He** teach it. Someone please explain to me and zoich.


    My daughter came to me saying her teacher said this same crap as to what matters and what doesn't... I asked her teacher to justify her job if it were not important....a sudden loud silence was audible!!

  8. I am having a competition, and I need to come up with a cool sounding sciencey (yes sciencey...that means related to science) name. The two facts are that I must wear a blue shirt...so something related to Blue would be good, and my first name is Victor...Vic is a good substitute. Can you help?? I HOPE SO!!

  9. Well it looks like all the basics were covered. I highly suggest you go the the museums, the Hayden Planetarium, take a horse and buggy ride in Central park (kids will love this) and dependant on your financial position, eat at the greatest steakhouse ever....Peter Lugar... this is actally in Greatneck which is 20+ miles from Manhatten. City Island in the Bronx has the best seafood in the world, and you MUST get a dirtywater hotdog, a Knish and a YooHoo from a street hotdog vendor. My favorite Pizza place in NY is now closed, so the second best is Ray's Pizza in Manhatten. Go there and expect a mmmm-mmm after each bite. Finally, see what shows are on Broadway, or Off-Broadway, and check one out. Little Italy is very close, so get some chow there first. Radio City often has great events as does Madison Square Garden. Good luck, have fun, and I'm jealous!

  10. I just wanted to let the world (well Paulding County anyway) know. I am a blessed man to have the wife that I do.

    And NO, I didn't do anything wrong! I just felt like posting this statement.

  11. Very easy test. It's reading comprehension, some grammer and math. I failed Algrebra miserably, but what the they, I can't even balance a checkbook.


    (This Butterbean's Better Half, not BB answer. He is brilliant though!)

  12. Are they paying for their own school, or do they have financial aid?


    If they're paying for school out of their own pockets, I woud take that into consideration. I know when I worked and went to school previously, every penny I had went into gas to get to/from school, my car payment, insurance, and tuition/fees/books/supplies.


    I was *broke*.


    The rent offset is that they DO pay for their own school. If they do well, HOPE will help.

  13. I have never heard that verse....I am going to call my brother first thing in the morning and sing it to him.





    Better than gasX glad I could help! :p




    that is usually the expression on my face when my brother would sing.....he always had to have the live sound effects to go with it!


    I thought you were going to bed?

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