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bakers joy

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Posts posted by bakers joy

  1. My mom just joined Curves for women only, her insurance also pays a portion and she was very

    impressed with them.

    She started Friday and said they showed her all the equipment and were very nice etc.

    She joined the one on 92 I think its right before the intersection of 92 & macland???

  2. Hiram animal hospital has saved me a ton of money on my pets, by just being able to diagnose my pets without

    a million test. When I use to go to the Ark they couldnt tell me anything unless they ran an expensive test first.

    Example my boy cat was just laying around not acting right so we took him to the Ark they wanted to run a

    bunch of test, we went to Hiram instead and Dr. Carpenter knew what was wrong with him right away with no

    test. Gave us meds and he was well in a few days. Then just about 2 weeks ago my girl cat had a rash took

    her to him and he required no test said he thought it was an allergic reaction gave her a shot cost 21.00 and

    shes all better. Now thats my kind of vet!!!

  3. 1st make sure it was true & Quit my job.

    2end give back to God who gave it to me, through missions & building the church.

    3rd Donate to Familys with sick children and have no funds to pay

    for surgerys they need!!

    4th buy what I want, travel, and maybe open a candy store.

    5th Give my parents, and all my family a % of winnings to do with as

    they please. But to also know once their % is gone there is no more.

    6th Take care of a few close friends that have done without buy them a home and pay

    off their debts.

    7th Live comfortably ever after with my hubby. AMEN



  4. Pasta Bella on Austell Rd in Marietta, I met a School Mate there and it was a wonderful place to meet with her.

    She said it was the best coffee she had since she got to Georgia and when you walk in this place

    they have a huge display of all kinds of desserts, cake,pies, cookies etc. Did I mention the food is

    great also. It is a great place to meet a friend at. I think it would impress them.


  5. You went to the wrong location for last week.


    If you'll read the notice posted above, last week was early voting, only at the election office.


    ADVANCED voting started today, October 27.


    Check the locations listed:




    Hello, I see it underlined now. Thank you I will try again this week

  6. I went to the Hiram Community Center last Wednesday the 22end and they had it locked up and working

    construction behind the building. Is there a place in Hiram to vote on these days??

    Unless I went to the wrong place I went to the Community Center in downtown Hiram next to the Hiram

    Post Office. Thanks

  7. Call your mom and tell her you love her. She is helping to make you some wonderful memories!!

    She is not the devil she Im sure reflects back on how much she loved seeing you play with your

    playdough and doesnt want you to miss out.

    Enjoy being a Mommy and the messes, there will be a day you will miss the mess and yes you

    too will take your grandchildren Playdough. :p :

  8. Great tips!


    So far we are learning that prospective employees need to be prepared to answer these tough questions...not with some pat answer....but with examples as well. Do the homework ahead of the interview. Make sure you know what you are talking about...

    We are learning they should not tell lies that they have done work they have not done before. especially to someone that has done it for years

    and when you ask them a key question they cannot answer they are telling on themselfs, so for goodness sake be honest some companys

    would rather train you than have you make out like you know how to handle the job and then make a mess out of it.

    If you are a good worker there is no need to make up stuff and pretend your something you are not. Your past work history should speak for

    its self. Example I have been at my employer for 16 years. Job hoping is a huge no!! your first question is why cant they keep a job, there must

    be a problem.

  9. omg..ewww

    On the church in albany subject where the Pastor sleeps with the Bride, Hes not led by God!!

    Thats why its important to have a close relationship with God so those that are false profits do not lead

    you astray. God gives us wisdom and protects us from stupid stuff like this if we are in his will and follwing

    him. So many people are looking in the wrong place for God, and for those of you who dont know where to

    look. The BIBLE read it, hes the best counseler there is if you pray for God to send you a partner of equal

    yoke I assure you he will. We have to learn to go to him for everything. Im sure I will get some ugly comments

    on this but I just wished I could get everyone to understand how he has blessed me through faith in all things.

    So please understand when you debate or make fun of me it only makes me want peace through him more

    for you, so there will be no response to ugly comments etc.


  10. We were told that the case is being bumped and they are trying to get it completed before the end of the year and before the new court house move. Crap! I think murder is murder. Rape and Murder are both bad. I know of a case for an 18 year old who raped someone and got 25 years no parole. I have heard of cases for murder getting life and could be paroled in just a few years. BS! This bastard who murdered my uncle left behind 4 kids. I want the judge to look them in the eye and tell them that he is going to be set free in 25-30 years.



    Thats why these criminal's dont worry about getting caught, Our system is a joke. He should be punished in the same manner

    of his victum! I think if we did that we would not have near the crime rate. If they Kill someone, kill them, if they rape, do away

    with their parts. Instead we pay to house and feed them!! My heart really aches for you I cant even imagine!! First dealing

    with the loss and then dealing with the fact that he will get a slap on the hand and may one day have the chance to do the

    same thing to someone else.

  11. If you signed any kind of agreement contract with them it useally requires you to give them a 2 week written notice

    that you are leaving, if you dont you will end up in collections for two weeks of daycare and late fees. I get these every

    day. So before you just quit look to see what your contract says. Give the 2 week written notice then leave otherwise

    you will have to pay for 2 more weeks of daycare there and at the new place you take them to. Just didnt want you to

    end up with a bill you were not expecting.

  12. is your family really gonna be out on the streets at 2am?


    how does this law impact you and your safety?


    did I miss the part where the LEO's were all the sudden gonna start letting folks get away with DUI?



    you do know that anger is a secondary emotion, right? what's your primary right now? what's your real issue with this law. (logically speaking)



    My real issue is that people endanger themselves and others while under the influence. and the fact that we are promoting

    that is insane. Please tell me one person that goes out and has a drink with their dinner that is going to want to stay out

    to 2am to do so. For the most part this is a green light for those who want to stay out partying and drinking all night. And yes

    at some point they will need to get home, This is the part I hope you and others understand since there seems to be some

    confusion as to why Im not Happy about it. And yes we are out driving early mornings, and we do not want to be another

    innocent victim of a alcohol related accident. There are many people that have jobs that cause them to be out on the road

    during this time. Now with all that said there is no argument here simply my opinion on this, which we all are entitled to. So

    Im sure after about 4 post on this subject you understand why im AGINST it.

  13. I agree.




    If you don't like it their are some house available for sale outside the county.




    Did see a couple of those.



    Oh i get it you must be one of the bussiness that will profit from this. Thats why you think its so great. As Far

    as the meeting some people have to work and they dont plan the meetings around my work schedule.

    So dont use that as well you had a chance to do something thats a joke anyway as long as people are making

    a profit to put in their pockets it will be approved. So wheather you like what I have to say or not about the issue

    doesnt matter, it is more important to live in a SAFE community to some than to make money off those who dont

    have better things to do than waste their money on alchol.

  14. That is a broad sterotype comment.


    First the county had nothing to do with it.


    Second this will increase tax dollars off of revenue and have nothing to do with costing more.


    Always feel everyone is entitled to their opinion but it should at least be one based on facts and common sense.


    Common sense tells me I dont want Drunks out at all, little lone with extended hours. But I guess making more

    revenue is more important than the safty of non-drinkers and family's that will be effected by this.


  15. What are the hours and days open for West Metro meat? I thought they were going to start opening on Monday, but I went by and they were closed. I wanted a steak for supper! We got some a few weeks ago, and they were sooo good!


    They opened a couple of weeks ago on Monday because they had alot of meat left to sale.

    But I think their hours are Wednesday-Sunday 10am-6 or 7pm.

    Steaks are great!

  16. What would you do if someone did something really nice for you, something that would save you thousands of dollars a year for the rest of your life, but they were doing something on their job that could put others lives in danger on a daily basics? Would you turn them in or would you not because of the "Good Thing" they are doing for you?



    Well it must be bothering you that others may be caused harm by this, or you would not be asking us!! So I think you know what to do.

    The bottom line is that everyone always gets caught and when that happens if you are involved in some

    way, you may lose everything. Then how will you feel that your in trouble and cant take care of your family

    at all. If you do the right thing you will be blessed and so will your family!!! SO DO THE RIGHT THING.

    This is not something minor if it is as you say it is. Money is not worth another person's Life. I assure you

    you will get into BIG trouble and realize you should have got out, so do it before its too late!!

    Hes not doing you a favor hes causing you to be a part of the crime he is comiting and the funds will not be

    there for the rest of your life cause hes gonna get caught and your gonna go down with him unless you do something.

    Good Luck Hope you Do the right thing

  17. Call & write her everyday to let her know you are very unhappy about the way the case was handled.

    Make a nuisance out of yourself!! The reason this happens everyday is because we allow it to happen.

    However if we start to make a stand and show them we are not going to allow them to not do their job

    properly. Then and only then will the nonsense stop. Be just what your nickname is a Georgia Tornado

    that wont go away. It may not effect your case but it may effect some in the future. I personally would

    have been livid also, no matter what the race that I went through H--- and all they got was a slap on the


  18. Do you have a night vision camera like the ones they take hunting. If so you could set that up and

    you would not have to tell the Parents just show it to them. This way you dont look bad and the parents

    see they have a problem. Yes I would want to know!!!!!!

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