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Posts posted by oeh420

  1. Are you going to be a junior or a senior this year?


    I hope you didn't have to spend a bunch at the vet for your little dog.


    im gonna be a senior... and no we only spent like 30 min in the vet... they checked him out and gave him a shot to stop him from going into shock...

  2. Bobo!

    What type of dog was it? Is it a small dog that the driver could have thought was a possom or racoon? Because that could be the reason they didn't stop.

    Sorry about your dog.


    it was a boston terrier... and i had my flashers on... so they should have slowed down...

  3. ok well on july 14th at around 10 PM my dog got loose and ran down my driveway. so i hopped in my car and chased after him... I chased him for about a quarter of a mile when i finally got him to stop... when a car going 40mph around a turn hit him... and didnt even have the common curtiousy to stop... and to top it off if i would have gotten out of my car i would have been hit too... but now hes fine and at home but it was still very tramatizing to see my dog get hit by a car right in front of me...

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