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Status Updates posted by mslatton0405

  1. Thanks!!! You have some new pictures up too...cute as pie!!! Your little one is growing fast! Love the tutu!!!

  2. Hi. I'm Mandi, a SAHM to a little girl who will be 2 at the end of November. We live off of Ridge Rd. as well. Welcome to the area!

  3. Where does your husband work? My husband is a police officer for the city of Marietta!!!

  4. Love the new pictures!!! Is your husband a police officer? (just saw something that you posed that made me wonder)

  5. Taylor will be 19 months old at the end of this month!!! Tell me about it. Time really flies. Just wait until yours get a little older!!! Things really change!!! Enjoy EVERY second!

  6. Thank you. You've got a little cutie on your hands as well. How old is she?


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